Remove wallpaper from drywall

Not everyone makes radical decisions with the destruction and laying of walls to redevelop their apartment. It is much easier to zone the entire area with the help of drywall partitions and decorate them with wallpaper. But every person gets bored with the same picture every day, I want to change something in the interior. And here the question arises: how to remove wallpaper from drywall without damaging the base? We will talk about this in this article.

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Drywall Structure

If you know what the framework is made of, it will be much easier to work with it. The base strip of the wallpaper strip is paper, so when they are glued with drywall, a thicker layer of cardboard is obtained. The fact is that for closing gypsum filler on both sides, thick paper or cardboard is used.

Such material may be:

  1. Stenov;
  2. Ceiling mounted;
  3. Moisture resistant;
  4. Fire resistant.

Regardless of what additives are used in the composition, the top layer will still be paper. That is why it is so important to know how to remove wallpaper from drywall, because in fact you will need to separate the cardboard layer.

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Removal Options

You can remove the old coating in many ways. Consider them more carefully.

Surface soaking

This option is the simplest, it is used to remove ordinary paper products. To complete the work, preparation is required:

  • Tanks with warm water;
  • Sponges;
  • Spatulas of different lengths.

The work is carried out in the following sequence:

  • Wet the surface with a sponge and warm water.

Important! Do not soak the base, as it may damage the protective layer of drywall.

  • After 5-10 minutes, remove the pieces of the old coating.
  • Using a spatula, remove small pieces.
  • If necessary, repeat the treatment.

How to remove vinyl wallpaper from drywall? Soaking them is much harder. In this case, proceed as follows:

  • Mix water with wallpaper glue.
  • We apply the composition to the surface two to three times.

Important! The strips are wetted in rows, from top to bottom.

  • We make an incision with a construction knife in the place where the coating adjoins the ceiling plinth.
  • We carefully glue the wallpaper sheet with a spatula.
  • If pieces of the old coating remain, repeat the procedure.


Water use and machining

This option is used if the wall is pasted with non-woven wallpaper or a washable coating. Such a coating does not absorb moisture well, therefore, preliminary preparation is required.

Before you remove the old wallpaper from drywall, you will need to prepare the following tools:

  • Wallpaper tiger - a special device with gear rollers in the lower part. During the movement, the moisture-proof coating of the wallpaper is pierced and the surface becomes more prepared for moisture.
  • Sponge or roller.
  • Spatula and construction knife.

Important! Do not use gear rollers, knives and other devices in order to cut through strips. Not only the coating, but also the base of the drywall can be damaged.

After preparing the tools, it remains to follow the instructions:

  1. We process the surface using wallpaper tiger. The device is pressed slightly, the movement should be chaotic.
  2. We distribute moisture with a roller or sponge.
  3. Separate the wallpaper from the wall.
  4. If necessary, moisten the canvas again and remove using a spatula.

Important! In non-woven wallpaper, only the top layer is separated, but the base does not need to be removed - it will be an excellent base for new wallpapers and for puttying.

Using special tools

With the help of water, it is not always possible to achieve high-quality wetting of the adhesive layer under the wallpaper. In this case, before removing the wallpaper from the drywall, you should use special tools. Thanks to them, removing the coating from drywall will be more gentle and accurate, but at the same time there is no damage to the finishing material.

It’s easy to follow the technology:

  • We process the surface using wallpaper tiger.
  • We breed a special tool.
  • We apply the composition to the surface and leave for a quarter of an hour.

Important! When working, be sure to use gloves and make sure that the product does not get into your eyes.

  • Using a spatula, knife and hands, the coating must be removed from the wall.


Using a steamer

Professionals in order to remove the old coating, use a special tool - a steamer. It includes a steam generator and a special working part, for which a hose is used to connect to the main unit.

Instructions for use:

  1. We remove everything from the walls that may interfere during operation.
  2. The working part is driven over a small part of the coating for ten seconds.
  3. Pry the edge of the canvas with a spatula.
  4. Then we continue the work: with one hand the surface is steamed, with the second - the wallpaper is separated.

Important! Drywall will not be damaged due to steam, and separation of wallpaper will be easy and quick. This method is the most convenient, sometimes they use an iron at home.

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As you can see, getting rid of old wallpapers and not damaging the drywall base is not difficult at all. This can be done in many ways - from the simplest soaking in water to using a special steamer.

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