DIY folding chair - drawings

Furniture these days can not be called cheap, so many owners are trying to make it on their own. You can always bring folding furniture with you for fishing or a picnic. A great solution is a do-it-yourself folding chair, the drawings of which can be easily found on the Internet. This option will be both economical and convenient. In addition, such interior details will look great in the country. Such chairs are made very simply, so any home craftsman who knows how to work with a tool can boast of them.

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Folding chair with backrest

In terms of financial costs, materials will not hit the family budget. For the manufacture of various boards, bolts and screws are required. You can get such a simple set in almost any garage or barn.

If you are going to make a folding chair with your own hands, the drawings may seem very complicated, but in fact, you just need to understand them.

Materials for work

For manufacturing, first of all, we will prepare the details:

  • Bar 470 * 40 * 20 mm (for stool legs) - 4 pcs.;
  • Crossbar 320 * 40 * 20 mm (under seats) - 4 pcs.;
  • Cutlets 320 * 40 * 20 mm - 2 pcs.;
  • Whetstone 350 * 20 * 900 mm (for sitting) - 2 pcs.;
  • Whetstone 350 * 20 * 600 mm (for sitting) - 2 pcs.;
  • Bolts with a diameter of 6 mm up to 40 mm long - 6 pcs.;
  • Self-tapping screws with a length of 45-50 mm.


Manufacturing process

To succeed, you must follow the instructions:

  • First of all, collecting the folding stool with your own hands, we place the axial bolts on the legs. Their hats need to be drowned flush.

Important! The axis should not be located in the middle of the leg, but in its upper part. Otherwise, the stool will turn out to be high and unstable.

  • Using bolts, we connect the upper ends of the legs and the corresponding crossbars under the seat: we attach the two crossbars to the inner legs, the other two to the external.
  • Using the outer wide bars for the seat, we connect two hinged prefabricated parts that we got earlier.

Important! Do not forget to leave overhangs with a length of 15-20 mm.

  • We attach a wide bar to the ends of both external crossbars.
  • Similarly, we fasten the bar to the ends of the internal crossbars.
  • With the help of self-tapping screws we fix overhead cutters 10 cm from the bottom of the legs.
  • We fix one middle block to the internal crossbars, the second - to the external. The distance between them and the wide bars of the seat should be 15-20 mm.
  • To make it easier to carry the chair, handles can be installed between its inner legs. In this case, you need to use longer bolts, about 60-70 mm, and make holes in the handle in advance for them.

To make a folding chair with your own hands, drawings can be found and others.

Important! You can use any species of wood:

  • Thanks to the birch, the product will become more durable.
  • Pine stool is much lighter, but at the same time it differs by short-lived joints, which quickly become loose.
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Folding chair with fabric seat

If you want to make a folding chair with a backrest yourself, but the drawings seem very complicated, start with a simpler model, which has fabric instead of a seat.

The preparation of such materials will be required:

  • Three wooden pins 60 cm long;
  • Drills or screwdrivers;
  • Brass washers;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Bolts
  • Shurupov;
  • Nuts;
  • Dense fabric.


Next, follow the instructions:

  1. We process wooden parts with sandpaper.
  2. 300 mm from the edge we make marks, and then we drill through holes.
  3. A small hole in which the fabric will subsequently be fixed is drilled in the center of the end face of each leg.
  4. We apply varnish on the wooden parts.
  5. We insert a bolt or a wooden part specially prepared for fastening into the pin.
  6. Using the loop bolt, we attach everything to the second leg.
  7. We twist the whole structure with a nut.
  8. We attach the third leg to the loop so that a tripod is obtained.
  9. The leg, standing on the loop, is fixed with a blind nut.
  10. We beat the fabric to the ends with the help of small nails (20-30 pieces on each side).

A new piece of furniture is ready to use!

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Stock footage

As you can see, there is nothing supernatural in the manufacture of such a compact and mobile product that can be easily hidden in the pantry or transported in a car. In addition, it is easy and convenient to carry it in your hands, and you will be provided with comfort!

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