Sunscreen for windows

A variety of climate technology allows today in any apartment, any house, regardless of location relative to the cardinal points, altitude and other factors, to provide a comfortable microclimate in every room. But this option is quite expensive - both according to the criterion of the initial price, and the cost of installation work, further maintenance, energy consumption. Therefore, many are looking for alternatives, there are plenty of them. One way to protect your home from heat and scorching rays is sunscreen for windows. What are its features, how effective is it and how to glue the sun-protection film on the windows - all this you will learn from this article.
to contents ↑Self-adhesive film properties
Sun-protection film for windows, despite its insignificant thickness, has a multilayer structure. The raw materials for its production are metals - aluminum and titanium. It is thanks to these alloys that the heat-reflecting and energy-saving properties of the material are achieved.
Important! Depending on the variety, sunscreen for windows is capable of:
- absorb and reflect from 70 to 90% of ultraviolet radiation;
- absorb up to 70% of the heat from the sun.
This result is more than satisfactory, therefore, the materials of this group are very popular today.
Other properties:
- hygienic cleanliness - this must be verified by checking the manufacturer's certificates;
- fire safety - such films do not support combustion and are not amenable to ignition;
- shading - a different degree of tinting is achieved, varies from one model to another.
to contents ↑Important! The standard width of the material is 1.52 m. This must be taken into account when calculating the quantity for a particular window construction. It is extremely undesirable to stick such a coating in pieces - the canvas should be solid, on the entire surface of the glass.
Which film to choose?
To determine the appropriate type of material, as already mentioned, it is necessary to intelligently determine the preferred degree of tinting. Please note that the more direct sunlight hits the windows, the hotter the room, the more intense the tint should be.
Important! Of considerable importance when choosing the degree of toning is not only the intensity of ultraviolet radiation, but also the structural features of the building. More precisely - what materials were used to build the walls, because:
- alone, they extinguish most of the heat or cold and regulate the microclimate in the rooms due to their natural properties;
- others - have poor insulation characteristics, so in the summer in the room during the day it is impossible - it feels like a steam room in a bathhouse or sauna.
Another selection criterion is the thickness of the material. It is measured in microns and may have the following parameters:
- from 110 microns - these are the minimum values at which you can get a satisfactory result on a solid 3 or 4;
- from 300 microns - this is ideal if you are immediately aimed at a high-quality result, because such a material not only absorbs ultraviolet perfectly, but also withstands any mechanical stress.
The last caveat when choosing is the degree of effectiveness. In this regard, there are materials of the following types:
- medium efficiency - such a sun-protection film for windows is able to pass about 40% of the light and filter out up to 70% of sunlight;
- high efficiency - the transmission capacity is up to 50% of the light, but at the same time, 100% of the ultraviolet flux is reflected.
Glue the film on the windows
When the material is selected, purchased, delivered home, the question arises of how to glue the sun-protection film on the window. We hasten to please you - no additional cash costs are foreseen, since you are quite capable of doing all the work yourself.
Tools for work:
- Detergent - can be special for windows or an ordinary soap solution;
- Atomizer;
- Putty knife - preferably rubber or plastic, metal - extremely undesirable, as it can damage the material;
- Well sharpened knife - table, clerical, construction.
General rules for sticking a film
There are no complex conditions and requirements regarding this procedure. To glue a sun-protection film on windows, it is necessary to observe such rules:
- Ambient temperature - in the range of 5-20 C.
- Cloudy, not too hot weather is desirable.
- It is better to glue in the morning or in the evening, until there are direct scorching rays of the sun.
Important! Of course, you can do this work at any time convenient for you, but it is worth remembering that if the sun's rays with high temperature fall on the film during gluing, it can stretch due to high elasticity. As a result, you get either a gap in the material or its deformation, which is also not very good.
Where to glue?
There are several options for gluing sunscreen onto windows:
- on the outside of the glass;
- on the inside;
- in the middle.
What to give preference to? - Everything is very simple here:
- The latter option is used mainly at the factory of the manufacturer of PVC windows. You cannot disassemble it yourself at home, and this is undesirable, and in principle - there is no need for such laborious work.
- The outer surface of the glass is an ideal option, since in this case you will get the highest possible material efficiency.
- The inner surface is not a very desirable method, since this is fraught with a decrease in efficiency, and when the outer part of the glass packet is heated, the opposite result can also occur - a heater.
So, where exactly to glue the film - decided. Now about how to do it.
Glass bonding technology:
- Thoroughly wash the glass, if possible - on both sides. There should be no divorces.
- We calculate the amount of the necessary material and cut it. To avoid a mistake - leave gaps on each side of 0.5 cm.
- We are preparing a not very concentrated solution of liquid soap or glass cleaner.
Important! There should be no abundant foam, and the surface of the glass should be evenly moistened, without smudges. This will allow you to easily adjust the position of the film on the window to the ideal position.
- We put the canvas on the glass.
- Correct the position.
- We arm ourselves with a spatula and smooth the material, moving from the center to the edges.
- As soon as all the air bubbles have come out, the surface has become perfectly smooth, we leave everything in this position and wait for the final adhesion of the film to the glass.
- When the sun-protection film for windows adheres firmly to the glass, it does not move, we take a knife and carefully cut off the protruding parts of the canvas along the edges.
What is the result?
If you have chosen a really high-quality material, followed all the rules during its installation, you can appreciate the benefits of using sunscreen:
- coatings on walls, floors, as well as furniture upholstery and materials of interior items will not fade and fade - their color will remain the same throughout the entire period of operation;
- pets, plants, and you yourself will feel more comfortable, because now you will not be affected daily by an excessive amount of ultraviolet radiation;
- objects in the apartment will not heat up, even on very hot summer days;
- breathing in rooms will become much easier, even if you did not install air conditioning, a fan and other similar devices.
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We hope that after reading the information from this article, you understand how profitable it is to paste windows with sun-protection film. In addition, it will also be beneficial to your health. And most importantly - the whole process will not require excessive cash investments, a lot of time and effort. Comfort in the house will be achieved in the easiest way.
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