Homemade pressure washer

High-pressure car washes have become quite popular in our time, because modern society lives in constant motion, in an already familiar rhythm. Such sinks allow you to clean the machine not only from the side of the body, but also the bottom, and even parts hidden under the hood. It works quite simply and clearly. A homemade high pressure washer can be useful to any car owner, and not only for washing this unit, but also for other purposes. Having certain experience and guided by detailed instructions, you can create a high-quality and multifunctional sink yourself.

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What is a high pressure washer?

Nowadays, you don’t have to spend a lot of time and energy fighting the dried up spots of dirt and dust that has filled all the most secluded corners. The market offers a large number of models of sinks operating under high pressure.

With their help, you can wash not only cars, but also windows, doors, walls of houses, barbecues, other devices that are difficult to clean, even with hard brushes and rags.

Important! Due to the strongest pressure of the water, dirt and persistent spots almost instantly disappear from any surface. This consumes a minimum of water and detergent.

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Features of the modern washing

Inside, any model, whether it’s a purchased or a home-made sink, must have an electric motor that is connected to an inclined plunger washer using a shaft. The principle of operation of the plunger is to describe the reciprocating trajectory. And the high-pressure valves and the suction valve open in this case alternately in the lower and upper sections of the curve.

Thanks to these devices, water enters the hose and then into the spray gun. To determine which power unit is right for you, you need to decide how often you will use it.

Important! When working with it, you need to use not too hot water, within a certain range allowed by the pump device. As a rule, this indicator fluctuates within 55 degrees.

Creating such a device will not take you too much time, but it will help to save a lot of financial resources in the future.

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How to choose the right parts for assembling a car wash?

In order to assemble such a wonderful and useful unit on your own, you will need to stock up on the following details and elements:

  1. The pump is the most important component of any sink. Please note that it must have high performance and be made of high quality and resistant to external influences material.

Important! It is better to give preference to the pump model, in which the head is made of brass, but the pistons are made of ceramic or steel. It is these indicators that affect the duration of the unit.

  1. Electric motor The greater the number of revolutions in it, the higher will be the performance of the pump itself. An ideal option is a 3 kW engine with a shaft speed of 2000 rpm.

Important! To make the engine even more reliable, it is better to equip it with starting capacitors.

  1. Coupling.It is desirable that it be soft, since it plays the role of a fuse in the event of a motor or pump jamming.
  2. Capacity for water. It is better to choose tanks from 5 to 22 liters in volume, and also to install a cleaning filter in the form of a fine mesh at the outlet of the vessel, which will trap foreign particles.
  3. The frame on which all the constituent elements of any sink are held. Often they make it from bent pipes and equip them with wheels and an emphasis so that the unit can be freely moved.
  4. Rubber or plastic medium-sized hoses. They are needed to make all connections in the sink completely leakproof.
  5. The gun with the nozzle. Choose a gun in which the trigger will work as smoothly as possible.
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DIY car wash assembly

Now we will consider how a home-made wash can be assembled on our own, and this process is divided into several stages.

Stage One. Grounding

Probably the most important point in creating this kind of design is the grounding device. It is easy to perform it - you need to use a flexible cable with three cores.

Important! The cable must be double earthed.

It should be connected to the plug on which the ground terminal is located. And only after that the device can be connected to the main ground source.3faedbcs-960

Stage Two. Installing a car wash on the frame

First, an electric motor with a starter is mounted by means of bolts that are inserted into certain holes in the frame. Then, the electric cable, pump and coupling are installed alternately.

The third stage. Switchgear Installation

The installation of a gun with a nozzle is carried out by attaching it to a high pressure sleeve, which, in turn, is connected to the pump outlet.

The fourth stage. Water tank mounting

At this stage, the most important thing is to ensure that all connections are strong and as tight as possible.

The fifth stage. Installation of high pressure hoses

At this stage, you select the section and length appropriate for your design for sealing hoses.

The sixth stage. System testing:

  1. Naturally, at the end of the assembly, the unit will need to be checked, namely:
  2. Connect to the city water supply using a hose, open all the taps and draw water into the tank.
  3. Then start the electric motor and allow the pump to pump water well.
  4. Then the operation of the gun is checked - you need to pull the trigger and see how intensely the water will come out of the hole.
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Recommendations for the operation of the minimum wash

If you want your homemade high pressure washer to work as long as possible without any malfunctions or breakdowns, then follow the following recommendations from specialists:

  1. Make it a rule to always check before work that all parts and elements are firmly fixed.
  2. If you have a filter installed on the water tank, then it must be cleaned every time after using the unit.
  3. As rarely as possible, turn on the sink at maximum power, because due to a sharp increase in the load on the pump, it may burn out or fail.
  4. To avoid sudden surges in voltage, install the battery in the sink.
  5. Always hold the gun in your hands while the device is in operation.
  6. It is forbidden to admit small children to the device.
  7. Never direct jets of water at animals or people, as this is very traumatic.
  8. At temperatures below zero, you must not use such units.

Important! If repair is necessary, you can do it yourself, but only if you yourself assembled the sink and are well acquainted with its design. More often, problems arise with a sealant, which wears out very quickly and because of this, the performance of the device itself sharply decreases. Replacing a damaged part is not difficult at all if you know where it is.

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Now you have an idea of ​​what exactly you will need and how a home-made high pressure washer can be arranged. If you have enough time and skills for manufacturing various devices - go for it!

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