Siphon for washing

A kitchen sink is one of the most important attributes in the kitchen, and a sink siphon is an integral part of it. There are several varieties of these products. All of them together are designed to prevent the penetration of extraneous "sewer" odors into the kitchen. By the principle of its action, this is a water trap, the curved part of which is filled with water. In addition, the device prevents sewage from clogging with solid particles (they are deposited in the lower part of the device). You will learn more about the design of the sink sink in the kitchen and its possible options from this article.

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Features of kitchen siphons

A modern design is made of polymeric materials - polypropylene and polyethylene. Polymer devices have several advantages over bronze or brass products:

  • Relatively small mass (a sink made of thin-walled metal is not heavily loaded).
  • Smooth plastic walls prevent the accumulation of fatty deposits.
  • Materials are not subject to decay and corrosion.
  • Long working resource.
  • Low cost.

Useful tips for choosing a device:

  • The kitchen sink siphon is equipped with a nozzle to which the drain is attached - hard or corrugated. It is advisable to choose a drain with a large diameter (40 mm is enough). A standard of 32 mm clogs more often.

Important! So that you can connect a dishwasher or washing machine to the drain, it is recommended to choose a device with additional taps.

  • For the kitchen, drain with overflow is preferable, which will not allow overflow of the sink and flooding of the kitchen. If the main hole is clogged, the water will first go to the overflow hole, and from there to the sewer.
  • If a sink with two drain holes is used in the kitchen, a double water seal is installed. Its feature is another adapter with a grill and an additional pipe, which serves to combine both holes.
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Depending on the design, sink siphons are divided into several types.


Represents a rigid, twisting from below, design. Due to this feature, cleaning the device is not particularly difficult. At the bottom of the siphon, not only debris is delayed, but also objects that accidentally fall into the sink. The drain pipe may be rigid or corrugated. The water lock is provided by the water inside the housing.


This is a flexible pipe, bent and fixed with a clamp. Bending is needed in order to create a water seal. The rest can bend in the right direction.

Important! A significant design flaw is the internal corrugated surface. Therefore, the siphon often has to be cleaned.


This is a rigid S-shaped pipe that takes up little space.


All structural elements are located in a horizontal plane. Such a sink siphon is compact in size and is used if there is a shortage of free space.


It can be arranged as you like, but at the same time it is installed in a special box or wall niche.

Overflow sink siphon

In addition to the main drain, the design is equipped with a rigid overflow pipe that connects the sink in the upper part with the drain.

With a jet break

There is a small gap of 2-3 cm between the outlet and inlet water holes. This prevents bacteria from entering the sink.

Important! Such designs are used mainly in catering.

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How does a bottle siphon work?

All of these types of siphon designs have their own characteristics. Consider how the most common and most practical siphon for washing is arranged - bottle.

It consists of the following components:

  • Collapsible housing.
  • A branch pipe for connection to the bottom of the sink.
  • Protective mesh (mesh diameter not more than 1 cm).
  • A connecting screw that connects the pipe to the net.
  • A pipe (rigid or corrugated) designed to drain water into a sewer.
  • Tapered gaskets for strong contact between the siphon body and nozzles.
  • Wide rubber gasket for connecting the outlet to the sink.
  • Rubber gasket designed to seal the protective grille.
  • Flare plastic nuts for attaching nozzles to the housing.
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How to assemble a siphon for washing?

Consider the siphon assembly algorithm using the example of a bottle device. Siphon assembly for washing is carried out in the following order:

  1. Screw the bottom of the case. Since water will accumulate in this part, the connection should be especially high quality.
  2. Place the gasket in the groove, coat the joint with sealant and tighten. Screw the stopper all the way, but, as they say, without fanaticism, since it can burst.
  3. Combine the exhaust pipe and the sink drain in the kitchen. When performing this operation, use two gaskets - on the outside and inside of the drain hole.
  4. To connect the siphon to the sewer pipe, use a smooth, rigid pipe. However, a corrugated pipe connected to rigid pipes can also be used.

iNow about how to mount the siphon on the sink:

  1. Install a decorative mesh in the drain hole and fasten with a screw.
  2. Connect the assembled sink siphon to the outlet pipe, which comes from the sink, using a nut. If a siphon for double washing is installed, 2 nozzles are connected to it.
  3. Connect the drain pipe to the sewer. Slide the seal onto the outlet pipe.

Important! If the diameters of the sewer and the drain pipe do not match, use an adapter. For plastic sewers, plastic adapters are suitable, for cast iron - cast iron.

Leak test

The installation of the sink siphon is perhaps complete. It remains to make sure that the work is done exactly as it should. Close the hole with a stopper, pour water into the sink and open the drain. If drops of water did not protrude at the junction, then the work was done efficiently.

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During the operation of the sink, food residues, grease, etc. fall into the drain hole. Most of the debris settles in the siphon. As garbage accumulates, water leaves worse and worse, it starts to smell unpleasantly from the drain, because kitchen waste is a fertile medium for the propagation of microbes.

In order for the water seal to perform its functions normally, it must be periodically cleaned. You can do this in the following ways:

  • Rinse the siphon with hot water under pressure. Heated water rinses grease and trash well.
  • If there is a lot of debris accumulated and it forms a cork, you can push it through using a plunger. Put some water in the sink. Place this tool over the drain hole and make a few strokes up and down.
  • Use chemicals that dissolve both fat and cork jams well.
  • With a strong blockage, you have to disassemble the siphon for the kitchen sink, unscrewing its lower part. Use a brush or a hard cable to remove dirt. After cleaning, re-assemble the siphon. Pay attention to the tightness of the connections.
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How to extend the life of the drainage system?

Housewives try to ensure that all kitchen accessories work continuously. The drain system is no exception to the general rule. If it is faulty, this is not only unnecessary discomfort, but also the threat of flooding the kitchen, and not only ours, but also its neighbors.

Typically, the siphon begins to leak due to wear on the seals. To make them last longer, treat them with special grease. Sometimes the cause of leaks is cracks in the nozzles or bottle of the device - due to the tightening of nuts during installation or factory defects. Therefore, when buying, you must carefully inspect the product for chips and cracks.

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Using the information in this article, you probably were able to figure out a sink drain in the kitchen. The only thing left is to make it high-quality in your home, so that a cozy atmosphere always reigns in the kitchen.

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