Dog tick remedy

Each responsible owner must take care of his dog. Therefore, with the onset of the spring-summer period, it is necessary to protect your animal from the bites of bloodsuckers such as ticks. To do this, you need to choose the right tool for ticks for dogs. It is necessary to carry out preventive treatment of a pet, as these insects are carriers of very dangerous diseases that can even lead to the death of your pet. And if a tick that arrives at your dog’s house falls on a sofa, carpet or other furniture, before you can immediately suck it, it can spread to you. So - in time protecting your four-legged friend, you protect yourself as well. You will learn how to choose the right drug for ticks for dogs, which will be safe for you, from this article.

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What types of remedies are there?

The classification of drugs for bloodsuckers is performed according to several criteria - the principle of action, form of release and method of application, component composition.

Operating principle

Means for ticks are divided into such varieties:

  1. Repellents - designed to scare away bloodsuckers.
  2. Acaricidal drugs from ticks, which have a nerve-paralytic effect, which leads to the death of a bloodsucker.
  3. Insecticidal-repellent drugs are universal drugs that can both repel and kill insects.

Release form

Dog tick preparations are divided into the following types: sprays, drops, special collars.

To understand which tool will be more convenient for you to use, read the following information:

  1. Drops - are used by the method of spot application of the drug to the withers of the animal. Some time after applying the drops, its insecticide substance spreads over the entire surface of the skin of the four-legged pet. This creates reliable protection against a bloodsucker for a certain period of time.
  2. Sprays - are applied by spraying the substance onto the dog’s skin, excluding the product’s contact with the hair, as the animal may lick the preparation from it. The concentration of the active substance in drops is higher than in sprays. Using aerosols it is very convenient to process bedding for the animal.
  3. Specialized collars are an effective tick-borne remedy that protects your four-legged friend from bloodsuckers all the time while he wears it. The substance applied to the collar is released periodically and gradually, thereby preventing the tick from sticking to the skin of your dog.
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Popular tick remedies

watermarked - blind-dog-guide-best-friends-abandoned-rescued-stray-aid-shelter-glenn-buzz-3-550x400_cOn the market, protective equipment for ticks for dogs is represented by a wide range of products. To decide what will be available to you in price and quality, use the overview of the most popular means for pet owners.


  1. “Front Line” - drops are applied pointwise to the back of the animal with a pipette. After treatment, the dog is not bathed for 3 days. The duration of the applied drug is 1 month.
  2. “Advantix” - the drug has an insecticidal-repellent effect. The main substances that make up are imidacloprid and permethrin. They reinforce the action of each other, thereby preventing bloodsuckers from sticking to the skin of the animal. It has a destructive effect on pests.
  3. "Leopard". After applying these drops to the skin of an animal, Bars has a repellent effect on an insect.The duration of this drug is 4 months. For a more reliable effect, it is recommended to use a tool for ticks “Bars” along with a collar.


  1. “Bolfo” is a spray tick remedy that has an insecticidal-acaricidal effect. It is applied by spraying the drug on the body of the animal against the natural growth of the dog’s coat. It is sprayed for several seconds at a distance of 30-40 cm. Processing is carried out in the open air.
  2. Spray for dogs “Espree Flea and Oat Sprey” - designed to protect against fleas and ticks. The drug is sprayed onto the skin against the growth of hair, in the direction from the tail to the head. When processing, you also need to grab the paws and stomach. Do not apply the spray on the genitals or eyes. Do not use it more than 1 time in 14 days.
  3. “Sentry” - this dog tick remedy contains permethrin and pyriproxifen, which not only kills insects, but also eliminates unpleasant odors from sleeping places of animals.
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Popular ways to protect against ticks

If you do not want to use chemicals from ticks, but like to often walk in nature with your pet, you can use alternative methods of protection against these bloodsuckers.

Method 1

Protect your pet with aromatic oils. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Take one of these oils: lavender, mint, lemon balm, tea tree, lemon, eucalyptus.
  2. Mix water, alcohol and selected oil in a ratio of 10: 1: 1.
  3. Using the resulting solution, treat the animal’s hair, especially the sides, neck and abdomen.

Important! Do not apply the resulting solution to the face of the animal, as their sense of smell is much stronger than that of humans.

Method 2

  1. Prepare the aroma oil.
  2. Take a collar from kapron or felt.
  3. Drop a few drops of aromatic oil on it.

Important! Watch the reaction of the animal so that the smell does not irritate its sense of smell.

Method 3

If you live in a private house, plant pink geraniums and marigolds on the site - their smell will scare away ticks. You can also rub the hair of the pet with the leaves of these plants, after breaking them.

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We hope that our article was useful to you and you have selected the best tick remedy for your dog. May you and your pet always be healthy, and walks in the fresh air bring you only pleasant impressions and do not cause trouble.

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