Dishwasher Tools - Rating

A dishwasher is a real salvation for modern women who are constantly busy. Moreover, you save not only effort and time, but also water. In order for your assistant to serve you as long as possible, it is necessary to carefully care for her, and no less important - to choose the right detergents for dishes. It is necessary:

  • so as not to damage the components of the machine;
  • for the most efficient operation of the dishwasher.

So, in this article we will consider means for a dishwasher - a rating of the best according to users, will help us with this.

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What detergents are needed for a dishwasher?

In order for the dishwasher to serve as long as possible, and the dishes to please cleanliness, a careful selection of detergents is necessary. These types of drugs are presented on the modern market.


Detergent powder for dishwashers is an effective and popular drug, which, moreover, is economically consumed. The disadvantages include: the risk of pouring past the compartment and even (in rare cases) damage the dishes. Inhalation of the powder when working with it also does not add health.

Important! In one wash cycle, approximately 30 g of powder is consumed.

Gel for dishwashers

Convenient and safe tool:

  • Does not contain abrasive substances, well softens water.
  • Gels clean silver objects well and remove the most difficult stains from dishes.

Means are convenient in operation. The gel is highly soluble in water, even during short-term washing. Shedding a substance is also very difficult.


The only drawback of tablet detergent is the limited area of ​​use. Tablets are not recommended for dishwashers of old brands (outdated models simply do not recognize the detergent). Sometimes with a shortened washing cycle, the tablet does not completely dissolve.

The cost of such drugs, compared with powders, is slightly higher. One cycle corresponds to 1 tablet (provided that the water is soft).

Universal drugs

These substances perform several functions at once:

  • Detergent.
  • Rinse aid.
  • Freshener for the dishwasher.
  • Protection of the heating element from scale.

Eco drugs

Available in the same forms as the “classic” dishwasher detergents (gels, tablets, powders). Their main distinguishing feature is that they are absolutely environmentally friendly:

  • do not have fragrances;
  • do not cause allergic reactions;
  • washed off completely, not remaining on the surface of kitchen utensils and utensils.

As you can see, the choice of drugs is quite extensive. It all depends on your financial capabilities, frequency of washing and the amount of dishes laid in the machine at the same time.

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Secrets of choosing a detergent

To choose a good dishwasher, follow this algorithm of actions:

  • In no case do not use substances intended for manual washing of dishes in the dishwashing technique. The unit can be hopelessly damaged. It is necessary to choose detergent compositions in accordance with the class and type of machine. The reason is a large amount of foam, which is formed when using means for hand washing. There is a risk of air congestion in the circular pump, which could damage the machine.

Important! Similarly, do not use dishwashing detergents when washing dishes manually. An improperly selected dosage can harm both kitchen utensils and hands.

  • Pay attention to slightly alkaline products containing enzymes. They wash dishes at a temperature of 40-50 degrees, can be used for all types of dishes.
  • Chlorine-free chemicals are ideal for cleaning stubborn stains. But they are categorically not suitable for washing silver, nickel silver, crystal, porcelain.
  • Preparations with alkaline components in combination with oxygen oxidizing agents are ideal for all types of dishes. Have a whitening effect.
  • Want to save money on a universal detergent? Then you have to fork out for the purchase of salts, rinses and degreasers for the dishwasher.
  • When choosing a gel for dishwashers, try to find products that do not contain phosphates, chlorine bleaches, dyes. The drug should not contain toxic substances.
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A review of the best dishwashing detergents

We give a rating of funds with the best ratio of quality, price and environmental safety. It will be easier for you to choose tools for dishwashers.

Grab green

The product is non-toxic and environmentally friendly. It does not contain phosphates. Despite this, the washing quality is quite good, especially when using an air conditioner. The drug gently affects the dishes without causing any harm to it.

Important! The disadvantages include:

  • Relatively high price.
  • Packing in the form of capsules. If necessary, changing the dosage is difficult.
  • Despite the fact that the manufacturing company positions Grab Green as “three in one”, it practically does not cope with the function of an air conditioner.



Budget washing powder for dishwashers. The undoubted advantage in ease of dosage and economical use. The product is environmentally friendly, does not contain phosphates.

Important! There are also disadvantages: poor quality dishwashing.


One of the famous brands under which a variety of dishwashing products are produced. Its application provides a good quality of washing without the use of additional substances. This is its main plus: the ideal quality of washing with the effect of “all in one”).

Important! There are also disadvantages:

  • High price.
  • The inability to separate the capsule several times if necessary.

Finish Pills

This is one of the most popular and well-known brands for dishwashing equipment. The chemicals that make up the tablet dissolve the pollution well.

The benefits are as follows:

  • Excellent quality dishwashing when using a full set of chemistry for washing (salt, detergent, conditioner). There are no stains, no stains, no food leftovers on the dishes.
  • Affordable for the price.
  • Possibility of dosing if necessary.

Important! Not without pills and disadvantages:

  • All-in-one advertising is just advertising. When using a tablet without salts and rinse, the washing quality is very mediocre.
  • Sodium tripolyphosphate as a part of the washing preparation. This is a fairly strong allergen.


The main advantage of Ecover capsules is hypoallergenicity and environmental friendliness. The pluses include the fact that the manufacturing company describes in detail the composition of the detergent. You can immediately find out if there are any substances harmful to you in the composition of the washing capsules. However, allergic reactions to Ecover components are rare. The capsule can be easily broken, thereby adjusting the dosage.

Important! Disadvantages:

  • Poor washing quality (white coating on household items) if you do not use special salt and conditioner. However, there is a slight plaque even when using salt and air conditioning.
  • The presence of abrasive ingredients that can damage painted or glass cooking utensils.
  • Do not use dishwashing detergent in a dishwasher for Teflon-coated kitchen utensils.
  • High price.
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Brief conclusions

So, a dishwasher is far from a simple technique. The slightest negligence when choosing a detergent preparation can lead to its breakdown. When buying a dishwashing detergent, you need to consider its type and degree of contamination. The release form is of secondary importance. It all depends on your preference.

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