Soda ash - application reviews

Soda ash, or as it is also called - washing soda, is simply indispensable in the household, and moreover, from ancient times. Our grandmothers had neither cleaning powders nor detergents, but they used Na2CO3 (soda ash) in everyday life. Application, reviews, and also useful properties we will consider in this article.

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Soda ash wash

Universal washing soda softens water, removes grease, is used for washing and boiling cotton and linen fabrics, as well as for washing porcelain, earthenware and enameled dishes. Consider the basic recipes for washing and cleaning using this substance.

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Washing gel

Soda ash - application reviewsWashing with soda ash, reviews of which are only positive, with proper use can not only greatly simplify the procedure and save your time. A simple detergent based on this substance can extend the life of any item. How to wash with soda ash?

Gel from soap and soda ash

To prepare the washing gel you will need:

  • 50 g of dry soap shavings (any laundry soap).
  • 45 g of sodium carbonate.
  • 1 liter of water.
  • A small amount of essential oil (optional).


  1. Grate laundry soap.
  2. In 1 liter of water, add soap shavings.
  3. Put in a water bath.
  4. Bring to a boil, stirring thoroughly.
  5. Add sodium carbonate and mix thoroughly until it is completely dissolved.

Important! The powder must be well mixed until completely dissolved. If this is not done, then white or black stains will remain on colored or dark linen.

  1. After the mixture has cooled, add the essential oil.

Mode of application:

2 tbsp. l put the gel directly into the drum (for 5 kg of laundry).

Important! Since the mass is very thick, it may not be washed out of the powder compartment, so put it in the drum.


  • If you plan to wash at a low temperature, then immediately dilute the gel with hot water.
  • For the best effect, use 50% laundry soap and 50% anti-stain.
  • To prevent the washing machine from breaking down over time, use a soap deposit cleaner as a rinse aid:
    1. Citric acid
    2. Lemon juice.
    3. Vinegar.

Important! These folk remedies will protect you and your things from surfactants, and the machine from scale.

Fisher Gel

This is another recipe for soap and soda ash, very easy to use. To prepare a 4 liter product, you will need:

  • Soap - 150 g.
  • Soda ash - 200 g.
  • Borax - 200 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Rub the soap on a grater and dilute in hot water (add chips in small batches for better dissolution).
  2. Add the calcined powder to the solution and mix well.
  3. Add borax.

Important! Borax gives additional purity and a fresh smell, and also has a disinfecting property.

Mode of application:

Pour the product into jars or bottles and refrigerate. Consumption - 1-2 measuring spoons per 1 load of linen (depending on the concentration of the gel and the degree of contamination of things).

Advantages of the gel:

  • Efficiency and economy.
  • Low cost price.
  • Very high cleaning ability.
  • Low foaming.
  • Security. Due to its composition, the gel is safe for the skin and can be used both for washing children's and adult clothes.
  • Environmental friendliness.
  • You can use both machine wash and hand wash.

Important! Using the prepared gel from soap and soda ash according to this recipe, you can also wash tiles, bathtubs, faucets, plumbing, a stove, an extractor hood, kitchen cabinets from grease and plastic windows. In general, almost everything that needs to be cleaned.

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Laundry Powder

Soda ash - application reviewsWashing with soda ash, reviews of which can be found today on the entire Internet, has shown itself well not only when using the gel. You can make a powder mixture, which will be no less effective. We offer a recipe for such a tool.

Soda ash + soap + borax

To prepare homemade laundry powder, you will need:

  • Soap (simple, cheap, without fragrance, can be household) - 200 g.
  • Soda ash - 200 g.
  • Borax - 200 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Rub the soap into chips.
  2. Mix all dry ingredients thoroughly in a food processor.
  3. Store in a tightly closed jar.

Method of use:

1-2 tbsp. l for one wash (5 kg of laundry).

Important! In order not to damage your clothes and clean them qualitatively the first time, consider the following tips:

  • Use soda ash powder to soak soiled cotton, linen, and towels.
  • Do not wash clothing with a special coating or membrane. Also, wool should not be washed with soda.
  • Delicate fabrics, and especially natural silk, do not like soaps, so use an acceptable mild liquid to prepare the powder.
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Universal detergent

Sodium carbonate is used not only in the production of washing powders, but also in cleaning products. At home, you can prepare a universal detergent and use it both for washing dishes and for washing plumbing.

To prepare a cleanser, you will need:

  • 1 piece of baby soap.
  • 250 g of soda (1/2 pack).
  • 2 tbsp. water.

Cooking method:

  1. Grate the soap on a grater.
  2. Add 1 cup of water.
  3. Whip the detergent.
  4. Add another 1 cup of water.
  5. Whip the cleaning solution into the foam.
  6. Gradually add soda, whisking the solution. The consistency should be pasta.
  7. Place the universal remedy in a jar and use if necessary (as usual: apply the product on a sponge, wipe the contaminated surface, rinse with water).

Important! If desired, you can add 4-5 drops of antibacterial oil, such as tea tree, lavender or rosemary.

This is an environmentally friendly detergent that does not cause allergies, but is quite effective and launders everything (even limescale).

Important! Do not use a cleaning agent for aluminum utensils, since aluminum is afraid of salt and alkali, and in soda ash it is much more than in ordinary.

Useful advice:

Soda ash, according to reviews, is perfect for restoring the pots to their original shine: soak the injured utensils for 2 hours in a solution of soda ash, dishwashing detergent and water, and then remove all the dirt using a sponge with a light motion and the dishes will shine as new one.

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Stock footage

Sodium carbonate itself perfectly cleans plumbing without damaging the enamel, and if you add a universal detergent to the washing powder during washing, the water will become softer. As a result, the powder foams better, and as a result, it is better to wash the laundry. Soda itself greatly improves the quality of washing powder, so use it in its pure form and in the recipes described above, and let your home shine clean.

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