Insect repellent

With the arrival of long-awaited heat, insects often appear in the house, the neighborhood with which does not add comfort to households. That is why it is necessary to arrange a full-fledged struggle with uninvited neighbors, which have a detrimental effect not only on furniture and food, but also harm human health. In this article we will tell you which insect repellents are best used to achieve the desired result.

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The most popular insects in the house

It is unlikely that there will be at least one house around the world where various buzzing, crawling, and also biting parasites would never start. Most often in a human home you can find such insects as:


  • mosquitoes;
  • flies;
  • wasps;
  • fleas
  • bedbugs;
  • midges;
  • lice;
  • wood lice;
  • whiteflies;
  • silverfish
  • cockroaches;
  • ants
  • mole;
  • ticks.

Inspired by the strength? Thoughts are already swarming, what to do with this scourge and what insect repellent to use?

Important! It is unlikely that any of the above insects appeared in the neighborhood with you good from them. And the very idea of ​​such a neighborhood causes unpleasant thoughts and forebodings.

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Insect damage

Do not pay proper attention to the appearance of parasites in the house, and it is almost impossible to do this. Small pests constantly remind people of their presence, and therefore a peaceful existence with them is simply unbearable.

There may be several reasons for the destruction of annoying insects. Here are the main ones:

  • parasites bite quite painfully and can cause an allergic reaction in especially sensitive people;
  • most insects are carriers of infectious diseases of varying complexity;
  • domestic pests often harm the interior items and food that are in your home;
  • staying indoors insects significantly violates the aesthetic attractiveness of the home, because you are unlikely to feel comfortable in the kitchen, which run cockroaches or in a room full of flies.

Important! Mankind has not yet invented a universal insect repellent that would 100% protect your home from all possible species. Pests can enter the home through windows, ventilation, sewers, with food, on clothes or shoes. It is impossible to live in a completely sealed capsule, at least due to the lack of air flow. So you have to regularly look for means against insects and arrange a struggle with them for survival.

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Insect Control Methods

Today, people use a fairly wide variety of methods for the destruction of pests, among which are:

  1. The mechanical method is one of the least efficient and most labor intensive. This method consists in the installation of specially equipped traps, as well as the capture of insects manually. Subsequently, all captured individuals are destroyed manually.
  2. The physical method consists in the thermal treatment of a room using high and low temperatures. However, the temperature effect should be applied for a time period of at least an hour. Otherwise, the proper effect cannot be achieved.
  3. The chemical effect is based on the use of specialized drugs - insecticides. This method is quite effective, but it is not safe for humans. Poisonous insect repellents used during pest control are harmful to the human body and also adversely affect pets.
  4. The biological method recommends resorting to the natural chain and used to destroy insects of birds and animals. This method may be acceptable in the private sector, but in apartment buildings it is at least inappropriate.
  5. The phytoncide method is harmless to the human body, but it is not always effective, because you have to scatter fresh plants throughout the apartment and change them as they wither.

Important! Separately, methods are rarely used, often to achieve the desired result they have to be combined.

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Insect repellents for home

When conducting pest control and choosing an insect repellent, you should pay attention to two main areas of activity:

  1. Prevention - the creation in your home of the most unfavorable conditions for the life and reproduction of insects.
  2. Extermination of existing individuals using the selected method of exposure.

Choosing the most suitable insect repellent should be based on which pests you have to destroy. Several groups of parasite exterminators are allocated.

Preventive Chemistry

Prophylactic means against insects are focused mainly on the destruction, or rather - scaring away, flying individuals. The most common ones are:

  • spirals;
  • repellents;
  • mosquito nets;
  • fumigators.

Mass Destructive Insecticides

Insecticides are a chemical substance, the main advantage of which is a quick, and at the same time quite effective, effect on a specific type of pest. But like any chemicals, these insect repellents have the disadvantage of a negative effect on the human body.

ucus-500x500_cOn the market, these substances are presented in the form:

  • suspensions;
  • aerosol;
  • powders;
  • fragrances;
  • crayons.

Destructive and preventive

Alternative methods in most cases are based on the use of natural substances that can be easily obtained in everyday life.

Important! These insect repellents are absolutely safe for human health, and therefore are an ideal solution for those with whom children, allergies and pets live in the house.

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Folk remedies for exterminating insects

If in the fight against annoying and malicious parasites you decide to resort to folk methods that have been proven over the years, here are a few recommendations.

The most popular insect repellents:

  1. From fleas, bugs and ticks, which often prefer to use home carpets and paths as a home, use a fairly simple remedy - a mixture of soda with salt. To prepare it, it is enough to mix in equal proportions the ingredients that are found in every kitchen and sprinkle the mixture on carpet surfaces overnight. Gently vacuum the cover early in the morning.

Important! The procedure should be carried out as often as possible, especially for owners who live in the company of pets, because it is our smaller brothers who can be carriers of parasites and suffer most from them.

  1. If bugs are wound up in your soft sofa or favorite chair, then a solution of lemon juice will help in their removal. To prepare it, take a liter of cool water and add the juice of 1 lemon there. The resulting solution should process all the textile products in the house, it is most convenient to do this using a bottle with a spray bottle.

Important! To achieve a greater effect, you can boil fresh lemon for several minutes, then strain and add it to water.

  1. Most pests hate certain types of odors and aromas, so wet cleaning using aromatic oils of lavender, eucalyptus or rosemary can help. It is important to rinse with aromatic solution not only the floors in the room, but the walls and other surfaces.
  2. To remove such small insects as bugs, fleas and ticks, you can use a decoction of strongly smelling herbs - wormwood, mint, eucalyptus or rosemary. The broth must be allowed to infuse for half an hour, after which it should be sprayed with all the upholstered furniture in the room.

Important! If you live in rural areas, you can prevent the appearance of insects by spreading dry bunches of grass around the house. You can also arrange them as attractive compositions for decorating the interior.

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Popular insect chemistry brands

If alternative methods do not have the desired effect, then a chemical insect repellent should be used. Most often, such measures are resorted to when the population of parasites is too large.

The most popular chemicals are:

  • “Raptor”;
  • "Raid";
  • "Dichlorvos";
  • “Combat”;
  • "Clean house".

Important! If even chemicals do not have the desired effect, then not everything is lost. In a difficult situation, pest control services from professional parasite killing companies will help you.

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We hope that the advice given by us will help save your home from annoying insects, and you will easily choose the right and most effective remedy in your particular situation.

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