DIY collector

In an energy-efficient house, renewable energy sources are created, implemented and operated. Increasingly, homeowners are trying to make a solar collector with their own hands, which was previously not at all. Due to the fact that solar systems are constantly being improved and their prices are falling, more and more of them appear in everyday life. The factory model costs about the same as the classic heating system. The best part is that such a system can be done with your own hands.
to contents ↑How does the solar collector work?
A collector is needed to capture solar energy. Next is its concentration and use by man.
The collector system consists of:
- Heat accumulator (liquid tanks);
- Heat exchange circuit;
- Collector.
A liquid or gaseous coolant circulates through the collector. Thanks to the energy received, it heats up and, using the mounted battery, transfers heat to the water. A tank is intended for storage of heated liquid until it is used. It can be used widely - for household needs, and for heating.
Important! To avoid rapid cooling of the water, the tank must be properly insulated.
Fluid circulation can be natural or forced. It is allowed to install an additional element in the storage tank for heating the liquid, with the help of which the high temperature will be maintained in the cold season.
to contents ↑What are solar collectors?
By design type, such devices are:
- By air;
- Vacuum
- Flat.
Air models
They are rarely used, since air is not the best heat carrier. An air solar collector for heating a house with their own hands is most often done in a flat shape. Thus, the air in contact with the absorption device is heated naturally.
Vacuum Models
Such models are the most complex. They do not use a box covered with glass, but glass tubes that are large in size. Inside them are tubes of a smaller diameter with an adsorber that collects thermal energy. The space between the tubes is filled with vacuum, which serves as a heat insulator.
Flat models
This option is the most common. The space inside the collector is intended for the location of a special absorbent layer, which is placed in a glass box. Between it there are tubes in which the coolant moves in liquid form. Most often, this role is played by propylene glycol.
to contents ↑DIY sun heating
Those who decide to make a solar collector for heating their own home should get polycarbonate sheets, copper or polypropylene pipes.
The most universal is the design developed by the Bulgarian engineer Stanislav Stanilov. The basis of the action of this device is the greenhouse effect:
- The drive is presented in the form of a tubular radiator made of steel pipes, located in a thermally insulated wooden box.
- In order to draw and drain water, use water pipes with a diameter of ¾ or 1 inch.
- To insulate the box from all sides, polystyrene, mineral or ecowool is used.
Important! Especially carefully insulation must be performed at the bottom. Galvanized roofing iron should be laid on the insulation, and a radiator fixed with steel clamps should be placed on top of it. Black matte paint is applied to the sheet of metal and the radiator, and white except for the glass cover on the box.
Do-it-yourself solar collector - how to assemble and manufacture? In no case should we forget about the good sealing of the coverslip through which the light of the sun will pass to the radiator. The role of the heat accumulator will be played by a barrel of metal, which must be placed in a box of plywood or boards. The cavity in the box is filled with ecowool, dry sawdust, expanded clay, sand.
Materials for work
To make a solar air collector with your own hands, you need to prepare a number of materials and tools:
- Glass 1700 * 750 mm;
- A frame under the glass;
- Hardboard to be laid to the bottom;
- Board 120 * 25 mm;
- Steel strip 20 * 2.5 * 3000 mm;
- Overlay corner;
- Wooden block 50 * 30mm;
- Coupling;
- Radiator pipe;
- Radiator front pipe
- Clamps for fasteners;
- Galvanized Iron Reflector;
- Heat insulator;
- Aquacamera;
- 200-300 liter tank.
The solar collector has a fairly simple design. For its manufacture, we follow the instructions:
- We knock out the box from the boards, we use a beam to strengthen the bottom.
- Cover the bottom with thermal insulation (polystyrene foam or mineral wool).
- We put iron or tin on the insulation.
- We put a radiator, fix it with clamps made of a strip of steel.
- We carry out sealing of joints, we cover cracks and joints.
- We apply black paint on a sheet of metal and a radiator pipe.
- We apply silver paint to the box and water tank.
- The tank is placed in a box, the remaining space is covered with insulating material.
- In the attic we place a tank and an aquacamera.
Important! The aquacamera should be 80 cm or more above the drive.
- We place the collector on the south side of the roof, the angle of inclination to the horizon should be 45 degrees.
- Using half-inch pipes, we mount the high-pressure part of the system connecting the aquacamera and the water inlet.
- Using inch pipes, we carry out the installation of the low-pressure part.
Important! Minimum use of at least twelve pipes.
- We start the water in the system.
to contents ↑Important! When water begins to pour out of the drainage tube of the aquacamera, open the valve with which the tank will be filled. Water heating starts immediately. After heating, warm water rises and cold water automatically flows into the radiator. After partial use of water, the float valve in the aquacamera activates and cold water enters the lower part of the system. Water does not mix at the same time.
Stock footage
Many homeowners find it beneficial to heat their homes with solar collectors. This option is especially suitable for residents of the southern regions. At the same time, in the northern regions of such a device, only the use of warm water in everyday life will be enough, there will not be enough daylight for heating.
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