DIY dishwasher cleaner

In our century of technological progress, almost every home has such an assistant in the kitchen as a dishwasher. You must admit that this is a very convenient invention that brings peace to every family, since now there is no need to establish a duty in the kitchen and argue to a headache who will wash the dishes today. But with the advent of the dishwasher, the question arises of how to wash the dishes in order to prolong the life of the magic unit and whether it is possible to make a dishwasher tool with your own hands, so as not to spend money on far from safe chemistry.

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Types of dishwashing detergents

How to replace detergent? To summarize, detergents for PMM are represented by three main groups.

Powder Detergents

They are the most affordable. If you buy in large packages, then the powder will last for a long time, since it takes an average of 25-30 g for one cycle, and it turns out cheaper at a price.

Important! As minuses, you can specify the fact that:

  • the powder may scratch the walls of the dishes;
  • When placed in a compartment, powder may wake up.

Recently, concentrated and low-abrasive powders have appeared, even a dispenser is attached to them so that you can not miss the amount of powder.

Gel detergents

Gels soften water, do not oxidize metals. They are often released in the form of balls that are laid in the compartment of the machine. In addition, it is believed that the gels are the safest for the "health" of the unit.


One tablet goes for one cycle. They take first place in the ranking of detergents. But at the same time, they are the most expensive of all means - when using them, you have to turn on the machine for a full cycle so that they can completely dissolve. But, despite this, their reviews are the best.

Important! Now tablets with dispensing strips have appeared so that they can be “tuned” to a different amount of dishes. The tablets are available in single-layer, multi-layer, and the most convenient option is three in one. A three-layer tablet containing detergent, rinse and emollient.

Those housewives who chose the option without rinsing agent, but they want to see their dishes without streaks and white spots, should get a liquid rinse aid. It is he who prevents the formation of drops, forming a thin film on the dishes.

Important! Such means for the dishwasher are completely harmless, moreover, they are completely washed off during a rinse cycle. But if you do not completely trust them or there are allergic people in your family, then experts advise you to start an additional rinse program, which is in every technique of a self-respecting manufacturer.

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DIY rinse aid recipe for a dishwasher

Rinse aid for the dishwasher can be done by yourself.

Option 1

The easiest option is apple cider vinegar. Pour it into the compartment, and you're done.

The main thing is the proportions: for 6 sets of dishes there is 1 tablespoon of 9% apple cider vinegar.

Option 2

This recipe includes essential oil, lemon juice and a wiper. The ratio is:

  • 5 parts of lemon juice;
  • 2 parts of essential oil;
  • one piece of wiper.

Important! For 8 sets of dishes is 1 tablespoon of the mixture.

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Car Care

In order for your dishwasher to serve you for a long time and not cause you any trouble, you need to provide it with thorough care:

  • It is better to pre-soak very dirty dishes, rinse the remnants of food under running water.
  • Periodically you need to clean the internal parts of scale. Then your “assistant” will serve you for a long time.

When choosing detergents, you need to consider what dishes you will wash with them:

  • For capricious dishes, for example, crystal, silver products, earthenware, you need to choose special tools for the dishwasher. Well, for such dishes, you need to choose the appropriate settings in the machine: a cycle with a minimum temperature and a minimum washing time.
  • Do not wash the dishes, on which there is a sign indicating the manual washing of dishes.
  • Do not wash appliances containing wooden handles, wooden cutting boards, copper or pewter.

Important! A lot of discussion is caused by the topic of washing children's dishes. Well, it's up to you. There are no contraindications on this issue, and you can wash your baby's dishes with the same success both in the car and manually.

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How to make a dishwasher with your own hands? - The simplest recipes

If you do not trust the manufacturers of detergents and want to be sure that your dishwashing detergent is safe, then you need to refer to the recipes of our grandmothers. Maybe they didn’t have dishwashers, but there’s more than enough experience in the production of safe dishwashing detergents.

Recipe 1

The simplest detergent pill recipe is very simple: baking soda, borax, salt and lemon. Do it yourself with a do-it-yourself dishwasher:

  1. Soda, salt and borax are thoroughly mixed and slowly added lemon juice.
  2. This thick mixture is laid out in tins and left to dry completely.

Important! Such tablets are good in that:

  • it is cheap;
  • You can be sure of their safety.

However, how well this tablet will wash the dishes is another question. We check in practice.1329890

Recipe 2

If you look closely at the composition of the tablet, we will see that it contains the usual surface-active substances (surfactants), salts, phosphates, enzymes, antifoam, perfume, soda. Everything except soda is part of the usual powder for automatic washing machines, since it has practically the same function - to remove dirt, proteins and fats.

So - if you take a washing powder and add soda there, you get a dishwasher tool with your own hands.

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Dishwasher tablets

As we have already noted, it is tablets, due to ease of use, that are in greater demand than other variations of detergent products. There are also recipes for making such a dishwasher tool with your own hands.

Recipe 1

The composition includes washing powder and soda, in a ratio of 7: 3. As a bundle, ordinary water is used.

Do-it-yourself dishwasher detergent:

  1. Mix soda with powder.
  2. Add water to get a thick mass.
  3. Then we lay out this mass in molds - here how your imagination will prompt.
  4. Leave it all to freeze.

Important! Keep in mind that the tins should not be large, otherwise - your tablet will not fit into the compartment in the dishwasher.

Recipe 2

The composition of such a tablet for a dishwasher includes:

  • baby powder - 8 parts;
  • soda - 1.8 parts;
  • dishwashing detergent - 0.2 parts.

Important! Do-it-yourself baby powder for this dishwasher detergent is used due to the fact that it is less aggressive. But its minus is that it works at temperatures up to 40 degrees, that is, in the dishwasher you have to set the cycle at a low temperature.

The cooking process is the same as in the first case.

Is it worth using homemade products?

And now let's see if homemade tablets are washed well by the dishes or are we wasting our time. We conduct experience in practice and get the following result:

  • The first tablet washed the dishes reasonably, but worse than the cheapest tablet - not all places were washed well. Most likely, this was due to a strong antifoam in the washing powder.
  • The second composition proved to be better, since it included a dishwashing detergent, albeit in small quantities.

Important! A natural question arises: is it worth it at all to be puzzled by improvised means or is it easier to buy ready-made ones? Let's look at such an important factor as price.

Based on the minimum price of finished industrial tablets and the cost of those dishwasher products that you can cook with your own hands according to the above recipes, the savings are about 80%.

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Dishwasher Gel Recipe

In some older models of dishwashers, tablets are not provided by the program at all. Here you have to use either powders or gels. Consider a universal gel recipe that is easy to make with your own hands.


  • 1 liter of water;
  • 50 grams of soap chips;
  • 45 grams soda ash (do not confuse with food);
  • Essential oils.

Cooking method:

  1. Bring the water to a boil, add soap shavings and mix thoroughly.
  2. Add soda ash and mix until it is completely dissolved.
  3. When the mixture has cooled, add essential oils, you can even add a few drops of blue ink to enhance whiteness.

Everything, universal gel is ready.

Important! It can be used both for washing and for washing dishes. For convenience, it can be poured into a bottle or canister. When using it for hand washing or washing dishes by hand, the gel does not dry hands, which, together with its penny value, will greatly please any housewife. Using it in the dishwasher gives good results, the dishes are clean and odorless.

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So to summarize. Do-it-yourself tool for a dishwasher is much cheaper, it is safe, you can change the proportions and composition depending on your needs. But it takes time to prepare it and outwardly it will not be as beautiful as the factory version. But if this does not scare you, then successful experiments!

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