DIY bead curtains

Recently, DIY crafts, the so-called hand made, are gaining more and more popularity. These products include curtains made of beads with their own hands. Such original curtains will transform, refresh and shade any interior. In addition, they can perform different functions. So, for example, they can act as a screen or simply delimit the room into different zones. In any case, they will serve as a spectacular decoration of your home. How to make curtains from beads with your own hands? We will tell you about this in great detail in this article.

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Preliminary Stage:

  • First of all, you need to draw a sketch. Use colored pencils, make a color scheme taking into account the height and width of the opening in which you want to place your bead curtain. You can use ready-made patterns for cross-stitch embroidery, if each cross in the pattern is equated to a bead. But such a job will require a lot of patience from you. If you assemble the drawing according to the scheme, it is better to start from the bottom edge.

Important! You can always call on the Internet to help you find the right design, pattern.

  • Now you need to choose the material, that is, beads, beads and other elements that you will use to create your curtains. You can also use buttons, wine corks, shells, in general, any improvised material for decoration.

Important! Take beads, beads and other items with a margin - in case the part is found to be defective or lost. Larger beads are placed below to weight the thread. Once all the threads are assembled, they are mounted on a cornice or wooden plank.

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What are the beads attached to?

  • Usually a strong fishing line is used for such a thing - its thickness depends on the weight and number of beads: the heavier the material, the thicker you need to take the fishing line.
  • Other common material is nylon or silk thread or braided cord.
  • In some cases, a thin metal wire is used.

Important! Very interesting look products based on satin ribbons. In this case, it is better to string large elements on them and place them at a considerable distance from each other.

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How are the beads attached to the fishing line?

There are three ways in which you can fix the beads on a fishing line or other basis:

  • There are special clamps for sale - crimps. They are installed near the element and pressed with pliers.
  • You can simply tie knots on both sides of each bead.
  • Or, thread the fishing line twice into the hole on the decor element. In this case, a loop is obtained, which, if necessary, can be moved.
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How to fix the curtain?

It is not enough to make curtains of beads with your own hands, they need to be somehow fixed in the opening. This can be done in several simple ways:

  • Hanging on the ledge with the help of curtain rings.
  • Drive in small carnations and fix the fishing line on them.
  • Make holes in the rail and let the line through them. In this case, your product can be moved to any convenient place.
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String the beads

So, how to make curtains from beads with your own hands? We bring to your attention a master class:

  1. Take a piece of fishing line of the desired length. At the same time, note that the length of the fishing line must be at least 5 cm longer than the length of your opening.
  2. Insert one end of the fishing line through a small ring.
  3. Now you need to string the beads on the fishing line in accordance with your sketch. At the end of the row, hang a small decorative bell, a small weight or a large bead.
  4. If you need to leave a large gap between the elements, then it is better to use crimps.
  5. Similarly, collect the number of pendants you need.

Important! So that the threads do not flutter from the draft, you can pass the line through the lower beads and connect them into a single structure. But if you hung weights on the ends of the threads, this will be enough.

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What to choose beads for the interior style?

It doesn't matter what style your home is decorated in. Do it yourself curtains made of beads for any style:

  • For ethnic direction, you can make curtains of wooden beads.
  • Curtains with metal beads fit perfectly into the Hi-tech style interior.
  • Any modern design will be decorated with plastic elements.
  • For Classics, curtains made of crystal beads of different sizes will look perfect.
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Care for bead curtains

Such products do not require any special care. But dust and dirt accumulate on them over time, especially if they are hanging in the kitchen. Therefore:

  • Sweep dust off periodically. This can be done using a special brush.
  • If spots appear, then such curtains can be washed in a warm soapy solution. This does not apply to products consisting of wooden or paper elements.

Important! Do not use aggressive chemicals when wet cleaning such products.

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Now you can easily add originality to the interior of your home, decorate it and interestingly delimit it into zones. And as an additional bonus - it is a pleasure from the creative process during the creation of curtains from beads with your own hands, which you are guaranteed to get!

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