Means for the toilet - choose the right one

For a comfortable and cozy life, regular cleaning of the apartment is required. Especially depends on the condition of the room comfort and coziness in the toilet room. In order for the cleanliness in the hygiene room to be impeccable, it is important to know which particular toilet product will help to achieve the best result in the shortest possible time. In this article we will look at the principle by which a detergent for a toilet room is chosen, and also what are their main features.
to contents ↑Criteria for choosing a toilet
The product shelves of modern household chemical stores offer us a huge selection of toilet products from domestic and foreign manufacturers. All of them differ not only in price, but also in form, volume of release, method of application.
What substance to choose, that cleaning this room was as easy as possible, as well as no less pleasant?
To get a really high-quality result with minimal time and effort, a good toilet detergent should have the following properties:
- Rust removal.
- Elimination of lime plaque.
- The rate at which plaque splits.
- Disinfection properties.
It is the level of these indicators that manufacturers pay attention to when testing and inventing new formulas of cleaning products.
to contents ↑How to choose a toilet cleaner?
When choosing a new toilet detergent for yourself, it is worth considering that there are:
- special;
- preventive;
- universal facilities for the toilet;
- substances to eliminate blockages.
Types of household chemicals
The cleaning substances offered to us differ in the form of production, and therefore it is possible to choose the most suitable of these options:
- Powder. Very common is the production of toilet products in the form of a cleaning powder. Such a substance is quite accessible and easy to use, but when buying a powder for cleaning, it should be borne in mind that the surfaces treated with it will have to be very carefully wiped using special brushes.
Important! With this treatment, you can damage and scratch the surface of the plumbing and decorative finishing materials, which will ruin their appearance. In addition, such cleaning requires a lot of effort and time.
- Gel. Such toilet cleaners have a thick helium structure, which is very convenient and economical to use. The special form of the bottle allows you to apply the substance as efficiently as possible under the rim of the toilet bowl, after which the liquid gel, flowing evenly, is distributed along its walls. Thus, human contact with the active substance is minimized and there is no risk of contact with a caustic detergent on the surface of the skin.
- Detergent in the form of a paste or cream. It makes gentle and delicate cleaning of contaminated surfaces, but it does not always lead to the desired result.
Important! The quality of the result from the use of paste very often depends on the manufacturer. Therefore, often an excellent result without much effort gives expensive means of this type.
- Liquid detergent for the toilet. Such products are effective enough to clean contaminants, but to achieve an excellent result, you have to apply a large amount of substance.This is due to the fact that you have to buy the selected chemistry quite often, respectively - this is an irrational cost.
Toilet prophylaxis
Such detergents are not used for cleaning and cleaning the bathroom. They are designed to maintain the cleanliness and freshness of plumbing, as well as protection against serious corrosive contamination on the surface of the walls of the toilet.
You can find the following preventive products for the toilet:
- Replaceable unit. Often this is a plastic product that is attached using a special retainer to the wall of the bathroom. Inside the plastic block is a special liquid, balls or toilet soap. During each washing off, part of the substance is washed out, thereby protecting the surface from the accumulation of microorganisms, preventing the appearance of unpleasant plaque and creating a feeling of freshness and cleanliness.
- Stickers - easily cling to a dry surface, under the inner area of the toilet bowl. Each time you rinse, the active substance will create a foam that spreads a pleasant aroma throughout the room. This tool is quite economical to use and protects against the accumulation of microbial foci.
- The magnetic ring is a novelty in the market of cleaning products. Put this device in the drain tank. The main objective of the ring is to soften the water, which prevents the sedimentation of salts on the walls of the toilet bowl as plaque.
- Pills. This toilet facility, like the previous one, is lowered directly into the drain tank. When dissolved, it creates a pleasant aroma, eliminates plaque, and also carries out disinfection after each washing off.
What modern tool to use?
Household appliances stores offer us a huge selection of different cleaning products for the toilet, but what kind of detergent should be purchased to achieve the desired result as quickly as possible? Let's look at the most common examples of detergents:
- Active Toilet Duckling is a detergent whose formula was developed specifically for cleaning the surfaces of the bathroom. The active substance copes with all types of pollution remarkably, even in hard-to-reach and practically inaccessible places. After processing the toilet, a pleasant aroma will remain in the room.
- Bref - Detergent from this manufacturer is supplied to the shelves in the form of gel, liquid detergent and powder. In addition to removing various contaminants, it also has a disinfecting and antibacterial effect.
- Sanitol is a specialized gel for cleaning plumbing fixtures, manufactured in Russia. This tool is intended not only for processing the toilet, but also for washing tiles, sinks, bathtubs and other surfaces of the hygienic room.
- Domestos is a toilet cleanser in concentrated gel form. It perfectly cleans, refreshes and disinfects the treated surface.
- Cillit - great for removing rust and unpleasant deposits. Perfectly refreshes the room.
to contents ↑Important! When choosing several products for the care of the bathroom, consider one important rule: never mix products and do not apply on the surface one after another. In this case, as a result of a specific chemical reaction, very corrosive vapors may be released. They damage not only the skin, open mucous membranes, but also the respiratory tract.
In any case, work with household chemicals and folk remedies suitable for cleaning the bathroom only in protective gloves, and if necessary, use additional gauze bandages or a respirator.
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We hope that now it’s much easier for you to deal with the whole huge assortment of toilet products and choosing the right one for you will not be difficult.
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