Tile grout remover

Grouting is the final step during facing work. Finishing material for filling the cracks in the joints of ceramic, mosaic tiles can be of different colors. Grout performs protective, supporting functions and frames the edges of the tile. But often after a while, the seams between the tiles begin to turn yellow, crack, and sometimes even turn black. To correct the situation, it is necessary to remove the old grout and fill the seams with a new one. Today we will tell you what tool to remove grout from the seams of the tiles to choose, and also introduce you to the methods of updating darkened seams.

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Grout - where is it applied?

Finishing material that fills the cracks in the seams of the newly laid tiles is called grouting. This material is auxiliary in nature. Most often, the grout is selected according to the color of the tile so that it does not attract attention to itself. This finishing material is applied with a strong indentation into the seam.

Important! Thanks to this technique, the amount of moisture in the seam is reduced. But unfortunately, the grout has not yet been developed, which would be completely impermeable and able to effectively protect the base from water accumulating in the seam.

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What is grout?

Trowelling materials are of several types:

  • Based on cement.
  • Based on water.
  • Based on epoxy resins.
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Why did the grout go bad?

Over time, the seams between the tiles begin to spoil the entire appearance of the cladding, acquiring a yellow or grayish tint, and sometimes they even begin to crumble. In addition, the integrity of the grout is violated, and this contributes to the penetration of dampness and the appearance of fungus and mold, which is completely unacceptable. At the same time, it is necessary to choose a grout remover and to carry out a number of works to update the joints.

Important! If the grout has lost its original appearance over time, it means that the work during the cladding was performed poorly.

Possible reasons for the violation of the integrity of the grout:

  • The seams were not completely filled.
  • The technology of facing works is violated.
  • The wrong type of grout was applied, or the mixture was used not according to the instructions.
  • Incorrect tile care. The use of aggressive cleaning agents destroys the trowel.
  • Inoperative or poorly functioning ventilation can be a favorable factor for the appearance of the fungus.
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The need to remove grout

The need to replace grouting of facing tiles may arise for several reasons:

  • Poorly executed repair. If poor-quality mastic was used or the technology of its application was disrupted, then soon, the grout will begin to crumble, fall through at the joints and look untidy.
  • Redecorating. If the appearance of the cladding has lost its appearance, it is best to remove the old mastic and apply a new layer of grout.
  • Change of design of the room. To make a new, fresh note in the interior, you can change the shade of filling the seams.
  • Partial or complete tile replacement.If the interior lining changes, the grout also changes.
  • Fungus. Most often, it is the seams between the tiles that are the nursery of microorganisms. If mold and fungus appeared on the tiles and seams, then urgently need to get rid of the affected materials and change them to new ones, since the resulting spores of the fungus are dangerous to human health.

So, you are convinced of the need to remove the old grout, now we will put everything in order. And for starters, remove all unnecessary from the room, and what cannot be removed - cover with plastic wrap.

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How to remove grout from tile joints?

It is necessary to remove the trowel very carefully so as not to spoil the tile itself. Therefore, if you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to invite a specialist who will qualitatively remove the old composition and perform a new grout.

Two basic methods are used to remove grout:

  • Mechanical. Tools and physical strength are used.
  • Chemical. Chemical reagents are used that soften the composition and facilitate the operation to remove grout.

Consider each of the methods in more detail.

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Methods for the mechanical removal of grout

For work, you can use various tools. Any of the list below will certainly be found in everyone’s house:

  1. Use of a sharp-edged paint knife. This is the easiest way. Direct the blade inward from the edge of the tile to the middle of the seam, first on one side and then on the other. From the resulting recess, pull out the old grout, centimeter by centimeter, with a little effort.
  2. Suture binder is a good way to remove grout from tile joints. With translational movements up and down, remove the grout. Then brush off the dust and rinse the seams.
  3. Drill. Thin drill or nozzle "brush" slowly, at low speeds, process all the seams. Remove dust with a brush.
  4. The use of a special jigsaw (dremel). This tool has a special nozzle.
  5. Bulgarian. You can use a disc for metal or stone, but to work with a grinder, you need a hard hand and protective equipment. In order not to spoil the tile, attach a stop in the form of a flat bar to the tile.

Important! Use a drill or grinder only if the tile is held firmly to the wall.



  1. For mechanical removal of the old composition, you can use any sharp improvised means: knife, awl, screwdriver. Be careful not to damage the tiles. First, turn the tool to the seam and then tap on it with a hammer. Such work will take a lot of time, so be patient.
  2. If the tile is completely replaced, use any method of removal, since the grout is removed only after the tile has been hollowed out.
  3. Before applying the drill, moisten the surface of the tile and seams with a solution of vinegar (1 part vinegar to 2 parts water). Apply freshly prepared mortar to the tile, and coat the seams with this grout remover using a special soft cloth. Leave the surface for 20 minutes, and prepare a drill commensurate with the diameter of the seam.
  4. To apply a new grout you need a solid foundation. Therefore, inspect the joints for loose residues of old grout. If it is cement-based, then walk along the seams with an acid reagent. Apply grout remover for 5 minutes. The resulting bubbles will dissolve the remaining mixture. Brush the grooves and rinse. Let the seams dry thoroughly. Now they are ready to apply a new grout base.

Important! It is better to entrust the professionals with the removal of epoxy grout and surface preparation for applying a new grouting mass, since mixtures containing resinous substances harden to a state of stone when dried.

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Chemical ways to remove grout

Specially developed grout remover can greatly simplify the task.

Important! There are chemicals to soften different types of grouts.You only need to choose a quality solvent for a particular brand of grout.

Here are just a few brands of chemical solvents:

  • Valo Clean This special tool for removing grout from tile joints has a softening effect for cementitious compounds affected by fungus and mold.
  • Keranet An acidic preparation is designed to remove grout from ceramic tiles. Available in concentrated powder or 15% aqueous solution. Organic acid, which is the main component of the drug, is not inferior to such potent drugs as hydrochloric acid and sulfuric acid in terms of its effect on pollution.

Important! Benefits organic acid - does not emit toxic fumes. The disadvantage is that the preparation is not suitable for cleaning products from marble, limestone and ceramic tiles with glaze.

  • Litostrip. This product is designed to remove epoxy grout. It is applied to the seams and aged for a certain time, according to the instructions. After that, the grout is removed with a spatula, and the remnants of the preparation are removed from the cotton with a cloth. The surface must be washed with water.

Important! All chemicals are aggressive, so before using drugs wear protective equipment: a respirator and rubber gloves.

Technology for applying grout remover:

  1. Carefully read the instructions from the manufacturer.
  2. Wear protective equipment.
  3. Use a hard plastic brush to apply the mortar to the seams.
  4. Brush the furrows between the tiles. Do not use metal tools for this purpose.
  5. Leave the product to interact with the composition for a while (indicated in the instructions).
  6. Remove grout with a spatula.
  7. If not all layer thickness has softened, then repeat the process until completely removed.
  8. Use a cotton cloth to remove any remaining product.
  9. Rinse the surface with water.
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Folk remedies for removing grout

If you are a supporter of exclusively folk, improvised means, then use the following methods to remove the grout mixture:

  1. Prepare a saturated citric acid solution. Apply the mortar to the seams using a sponge or rag. Leave the product for a day. Remove softened material with a spatula, sharp knife or chisel. Rinse the surface with water.
  2. Dilute the vinegar with water in a ratio of 1: 2. Walk through the grout. Leave the product for 30 minutes. Remove grout mechanically.
  3. Mix glycerin with water in a ratio of 1: 3. Apply the solution to the furrows. Leave the product for a while. Remove grout with a plastic spatula. Wipe the surface with a damp cloth.


  • Instead of citric acid and vinegar, use any dishwashing detergent that contains acid, lime remover, or hydrochloric acid.
  • If after repair on the tile there were traces of grouting, then remove them with kerosene or white spirit. Pour into a container of water and add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of funds to choose from. Stir well. Dampen the cloth in the mortar and wipe the traces of grout on the tile.
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Re-mashing the tile indents

After removing the old grout, cleaned grooves must be filled with a new solution. Properly selected fugue will avoid incidents with repeated work. In addition, a high-quality grout mixture will allow you to enjoy the pristine appearance of the cladding for many years.

Choose a building mixture

The main criterion for the selection of grout is the purpose of the room:

  • If the room is with high humidity, then you need a mastic with a high degree of protection against moisture.
  • If you need to protect the joints from dirt, mold, then fill the joints with water-repellent special compounds, for example, Atlas Dolphin, Ceresit CT 10 Super, Kiilto Seal and others. This is especially true for light grouting of the floor in the kitchen, where food is cooked and something is constantly being poured and spread.

Overwrite the seams

It is most convenient to use a rubber spatula as follows for mashing in-tile indents as follows:

  1. Type a solution with a spatula.
  2. Fill the seam mixture first with a transverse movement, and then with a longitudinal one.

Important! In order not to form voids, press the mortar into the seam, pressing the spatula against the lining with force. Simultaneously with the application of the solution on the grooves, remove the excess solution.

In addition to the basic recommendations on grouting technology, there are some secrets:

  • Instead of a rubber spatula, you can use a grater to mash the joints. Apply the solution to the cladding and rub it, diagonally draining it. The grater should go along the joints and push the solution into them. To collect excess material, sweep along the joints of the tiles.
  • Insert polymer-based fugues into the joints with a special syringe.
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How to renew darkened seams?

If you do not want to drastically remove grout, then try to wash the seams with a detergent. Of course, you will not achieve the ideal effect, but you can remove 90% of the pollution.

To update the seams, you can use both folk remedies and special chemicals. The most famous means that give almost the same effect:

  • Santry.
  • Domestos.
  • Amway Home LOC.

The most affordable and cheapest analogue consists of improvised folk remedies:

  • ½ cup baking soda.
  • ¼ cup of acetic acid.
  • ⅓ cup lemon juice.
  • 7 glasses of water.

Mix the ingredients and wipe the furrow solution.

Important! If the grout has darkened from the fungus, then there is no point in cleaning it, since it is affected to the entire thickness. In this case, it is necessary to completely remove the grout, treat the surface with an antifungal drug and grind the joints again.

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Helpful hints:

  • To prevent grout from getting on the tile during repair, rub its surface with soap or stick a mounting tape. This will make it easier to wipe the tiles in the future and save time on cleaning.
  • Do not use acids and special solvents containing them in your composition to wash marble and porcelain tiles from the grout.
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We hope that you have chosen the right way to remove the old grout and updated the lining with a new mixture. Do not worry that you spent your time on such a laborious and unpleasant job, but the new interior will now delight you for many years with its beautiful, aesthetically updated look.


