Plate Cleaner

A stove is the number one assistant in cooking, but often the dirtiest surface in the kitchen. Every housewife wants to find the perfect tool for cleaning plates, which would effortlessly clean the surface and not harm its appearance. Are there any such tools on the modern market of household chemicals? The answer is yes - yes! But do not forget about those that are available in every kitchen. Take a closer look at the products in the kitchen cabinet.
Stains on the stove are droplets of fat that have oxidized. Under the influence of temperature, they only worsen and it becomes more difficult to wash them. To remove impurities without damaging the surface of the stove, you need to know what means for cleaning the boards are safe and effective.
to contents ↑Modern household chemicals
It is best to choose tools for cleaning the stove in the form of a gel, mousse, spray, paste. The constituent components of such products are: glycerin, finely dispersed components (aerosil or quartz), sodium tripolyphosphate, water glass, solvents and many other components that help remove difficult dirt on the stove.
On the shelves of shops you can find a lot of household cleaning products promising to easily and quickly make your stove clean. The list provided is an aid in choosing a really effective cleaning agent for the stove:
- Gel Sanita;
- 5 plus gel;
- Selena;
- Adriel
- Comet gel;
- Lyon
- Spray Shumanit;
- Magic plate;
- Radiance.
This list contains goods of both domestic and foreign manufacturers. Neither the quality nor the effectiveness of the products depend on this. Just pay attention to the composition and carefully read the instructions.
Important! Most products are aggressive in composition and cause damage to the skin of the hands. Therefore, you should carefully apply the product to the surface and be sure to use gloves.
Do not believe commercials where they show how, after applying the product, they immediately wipe the stove and get a completely clean kitchen surface. Any remedy must not be left for some time so that it “fights” with a stain. And only after that should be wiped.
Important tips for choosing cleaning products for boards with different types of surfaces:
- Enamel plates and stainless steel surfaces must not be cleaned with powder products, whether it is mustard, soda or laundry detergent. The structure of the abrasive contributes to the appearance of micro-scratches on the surface, which will only increase over time. The appearance of the hob will be forever lost.
- To wash the enameled material, you need to choose soft alkaline products. In no case should you use acidic agents.
- To wash the glass surface, do not use a product that includes soap. Exposure to such a board cleaner may result in loss of gloss and surface color.
- If there is only a small layer of fat on the stove, then it can be easily removed with a simple dishwashing liquid.
- The stainless surface must be polished after cleaning. To do this, you need to purchase a tool specially designed for this.
- The process of cleaning a glass ceramic plate will significantly accelerate a special scraper.
Marking on cleaning products for the stove
To choose the safest household chemicals, which will not harm either your kitchen appliances, countertops or headsets, or the hostess, you should pay attention to the following markings when buying:
- Image of a blue angel;
- Image of a flower with the EU symbol;
- Image of a white-green swan;
- Sweden Nature Society logo.
to contents ↑Important! Any of these designations on the label of a household appliance confirms its quality and safety. Such a label indicates the absence of harmful carcinogenic and toxic substances, mutagens and components that accumulate in the body and provoke the development of various human diseases.
Folk cleaning products
To clean the cooking surfaces of the stove, you can use safe improvised means. Among them are many products that any housewife has. Effective and proven means are:
- Soap solution - will help remove dirt and grease;
- Vinegar - disinfects;
- Ammonia-anise drops - perfectly remove pollution in hard-to-reach places;
- Baking soda - helps to quickly clean and remove all third-party odors;
- Ammonia - is an effective tool in removing difficult spots;
- Citric acid - has a similar effect to vinegar.
Important! Hot enameled boards must not be wiped with a damp cloth so as not to cause cracks in the coating.
Tips for the care and cleaning of the surface of the stove using improvised tools:
- Dried food stains must first be covered with soda and left for a while. A solution is prepared from a glass of warm water and 5 drops of ammonia. Now wipe the panel with a cloth dipped in a ready-to-use cleaner.
- Greasy stains can help remove salt. Preheat the stove - for this, turn on all the rings for a while. Sprinkle the surface with salt, then wipe with newspaper.
- To remove rust, apply hot vinegar to the damaged surface and leave for 10 minutes. Then just wipe with a damp cloth.
- Also, warm vegetable oil will help get rid of rust. Apply oil to areas with rust and leave for a while, then wipe with a sponge dipped in soapy water.
- To clean burner control knobs, ammonia-anise drops, cotton swabs and cotton pads are required. After wetting a cotton swab in liquid drops, treat hard-to-reach spots on the handles. The dirt will immediately wash off. In well accessible places, you can use cotton pads soaked in ammonia drops. The best effect can be achieved with the help of an old toothbrush - it will clean where no wand or disk will reach.
- You can use ammonia to clean the oven. Treat them with dirty areas and leave overnight. In the morning, just wipe the surfaces with a damp sponge.
- The burners must be cleaned once a week with a rag in a soapy solution.
- Doors from the oven can be washed just like windows. You can use a window cleaner or vinegar.
- If you are going to fry several dishes at once, then it will be more practical to lay foil on the surface of the plate. After cooking, throw the foil into the bin and enjoy a clean stove.
Stock footage
Keep your kitchen clean, because it is the hallmark of every housewife. Using the above tips, you will make the process of washing the hob of your stove faster and more efficient.
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