Do-it-yourself napkin balls

A man from birth has great imagination. Thanks to her, he came up with a lot of interesting crafts and decor elements with which we still decorate our house. Crafts that are made with their own hands, as a rule, require almost no financial investments, and are also very simple in their execution. From this article you will learn how to make balls from napkins with your own hands, in order to decorate your room with them later.

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"Chinese rose"

In order to make such an original craft, you need to stock up on the following materials and tools:

  • A set of napkins or corrugated paper of the desired color.
  • Office glue.
  • Threads in a suitable color.
  • Scissors.
  • Cardboard tube.

We proceed directly to the manufacturing process:

  • Take a napkin, align its edges manually.
  • Fold the square accordion.

Important! For the width of each hem, it is better to take about 1 cm. First you need to bend one edge down, then the other up.

  • On the folded strip find the visual middle, bandage it with a thread.
  • When folded, round off all edges using scissors.

Important! In this case, it is better to use manicure scissors.

  • Next, the product must be fluffed manually.
  • Place the ball from the napkin on a cardboard tube, and then stick to it.
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Ball of dandelions

This flower ball made of napkins with your own hands will surprise you not only with its splendor, but also with the simplicity of design. In order to make it, you need:

  1. Two packs of yellow napkins.
  2. Corrugated paper is bright green.
  3. Decorative beads.
  4. Stapler.
  5. Toilet paper for making the base of the ball.
  6. A small flower pot made of plastic.
  7. Glue moment.
  8. A small balloon.
  9. Saucer with water.


In order to make such a craft yourself or even with a child, you must follow this algorithm:

  • Take the stapler and the first napkin. Start folding the paper square until you get a square 4 times smaller than the first. Grip in the middle.
  • At the resulting square, trim the edges with nail scissors. You need to get a circle. Cut off all the leaves bent inside so that the dandelion petals are folded on top of each other.
  • Further, to make the ball of napkins with your own hands magnificent, it is necessary to lift each “petal” from above in turn, slightly stretching it and pressing it back. Next, the petals need to be folded into the assembly.
  • Make new flowers from the rest of the napkins.
  • The resulting buds need to be glued with super-glue to a paper ball. We will do it using toilet paper and water. To make the basis of the craft, you need to take an inflated balloon, put small pieces of toilet paper dipped in water on it. It is recommended to make several paper layers.

Important! Remember to leave a hole in order to deflate and remove the rubber ball after drying.

  • Glue prepared dandelion buds to the fabricated base. Work must begin with the crown of the head.
  • Decorate the gaps between the flowers with round bundles of green corrugated paper. To do this, take the center of the paper circle, wrap a little, and then stick to the ball-base.
  • Do-it-yourself ball of napkins can be decorated with decorative beads. They must be glued to the center of each yellow bud.
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Ball of roses

Materials for work:

  1. Two packs of napkins of any color.
  2. PVA glue.
  3. Newspaper or magazine.
  4. Balloon.
  5. Scissors.

In order to make a ball of small paper roses, you must follow the algorithm below:

  • Inflate the balloon slightly so that it takes a round shape.
  • Tear a cooked newspaper or magazine into medium pieces.
  • Stick these pieces on the balloon using PVA glue. There should be at least four layers.
  • While the ball dries, you can start making roses. To do this, take one table napkin, fold it in half, cut in half and smooth these halves. Next, these halves need to be cut in half. Thus, from one napkin you get four roses.
  • To start making a rosette, you need to start twisting a piece of napkin along the length.
  • Next, from this strip, you need to twist the rose, forming folds - so it will look more magnificent. When the strip ends, the end of the rosette must be tied with a thread or fastened with a stapler.

Important! The more roses will be made, the more beautiful your ball will be made of do-it-yourself napkins.

  • When the ball dries, you can begin to glue the buds. The fastened end of the flower needs to be cut off at the root, and only then glued - so it will hold on tightly.

Important! To make the craft original and unusual, you should paint it in gold color. For this, a spray can of gold paint will be needed.

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Hand-made decorative items will always look more original than those purchased at the store. In this article, you were given several workshops on how to make a ball of napkins with your own hands., which means that now you can make and revitalize your home with such interior decorations.

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