Delonghi descaler

Who still does not know that the most delicious coffee is obtained using high-quality and clean water? But the quality of running water is not happy today, and scale is formed on your favorite coffee machine. Today we’ll talk about what it is, why it is dangerous, and how to protect the coffee machine from this unpleasant plaque using the Delonghi descaler.
to contents ↑What is scale?
Any running water contains impurities of salt and lime. When the coffee machine is running, water is heated and pressurized or converted to steam. Of course, such manipulations cause changes in the liquid, and some of the substances are released, appearing on the device in the form of a precipitate.
If this sediment is not removed in time, it can both lead to a breakdown of the device and harm to human health. Scale settles on the inside of the machine and does not allow water to pass normally through the channels intended for it.
to contents ↑Important! Sediment is formed everywhere: on the holder (horn), cappuccino machine and other elements of the coffee machine. Therefore, if necessary, to clean the device of sediment, do not forget that it is not enough to clean only the contaminated part, you need to rinse the entire device.
Scale Signals
It happens that we forget to remove scale in time, and we do it when we already see this unpleasant residue everywhere. How to recognize signals?
The coffee machine must be cleaned if:
- The drink changed its taste (for example, it became bitter).
- You notice a white precipitate in the drink.
- The time for making coffee has changed.
- If the coffee machine turns on, but it gives an error signal.
- The trickle in the holder at the same grinding became too thin.
- When the device was working, a strong noise began to appear, and the case began to heat up very much.
- If you have already prepared 200 servings of espresso.
If you notice such signals - do not hesitate and rinse the device from scale and essential oils of coffee. Especially for its appliances, Delonghi produces cleaning products that are ideal for all coffee machines of this brand.
to contents ↑Decalcification Products
Of course, the manufacturer recommends using only a proprietary product - Delonghi descaler, but no one forbids you to try other cleaners. Today, their huge mass - from powders and concentrates, to special cleaning tablets.
Important! Folk remedies such as vinegar or citric acid are also used to remove scale. But they are not always safe, for example, it is forbidden to clean the coffee machine with vinegar, because not only the scale, but also the machine parts are destroyed from it.
Homemade products
If you still decide to save, and make the product yourself, we recommend using citric acid for these purposes.
The process is quite simple:
- Dissolve 40 grams of acid in a liter of hot water, mix a 1: 1 solution with cold water.
- We clean the filter manually.
- Pour the solution into a water tank.
- Turn on the espresso machine, but without coffee in the horn.
- We wait until the tank is empty by half, and leave the device to rest for half an hour.
- After - we reconnect the device and merge the remaining solution in the same way.
- Next, we wash the parts, fill in clean water and wash the insides without the “lemon”, brewing 2-4 cups of coffee and pouring it.
Important! Of course, this method will save money, but may cause malfunctions in the operation of the device.Therefore, the manufacturer recommends using a professional descaler for the Delonghi coffee machine.
Professional tool
Delonghi have developed a special natural descaler that is ideal for all coffee machines of this brand. Country of origin - Italy.
Main characteristics:
- The product is environmentally friendly and effectively cleans even difficult cases of scale.
- In addition to the coffee machine and its parts, the Delonghi descaling liquid will do fine with scale on kettles or heating elements in boilers.
- It contains only natural ingredients based on lactic acid.
- The released volume of the product is 0.5 liters, which means that it will be enough for five full cleanings.
- The fluid has passed all the necessary tests and meets safety standards.
to contents ↑Important! Proper and regular use of the Delonghi descaler ensures that your coffee machine lasts a long time.
We clean the coffee machine
The new Delonghi models have a very convenient function for determining water hardness and the need to clean the device. The operation of the auto-cleaning function is very simple.
- The descaler Delonghi is poured into the capacity of the device in an amount of 100 ml.
- Next, fill the tank to the top with water.
- After - start the self-cleaning mode. The whole procedure takes about half an hour, while the device passes small portions of liquid with a washing solution through its systems.
- At the end of washing, the device turns on a sound signal, after which its removable parts are washed by hand and filled with clean water.
- Next, the machine rinses automatically from the remnants of the product.
Important! When using filtered water, the need for such washing occurs about 4 times a year. When using flowing - the frequency of procedures increases.
If there is no automatic cleaning system, you can use the manual cleaning method. Its meaning is very similar to automatic:
- Add the product to the container, and rinse the device by starting the brewing of espresso, but without coffee in the holder. The only difference here is that you have to start the program yourself each time, until the water tank is empty.
- After - pour pure water into the coffee machine and wash it by brewing two or four cups of coffee, which are poured after preparation.
Separately, it should be said about cleaning the elements of the device.
to contents ↑Cleaning individual items
In order to completely remove the sediment from the device, you will have to try and rinse some elements manually.
To clean the horn (holder), you must first open it. Some people suggest picking up the holder strainer with a screwdriver, but this can damage the strainer. It is better to use a second filter for these purposes. After opening, the horn is washed with hot water, removing all coffee deposits at its bottom.
Important! Please note that washing the horn with detergent is not recommended, as it is very easy to get inside, but it is difficult to completely wash it. Accordingly - this can greatly affect the taste of the drink.
Brewing unit
So that the unit does not become clogged with coffee residues, it must be washed. To do this, simply turn off the device, remove the unit and rinse it with warm water.
Important! The procedure is recommended once a week.
Cappuccino maker
This item is not available on all models of coffee machines, but its cleaning is as simple as the rest of the parts. Each time after making milk, turn on the cappuccino machine cleaning mode - Clean. Further, the device will do everything for you. Rinses the device with hot water without touching the milk that is poured into it.
to contents ↑Important! Be sure to read the instructions for use and flushing your model in the operating and safety instructions.
Precautionary measures
When working on cleaning the coffee machine, you should be extremely careful and follow the recommendations:
- Avoid contact with acid sensitive surfaces.For example, if the coffee machine is installed on a marble countertop, it is best to cover the surface with film before starting work.
- Be sure to read the Delonghi descaler instructions and how to clean your model.
- Avoid contact with skin or eyes. If the injury could not be avoided, rinse the damaged areas under running water and consult a doctor immediately.
- Keep funds out of the reach of children and pets.
to contents ↑Important! Distilled water should not be used to make drinks, as it is not suitable for human consumption.
Stock footage
If you decide to get rid of the scum for a long time, you can install a magnetic water filter - it converts the water and softens it by releasing impurities from it. Depending on the brand of the device, manufacturers offer detergents of their own design. But this does not mean that they can only clean this device. So, the descaling liquid in Delonghi coffee machines is quite suitable for other brands of coffee machines.
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