SES - the destruction of bugs

The appearance of bugs in the furniture interior of an apartment or a house is always unpleasant enough for residents, because pests cause a lot of trouble. However, people turn to professional services for removing parasites only in extreme cases when it is not possible to destroy uninvited guests on their own. The most rational and effective solution to such problems is the SES destruction of bugs. Due to the fact that it is very difficult to objectively assess the seriousness of this problem on our own and without proper experience, we will talk about all the advantages and disadvantages of seeking help from specialized parasite extermination services.

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What are the bugs dangerous?

Feeding on blood, parasites are not only unpleasant in appearance, but also significantly spoil a person's life. If bugs settled in the house, then every night will become a real horror for households, because these parasites conduct active life at night. When you sleep, insects crawl around the bed and drink your blood. Bedbugs are also able to tolerate serious viral diseases.

Important! Upholstered furniture is the favorite habitat for bed bugs. This is not so much connected with its comfort for pests as with proximity to a sleeping person. Settling in the crevices of a sofa or in bed, bedbugs may not travel long distances, and accordingly - they do not risk being noticed.

O3dqYuZcm-4The most serious problem for a person is not so much the division of living space with insects as their lifestyle. To maintain their own vital functions, bedbugs are constantly forced to bite a person and eat his blood.

Important! The bite process itself is quite painless and often not even noticeable. But after some time, a person feels a severe itch.

Bedbug attacks are quite easy to confuse with mosquitoes, but their distinguishing feature is:

  • a peculiar path from bites;
  • traces of bites of these insects can be recognized by characteristic redness with a clearly visible dot in the center.

Important! People with hypersensitivity may experience symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, fever, and inflammation of the lymph nodes. Given these facts, SES the destruction of bugs is simply necessary.

When should I resort to SES services?

Professional parasite exterminators should be consulted in the following situations:

  • When your room is heavily infected with insects. If the population of bedbugs has grown to such an extent that they have populated all hard-to-reach spots, then it will be extremely problematic to independently remove them.
  • If you are the owner of a large living space, it’s quite difficult to process rooms on your own over 50 square meters.
  • In the case when one of the residents is allergic to pest drugs.
  • If you do not have the opportunity to purchase reliable and effective drugs for removing bugs.
  • If you have the financial resources to contact specialists.
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Capabilities of special parasite services

Professional destruction of bugs from SES involves a detailed approach to work, including the analysis of furniture. To achieve the proper result, workers of specialized parasite extermination services use appropriate equipment that helps to process even the most inaccessible places for humans.

Important! When ordering the services of professional disinfestation of a room from bugs, you will also receive SES extermination of cockroaches, ants, mosquitoes, fleas and other insects. This is due to the fact that this process is very thorough and eliminates absolutely all arthropods.

Pros SES destruction of bugs

The work of specialists in SES destruction of bugs has the following advantages:

  1. The specialists of professional parasite exterminators during pest control use proven and highly effective insecticides that will save you from annoying neighborhood after the first treatment.
  2. During the treatment, residents do not have to be indoors, and accordingly, the risk of poisoning and the occurrence of allergic reactions to the substances used is excluded.
  3. As a result of pest control, not only adult parasites, but also their larvae are destroyed, which eliminates the risk of a recurrence of the problem.
  4. Special equipment allows employees to create unfavorable conditions for parasites, as a result of which they die 100%. So, with the help of steam generators, the air temperature in the house rises to +50 degrees and is maintained at that level for an hour, which is unacceptable for bedbugs.
  5. Thanks to the SES services, the destruction of bugs does not require time and money from you and household members, and also significantly saves nerves and helps to maintain good health.

Important! As with any service, there is a drawback in contacting the specialists of the pest control service - the cost. Often, the price of SES services for the destruction of bugs slightly exceeds the cost of self-processing. However, you can be sure that for your money you will get a quality result and a guarantee.


Most of the victims of the parasite invasion are interested in the question of how SES poison bugs and are these substances safe for humans? Each insect killing company uses specialized insecticides for pest control, which have a paralyzing and poisoning effect.

The most popular, and at the same time safe for the human body, are the following:

  • “Fufanon” - differs from analogues of the “Karbofos” type by its high efficiency against eggs and larvae.
  • “Sinuzan” - destroys bugs in just 1 treatment.
  • “Tetrix” is a Dutch drug of high efficiency, but it has a very unpleasant odor. Requires use with special protective equipment.
  • “Klopoveron” is one of the most powerful insecticidal drugs. Protein toxins that make up its composition provide almost instant death of insects.

Important! The employees of the parasite extermination companies take several drugs with them at once, due to which they manage to achieve the best effect. Such substances generally have a powder or liquid form. Often, the use of such tools requires special equipment, so only the specialized service can provide the most thorough treatment from parasites.

SES operation principle

The popular method of destruction of bedbugs today is the heat treatment of the premises, which is carried out in the following ways:

  • heating air to high temperatures.
  • hot steam treatment.

Important! The method of heat treatment is the safest for humans, and at the same time - quite effective. However, this method requires quite expensive equipment, the purchase of which can only afford large firms.

bedbugsThe specialists of good companies have not only all the required types of equipment, but also are equipped with personal protective equipment in the form of specialized suits, gloves, glasses and respirators. Therefore, even in appearance, you can certainly distinguish professionals from amateurs.

Important! At the end of the treatment, the pest control service employees are obliged to give you recommendations regarding the further use of the room and the prevention of the re-emergence of bugs.

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What needs to be done after a professional pest control service is in operation?

Specialists of the SES for the destruction of bugs, as a rule, pay special attention to processing not only the room itself, but also furniture and clothes in the closet. But some companies only spray the site of infection with the active substance, so before the arrival of a professional team of pest control, you should do the following:

  1. Move all furniture away from the walls.
  2. Send bedding to the washing machine.
  3. Cabinets free of things.
  4. Vacuum the carpets from the outside and inside and roll up.
  5. Pack personal care products and children's toys in protective plastic bags.
  6. Place food in a sealed container.
  7. Cover household appliances with a cloth.
  8. Take all your pets out of the room.
  9. Remove curtains, curtains and other interior items from the windows.

Upon completion of processing, you must:

  • vacuum and mop the floors;
  • carry out wet cleaning of all surfaces in the room;
  • wash all clothes and linen;
  • arrange thorough ventilation.

Important! During the operation of the pest, no one should be in the apartment, and after leaving, allow the room to be thoroughly treated for an hour in closed windows and doors.

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We sincerely hope that this information will help you quickly and efficiently get rid of the bug infestation. And your chosen organization for the destruction of parasites will do all the work efficiently and the bloodsuckers will no longer return to you.

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