Allergy Remedies

Today, absolutely all people are familiar with allergies - some indirectly, others directly. But not many people know which allergy remedies exist, and which ones to choose, so as not to harm your body.

Let's start with the basics. Allergy is an individual manifestation of the body to irritating substances - allergens. The reason for the manifestation of such reactions is, first of all, reduced body immunity. Based on this, it can be understood that it is necessary to deal with allergies correctly, otherwise it will not be possible to feel good.

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What could be an allergen?

The most common factors provoking the manifestation of allergic reactions are:

  • Flowering plant, in particular their pollen.
  • Sun or cold.
  • Medications.
  • Dust and especially the waste products of dust mites.
  • Mold.
  • Wool of various animals.
  • Products Often these are citrus fruits, bright red fruits and vegetables, milk, seafood, nuts and cereals.
  • Insect bites.
  • Household chemicals and cosmetics.

Important! Allergy is a rather complicated problem. It requires a thorough examination and proper treatment.

Allergic manifestations can be different: a skin rash, which is often accompanied by itching, cough, runny nose, ocular itching and tearing, sneezing, drying out of the skin, and in difficult situations - anaphylactic shock.

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Allergy treatment

The first thing that must be done is to seek the advice of a doctor. The simplest solution to the problem of unpleasant allergic manifestations is to eliminate contact with the allergen. But often this is difficult to do, because the allergen is not always known and easily identifiable. And sometimes it is difficult to eliminate it, for example, flowering plants.

Allergy RemediesTherefore, therapy may include various allergy medications:

  • To alleviate or completely eliminate the symptoms of allergies, doctors prescribe antihistamines. Detailed information is provided below.
  • Homeopathic remedies for allergies are a group of drugs that improve the internal environment of the body, and thereby reduce the likelihood of allergies. Such drugs are used only in combination with others.
  • Cromones are drugs that are completely safe and help eliminate allergy symptoms. But their peculiarity is that they begin to act only 3 weeks after the start of therapy.
  • Decongestants. Such remedies are used to remove local allergy symptoms, such as a runny nose.
  • In severe cases, prescribe hormonal drugs for allergies - corticosteroids. They differ in strong action and are used only in extreme cases, when all other methods are ineffective.
  • Together with other drugs, it is recommended to take sorbents, for example, activated carbon, polysorb, enterosgel, and other similar drugs. They will help cleanse the body of allergens.
  • So-called immunotherapy can be carried out in advance. It consists in the introduction of small doses of an allergen into the human body. Each time the dose increases, which contributes to the development of immunity to the allergen.
  • Blood purification methods (plasmapheresis) are also used.
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Antihistamines for allergies

Such drugs contain substances that can block histamine receptors.As a result, the symptoms of the manifestation of an allergic reaction are alleviated or completely disappeared. They are divided into three groups.

First generation

These drugs are used much less often today than the next two groups. This is due to a number of unpleasant side effects, one of which is pronounced hypnotic, sedative effect and drying of the mucous membranes.

Such allergy remedies, by and large, do not so much remove the reaction as they blunt it. The duration of the effect is short-term, therefore, such drugs should be taken often enough.

Important! These include: diphenhydramine, diazolin, suprastin, tavegil.

Second generation

Such allergy medications are significantly better than the drugs of the first group. They do not have a sedative effect, but can negatively affect the cardiovascular system. Therefore, you should strictly control the intake of such drugs. They are contraindicated in older people and people with cardiac abnormalities.

Important! Such anti-allergy drugs include: histalong, traxil, fenistil, claritin, semprex.

Third generation

Drugs in this group are the best antihistamine allergies. They are safe and effective enough - they remove allergy symptoms quickly and for a long time.

Important! Such drugs include: cetrin, zyrtec, telfast, cetirizine.

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Alternative methods of treating allergies

Allergy RemediesThere are several alternative effective allergy remedies that can alleviate symptoms or relieve allergic manifestations.

Saline rinse

Washing the sinuses with salt water helps flush out allergens. After rinsing your throat or rinsing your nose, you will remove irritants, which means that unpleasant allergy symptoms will not appear. Saline solution can be bought at a pharmacy or prepared independently from salt, soda and chilled boiled water.


This method helps to bind allergens and prevents them from floating freely, which means that their number in the air we breathe decreases.

Maintaining the immune system with probiotics

Yogurt is a very healthy product in the diet of every person. It contributes to the population of our body with beneficial bacteria, which means it increases its ability to deal with various irritants.

Important! The best probiotics, and accordingly - allergy medications, in such cases there are acidophilus, lactobacilli, bifidobacteria.


This product is very healing and this fact is undeniable. Some allergy sufferers claim that honey collected from local plantations helps fight allergies.

Onions and apples

The skin of these products has a natural antihistamine, quercetin. Eating apples and onions at the peak of an allergy, you can alleviate your condition.


This plant can be taken as tea. To prepare it very quickly - buy a ready-made dry collection at the pharmacy and brew according to the instructions on the pack.


A decoction of this healing herb will help in the fight against allergy. Pour 1 cup boiling water 10 g of calendula flowers. You should take such an infusion as a remedy for allergies according to 1 tbsp. l 3-4 times a day.


A decoction from this plant, which can be used as a remedy for allergies, is prepared in this way: 1 cup boiling water and 1 tbsp. boil the flowers over low heat for 30 minutes, insist for a while and drink 1 tbsp. 5-6 times a day.

Bay leaf

It is an effective remedy for skin allergies. There are several recipes for preparing a sheet for external use:

  • Take 5 medium leaves, pour a glass of boiling water and boil for about 15 minutes over low heat. Bring the amount of liquid to the original volume using boiling water. Cooling to a warm state, the broth is ready for use. Apply with a cotton swab to affected areas of the skin.Laurel broth has a drying effect, so it is good for wet spots of allergic origin.
  • You can also take a bath with laurel broth. For these purposes, 100 g of dried leaves brew a liter of boiling water. Add such an infusion to the bath. For children, the dose of bay leaves is halved.

Important! In both cases of external use of laurel decoction, it is better not to wipe the body, but to wait for it to dry completely. Such procedures will help relieve itching, inflammation, reduce the rash. Bathtubs are especially useful for diaper dermatitis.


With eye lesions, the juice of meadow clover inflorescences can be applied externally.

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Whatever kind of allergy you have, remember that self-medication can worsen your health. Consult a doctor, he will choose for you the best way of treatment based on your individual situation. Do not start an allergy, as it can easily develop into a chronic stage. This is especially true for young children.

Carefully monitor your health and the health of loved ones. Knowledge in this area will greatly facilitate this process!

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