How long can fish be stored in the refrigerator?

Fish has a prominent place in our diet. It is such a product that is a storehouse of valuable for the proper development and maintenance of a healthy lifestyle. Someone prefers cooked smoked carcasses, someone - and canned food at all, in order to spend less time on cleaning and cooking. And only true connoisseurs of a wholesome product or avid fishermen like to enjoy fresh carp, bream or pike cooked according to their own unique recipe. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how much fish can be stored in the refrigerator without prejudice to the product and the consequences for their own health. And this is a priority, if it is necessary to maintain the freshness of more than one carcass. This article is devoted to all questions regarding the proper storage of fish in the refrigerator.
to contents ↑Useful properties of fish dishes
Most of us prefer to eat meat rather than fish. But no one will argue that this product is necessary for our body. And you need it, at least once a week, because proper and balanced nutrition is the key to health for many years.
Many nutritionists propose not to go on diets that bring only a one-time short-lived result, but to make a competent menu and come to normal weight in this way. And without fish dishes, the right diet is impossible. The so-called “fish day” should be once a week for everyone who cares about their health.
Why is the fish so useful?
- Fish - sea or freshwater, is a source of easily digestible protein, vitamins and trace elements.
- The most valuable thing in fish is the so-called fish oil, which is known firsthand to the older generation. It consists of polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega 3 - good for the brain, and omega 6 - good for the cardiovascular system), which are completely absorbed by the human body.
- Sea fish is rich in iodine, therefore, it effectively normalizes the endocrine system.
- The phosphorus content in fish meat has a positive effect on the human nervous system.
Most of us do not need to convince the benefits of fish dishes, so it is important to know how much fish can be stored in the refrigerator, and how to do it right.
to contents ↑How long can fish be stored in the refrigerator?
A fish can be in different, let's say, “states”. It can be fresh, recently caught, fresh-frozen, salted, smoked (hot and cold smoked), dried, it can be canned food or preserves. In addition, the terms and conditions of storage of whole fish and fillets are also different. So let's take a closer look at what and how to save and for how long.
to contents ↑How to keep fish fresh and frozen?
It is fresh fish that is most valuable for eating, as the dishes come out of it the most delicious and healthy, compared to smoked and canned, for example.
Important! The faster you launch fresh fish brought from the store or brought from fishing, the better.
But if you could not immediately cook this product, then you can save it in the refrigerator or freezer.
How to store fish in the refrigerator?
- You can store fresh fish in the refrigerator for about two days, but this is provided that it is cleaned and gutted.
Important! In addition to the viscera, also remove the gills - bacteria multiply quickly in them.
- Store fresh fish preferably in:
- Bio-fresh sections (available in Liebherr refrigerators), where optimal conditions are created for storing such products;
- in special drawers;
- just on the middle shelf, where the optimal temperature regime.
Important! Remember that it is better to put dairy products away from fish, otherwise they will quickly absorb an unnecessary smell.
Method number 1:
- After cleaning, wash and blot the carcass with a paper towel inside and out.
- Better the product will be stored in a bowl, covered with a lid or cling film.
Important! Just do not store fish in a plastic bag. In such a container, it will deteriorate faster.
- If you want to enhance the safety of fresh fish, then salt it or sprinkle with lemon juice. These substances act as natural preservatives. Before cooking, salt can simply be washed off with water, and lemon juice, like marinade, will only add tenderness to the fillet.
Important! Do not store processed and uncleaned fish nearby; otherwise, harmful microorganisms will move from dirty fish to clean ones.
Method number 2
Another way to prolong the safety of the fish is by immersing it in a tray with ice. For this:
- Take a deep container and pour ice crumb on the bottom.
- Then lay the fish and pour ice on top.
- At the bottom of the vessel, it is advisable to put drainage so that when the ice melts, the fish does not swim in the water.
- Drain the liquid periodically and add ice.
Important! It should be noted that this method is more suitable for cooling the whole carcass. Fillet may lose its juiciness.
- It is better to store the fillet in a glass bowl. Lubricate it with a layer of sunflower oil or cover with wet paper towels.
Important! All of the above works, provided that your refrigerator has a temperature of 0 to +2 degrees (this is the standard for most refrigerators). If in your refrigerator the temperature is from +3 and above, then you can store fresh fish for no longer than a day, otherwise it will begin to deteriorate.
How to store fish in the freezer?
If you are not sure that in a couple of days start cooking fresh fish, then put it immediately in the freezer. Here it can be stored for months, up to a year.
Important! Keep in mind that over time, the fat in the fish deteriorates and gives bitterness. The fatter the variety of fish, the less it can be stored in the freezer.
In order not to encounter an unpleasant situation of a product spoiled or forgotten in the freezer, take note of the following recommendations:
- In order not to lose sight of the shelf life, stick the sticker with the product bookmark date.
- It is advisable to freeze uncleaned fish. So she will better maintain her taste.
- If there are several fish, and then you will get one at a time, then freeze them in separate packages.
- If you do not want the carcass to lose its shape and curl up between other products, then freeze it first on a tray, and then transfer it to a bag.
- When it's time to get the fish, do not rush to defrost. If you rush this process with hot water, a battery, a microwave, and other tricks, you will get an unappetizing, shapeless and tasteless dish. It is better to pull the fish out of the freezer in advance and put it in the refrigerator. It melts in a day, and you can cook something from it.
to contents ↑Important! To cook fish soup, it is not necessary to completely defrost the fish. You can throw the fish in the soup if it has thawed at least half. For other dishes, full defrost is required. An exception is some types that, according to the recipe, should be fried only frozen.
How to store ready-made fish dishes?
Heat-treated fish dishes can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 days:
- If you have fried, stewed, baked fish and put it on a table for consumption, then try to hide the rest of the dish in the refrigerator as soon as possible. When warm, the fish will deteriorate in just a few hours.
- Sushi lovers should be especially careful.Raw fish of unknown origin is generally undesirable to eat, as it can be infected with parasites. It is advisable to store freshly prepared sushi in the refrigerator in special sushi cases for no longer than a day. And after the dish has stood warm on the table “in the process of absorption”, discard the leftovers without regret.
to contents ↑Important! Poisoning with spoiled fish can even be fatal.
Storing minced fish
You can store minced fish bought in the store or cooked in the refrigerator for about 6-8 hours.
Important! The higher the temperature in the refrigerator, the shorter the shelf life.
What rules are acceptable here to prolong the freshness of a product? - They are very simple:
- Chilled minced meat in sealed unopened store packaging can be stored for a day, no longer.
- If you do not plan to cook a fish dish today, put the minced meat, wrapped in a plastic bag, in the freezer. There he can lie for up to three months.
How to store salted and dried fish?
- If you bought salted fish, such as herring, then it is advisable to immediately eat it.
- If bought in advance, then it can only be stored in the refrigerator for a couple of days.
Important! Remember that you cannot leave salted fish for these 2 days in the package in which you brought it from the store. To prevent the fish from deteriorating ahead of time, put it on a plate and cover it with a film or a lid to reduce airflow. So your herring will be saved, and the neighboring products will not be saturated with the aroma of salted fish.
- For storage, you can wrap the carcass in parchment or wrapping paper.
Important! You can not use a newspaper for these purposes, otherwise - the carcass will absorb harmful lead, which is contained in the printing ink.
- If you cooked herring, salmon, salmon, etc., but did not eat the whole fish, put the remaining pieces in a glass jar, fill with vegetable oil and close the lid. So she can lie for several more days without losing freshness and taste.
- In brine (brine), in which salted fish was cooked, it may not deteriorate from 15 to 30 days at a temperature of about 0 degrees. Salt is an excellent natural preservative. Accordingly - the more salt, the better the fish is stored. But without brine, the shelf life is reduced to 2-3 days.
- If you purchased salted fish packed in a vacuum, then the shelf life can be up to 30 days, of course, with undisturbed packaging. It is necessary to store such a product in that section of the refrigerator where the temperature does not exceed +3 degrees. Remember to check the date of manufacture of the product. If the packaging is opened, then such fish can be stored for no more than 2-3 days.
- By the way, herring can also be stored in the freezer. To do this, clean it and cut into portioned pieces, place in a plastic food container. In this form, you can store it in the freezer for up to 6 months.
- Unopened fish preserves can be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of 0 to -8 degrees for 3-6 months (storage periods are usually indicated on the packaging). But if you opened a jar, then try to eat a fish in a couple of days. When you have opened preserves - do not pour out liquid. If you don’t eat everything, then the remaining pieces of fish will be better preserved in this oil (brine, marinade).
- Dried fish can be stored for a long time. Salt prevents decomposition. But the influx of warm air and sunlight can shorten the shelf life, and spoil the taste too.
- Well-salted and well-dried fish can be stored for up to a year. But for this, you need to wrap it in parchment or wrapping paper, and then put it in a cool, dry and dark place.
Important! Some recommend storing dried fish in a linen bag or can under a lid.
- We do the same with dried salted fish.
to contents ↑Important! If storage rules are not followed, then the fish can become saturated with moisture and begin to deteriorate, can dry out and become like a stone.Then you have to, as in old Soviet films, knock it on the table before use. And it may run rancid, the so-called “fish oil”.
How to store smoked fish?
Storage of such a dish largely depends on the method of smoking fish:
- If the carcass was smoked in a cold way (a process in which heat and preserving are processed under the influence of smoke), then the storage periods are as follows:
- in vacuum packaging - about 20 days;
- without vacuum - up to 10 days at a temperature of 0 to -4 degrees.
- If your fish has undergone the process of hot smoking - then it can be stored for only 2-3 days.
- You can extend the safety of smoked fish for a week by wrapping it in a cloth soaked in salt water.
Important! Some believe that this way you can store smoked fish for up to a month, but do not risk it. Better eat her as soon as possible, until she has lost her taste.
- When it is winter outside, you can take smoked fish to the balcony, unless of course there is a temperature from 0 to - 5 degrees. In the open air it will be stored even better.
How to choose the right fish?
When buying a fish, you need to carefully inspect it so as not to purchase a damaged copy.
What points should I look for when choosing fresh fish?
- Smell. Fresh fish should emit a faint smell of the reservoir (in the case of fresh-frozen sea fish, the smell of the sea, iodine). If the fish has an unpleasant aroma - do not buy the product, do not risk your own health.
- Appearance. The fish should have an elastic fillet, shiny elastic scales, bright convex translucent eyes and light gills.
Important! If the fish proposed by the seller looks at you with dull gray eyes, your stomach is swollen, and your gills are yellow or brown - go by, this product is damaged.
Choosing Frozen Fish
It’s a little more difficult to choose frozen fish properly, since ice can camouflage bad smell and damaged places of stale fish. So when buying such a product, be especially careful:
- The carcass must have a layer of glaze (ice crust). It protects the fish from damage and weathering. This glaze should not be too thick, otherwise it will be problematic to consider the quality of the goods.
- The fish itself should be even, with pink or red gills, the surface should not have questionable spots (white, yellow and others).
Important! The sturgeon family has bruising.
- There should be no smell of rancid fat. If there is one, then this means that the storage conditions have been violated.
- If the fish inside the glaze is deformed, it is likely that it has already been thawed, and possibly more than once.
- Pay attention to the storage date.
- Defrost fish brought from the store gradually, preferably on a refrigerator shelf. If you force events, you risk losing taste, and the appearance will be spoiled thoroughly.
Stock footage
To preserve all the beneficial qualities of the fish product, do not ignore the rules for its storage. Always consider how much fish is stored in the refrigerator, as each dish has its own time frame. Be careful when buying fish products, because a poor-quality product entails health problems, and there is no need to talk about any benefits.
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