Mosquito repellent in car

Summer nature is just wonderful! You can enjoy relaxing in the woods, on lakes, rivers, if not for the winged and vile bloodsucking attack. In most regions of the country, mosquitoes begin to be active in May and do not stop until late autumn, because cooling them only on hand, having a beneficial effect on the lifespan of females. Since bloodsuckers are precisely females, effective protection against mosquitoes remains relevant until the first frost. If you are accustomed to relaxing while traveling by car, you should know what mosquito repellent to choose in a car, what to look for when choosing the composition of the drug, so as not to get poisoned with insects on the way.
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More than 3 thousand species of blood-sucking annoying insects live on the planet, of which about 100 can be found on the territory of our country. Mosquitoes appeared on Earth in the Cretaceous period, but for many centuries, mankind has not figured out how to get rid of annoying insects once and for all .
The fight against bloodsuckers is usually carried out in two ways:
- Scare away. The way of repelling is more preferable not because of humanity, but because of the least damage - both for nature and for man. Do not forget that mosquitoes are not only annoying insects that cause suffering and dangerous diseases, but also food for dragonflies, birds, fish and other animals. There are two ways to scare away mosquitoes:
- With the help of chemicals that have an unpleasant odor (from the point of view of mosquitoes).
- With the help of ultrasound, which (in theory) should scare insects, give them discomfort.
- Destruction. Total destruction of insects can cause an imbalance in the ecosystem, but sometimes after another mosquito attack, when there is no more space left on the body, one does not want to think about biological equilibrium. Then only one thought comes: to kill them all. There are several ways to destroy annoying bloodsuckers:
- Chemical using repellents.
- Mechanical, using fumigants or exterminator traps.
Consider the methods of protection in more detail to understand which mosquito repellent in a car is most suitable.
Mechanical mosquito repellent
The task of mechanical methods of mosquito protection is to prevent the bloodsuckers from reaching the goal. Gauze capes, hats and hoods with nets successfully cope with this task. In apartments, mosquito nets successfully cope with this task. Since mosquitoes have a very long and sharp sting, which easily passes through thin clothes, going for a walk, hiking or fishing, dress tightly in a jacket with long sleeves and pull on high socks to your legs so as not to leave a chance for the bloodsuckers.
But since no one is interested in wrapping up like cabbage in conditions of persistent heat and scorching sunlight, other protection methods need to be considered, especially if you need a mosquito repellent in your car.
Physical protection
These funds include:
- Exterminator traps. The catcher is based on the attraction of the midge with the help of light and heat. The flying insect is sucked in by the air created by the portable fan. Getting into a closed, enclosed space, the insect does not find a way out and will not be able to get out on its own.
Important! Mosquito traps also cope well with small midges, flies and any flying insects.
- Ultrasonic repellers. The creators of the devices claim that repellers mimic the sounds of mosquito alarms emitted by mosquito males or the sounds emitted by dragonflies - the main enemies of flying insects. Ultrasonic devices are portable and energy efficient. Often, such devices are produced in the form of a small keychain, which is why they are excellent as a mosquito repellent in a car. The piezoceramic element of the device creates oscillations of a certain frequency, which repel bloodsuckers. The effectiveness of the device depends on the frequency of the radiation, that is, on the correct settings of the ultrasound apparatus.
Important! Depending on the frequency of radiation, the device can have a negative effect not only on mosquitoes, but also on any animals, as well as humans. Therefore, if you decide to take just such a mosquito repellent in your car, be very careful and careful when choosing. Carefully check with the manufacturer or seller all the characteristics, possible side effects, quality certificates, etc.
Chemical Remedies
Of course, on the beach, canvas pants, a jacket and a hat with a mosquito net will look, at least, ridiculous. In this case, it is better to use chemical means of protection (repellents). The product range is unlimited. These are sprays, lotions, creams, gels, and even an “anti-mosquito” bracelet.
Chemical deterrence is effective for the following reasons:
- Synthetic chemistry allows a person to become “tasteless” for mosquitoes for a certain time.
- The chemical smell makes mosquitoes uncomfortable and makes a person even invisible due to the fact that the aroma of a living individual with tasty blood is blocked by elements of the periodic table.
- Chemicals irritate the organs of smell, respiration and touch of insects, as well as poison them “to the noise”.
Keep in mind that not all chemicals are equally useful. According to the degree of harmfulness, they can be grouped in this way:
- The most dangerous are lotions and creams, which can cause serious poisoning, rashes and even allergies if you use products in large quantities. Against the background of the problems encountered, the mosquito bite will seem like a mere trifle.
- Aerosols and sprays are much safer, but they are also not recommended to be applied to the skin, it is better to sprinkle clothes and hair with the product.
It is up to you to decide which particular mosquito repellent in your car. But keep in mind that it is impossible to spray aerosol substances in a confined space, and with constant ventilation of the cabin, active chemistry will quickly erode.
The main active ingredient of most chemicals is diethyltoluamide, and the higher its content in the repellent, the more effective it is. However, at a concentration of more than 40%, the drug can damage human health, and at the same time, if it is less than 20% in the composition of the product, then such products will be ineffective.
Important! For children produce special means of protection against mosquitoes, with an insecticide content of not more than 7%. The effectiveness of drugs for children is achieved by adding essential oils and prolongators to the composition.
Helpful hints:
- Before buying a repellent, be sure to familiarize yourself with the composition of the product. Sprays are divided into 2 groups: those that can be applied only to clothing (with a high concentration of insecticide) and the more delicate that can be applied to the body.
- Do not use repellents systematically, as the poisons contained in the products can be absorbed by the body and absorbed into the blood.
- Be very careful about using an electrofumigator. When using such a mosquito repellent in a car, the windows should be open.They should be closed only after 1.5-2 hours after the death of insects (the device in this case must be turned off).
- Fumigators that kill insects with poisons are also not harmless to humans. When used for more than 3 hours indoors, the poison from the fumigant enters the bloodstream through the respiratory system. It is strictly forbidden to use fumigators for allergy sufferers.
What folk remedies for mosquitoes to take in the car?
Folk remedies for mosquitoes are considered the most harmless and harmless to the human body. This is especially important if you spend a long time in the car and the children travel with you. In this case, no chemicals, or ultrasonic repellents or fumigators should be used. It is better to listen to the advice of folk wisdom and use the smells of plants that will scare away mosquitoes.
Here are examples of several well-known tools:
- Cloves. In Soviet times, the Cologne Cologne was actively used. However, such a cologne is already difficult to find in stores, and it looks a little like the Soviet one. Therefore, we propose to prepare the following product ourselves: dried, unopened flower buds of clove tree (5 g), pour a glass of water and boil for 15 minutes. Mix a small amount of the resulting broth with any cologne. The product can be applied to exposed areas of the skin or spread cotton swabs, saturated with decoction, in the interior of the car.
- Essential oils. Mosquito brothers do not tolerate the smell of essential oils: valerian, anise, basil, eucalyptus, cloves, and tea tree. Get any essential oil of these plants at the pharmacy and add 5-10 drops to any base (milk, cream). Lubricate exposed areas of the body. Essential oils can also be dripped onto a source of heat or fire (incandescent lamp, aroma lamp, etc.). In the car, you can use cotton swabs moistened with essential oils or special fresheners with such an aroma. This will be the best mosquito repellent in your car.
- Freshly cut leaves and flowers of bird cherry, basil, wormwood, Dalmatian chamomile scare away insects. Lay out bouquets of the above plants on the car - bloodsuckers will not fly up and close.
- Coniferous smell. Use in the car a fragrance with the smell of fir cones, needles, cedar, so as not to leave the bloodsuckers any chance of access to your car.
- Vietnamese balm "Asterisk". Good old balm perfectly repels mosquitoes. Lubricate exposed skin or lay open stars on the vehicle to scare away insects.
Stock footage
Some bloodsucker fighters claim mosquitoes cannot tolerate yellow. Therefore, going out on a hike, look for clothes that are suitable for the shade, get into the yellow car and put out all of the above-mentioned folk “scarers” - not a single mosquito will bother you and your companions.
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