Peeling of the skin on the arms and legs

Basically, the problem of peeling the skin on the arms and legs is faced by people aged 13 to 45 years. This factor should not be ignored, since it indicates that the sebaceous glands are not working effectively enough. This can be a sign of skin diseases and cause a lot of trouble. Let's look at the reasons why peeling of the skin on the arms and legs occurs, and how to eliminate them.
to contents ↑Causes of Peeling
If you have flaky skin on your arms and legs, then the reasons can be very different.
Reason 1
The impact on the skin of natural and climatic phenomena - wind, frost, sun rays. Most often, the skin peels in the winter. The skin is poorly tolerated by excessive cold, dry air and direct sunlight.
To eliminate such problems, you need to lubricate the skin with a cream suitable for a given season before leaving the house.
Important! To eliminate dry air in the room, you can install a special device that moisturizes the air.
Reason 2
Problems with peeling the skin on the hands and feet may be due to the use of inappropriate care products. When purchasing skin care products, you need to choose according to the type of your skin.
An improperly selected product can also cause allergic reactions.
Important! Women with dry skin are not recommended to use various scrubs and peels.
Reason 3
The cause of this problem may be excessive moisture loss. In this case, this problem can be solved with the help of moisturizing creams, as well as increasing the daily volume of water consumed.
Reason 4
Do you have flaky skin on your legs and arms? You may be allergic to any product or drug component of a cosmetic product. If you are prone to allergies, you should buy hypoallergenic skin care products.
Important! If there is a predisposition to such reactions, it is better to use hypoallergenic cosmetics and more closely monitor your diet.
Reason 5
A common cause of such troubles may be a lack of vitamin B in the body. Eat plenty of dairy products, nuts, fresh herbs. Drink a complex of vitamins with a high content of B vitamins.
Reason 6
The hereditary factor also plays a role. Skin type is inherited. Adolescents 13-15 years old face dryness, or, conversely, with excessive oily face.
Reason 7
Peeling in girls aged 12-16 years and in women during menopause can be caused by hormonal changes.
to contents ↑Diseases in which the skin is peeling
In some cases, the reasons that the skin on the arms and legs is peeling can be various diseases:
- Scabies - with this disease, the skin peels and itches between the fingers and toes.
- Fungal pathology leads to the appearance of a specific rash, spots on the skin that itch and itch. If untreated, the rash spreads to healthy areas of the skin.
- Specific bacterial infection - some pathogenic bacteria lead to pronounced peeling of the skin, while the rashes do not itch.
- Dermatosis is a degenerative-dystrophic pathology that has an inborn character. In this case, the skin on the feet is peeling.
- A specific chronic skin pathology is psoriasis, lichen planus.Accompanied by a characteristic rash and peeling on the elbows, feet and the back surface of the feet.
- Acquired zinc deficiency can lead to cracking of the fingertips, as well as hands, feet. This is accompanied by redness and itching, leading to the formation of blisters.
There are many other diseases that require specialist intervention and proper treatment.
to contents ↑Important! In these cases, do not self-medicate in any case - this can aggravate the situation and lead to a deplorable state of health.
What to do if the skin is very flaky?
If you have signs of a skin disease, then you need to see a doctor who will prescribe treatment for you. But whatever the reasons, use the following guidelines:
- Do not wear artificial, non-breathing fabrics.
- Change cosmetics, get hypoallergenic with a neutral level of ph.
- Do not swim in very hot water.
- After bathing, moisturize the skin with a nourishing cream, in which the presence of vegetable oil and natural extracts is desirable.
- For a while, refuse peeling, hair removal and depilation.
- Do not go to the sauna or other place where there are severe temperature changes.
- Use towels made from natural materials. You should always be separate!
- Refuse for a while from body scrubs. Sensitive dry skin can be cleaned by wiping it with brewed tea leaves, watermelon pulp, a small apple slice or a slice of cucumber. After cleansing, a moisturizer should be applied to the face.
- Balance your diet. Do not drink alcohol.
- Dry skin needs to be constantly moisturized. Make masks from natural products. It perfectly moisturizes butter and olive oil, milk, honey, oatmeal. If you mix all these components, you get a great mask.
- If you can’t cope with the problem on your own, visit a beautician who has only been verified. A good specialist will prescribe a drug in the form of a cream or spray based on provitamin B5. This will help restore cells and soften damaged skin.
to contents ↑Important! For prevention in the autumn-winter period, it is recommended to take vitamin and mineral complexes, as well as eat more vegetables and fruits.
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In this article, we examined all the causes of peeling of the skin on the arms and legs. We hope that such a phenomenon was provoked not by complex infectious diseases, but by banal improper body care, which you can handle with the help of our tips yourself.
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