Remedy for ants in the country

Owners of garden plots should definitely know which ant remedy in the country is effective. Even if you don't have ants in your garden at the moment, things can change quickly. Therefore, you must be prepared so that the damage does not become unexpected and global for you.
to contents ↑What is the harm of ants?
These insects bring great benefits to nature, they are hard workers by nature and even people have what they learn. But often it happens that ants begin to harm garden plants and crops:
- Eating fruits and berries, ants on plants breed aphids, which can completely destroy large plantations of crops.
- Ants can slow the growth of shrubs. They build their nests deep underground. And if insects have chosen a tree for themselves, in the root system of which they made their own housing, then it will live no more than 3 years. Near their nests on the surface of the earth no plant will grow either.
Important! Red-fire ants, wood-boring ants and pharaonic ants pose the greatest threat to garden plantings.
There are many methods to deal with ants in the garden. As a rule, they require an integrated approach and a serious attitude. If it is wrong to approach the solution of the problem, then it can only lead to the addiction of insects to toxic substances and their constant reproduction.
to contents ↑How to deal with ants? Basic Rules
In order not to do unnecessary procedures, you must clearly know the order of your actions:
- Correctly determine the purpose of destruction. First of all, aphids should be removed, as it causes an increase in the number of ants. In parallel, the fight against ants should begin.
- Find an effective “weapon” and use it competently. Do not crush oncoming ants, so you will not achieve anything. You should find the female and destroy her. This will help the ants themselves. Poisonous substances that are used to baize ants are eaten by working individuals and are recorded on their paws in the "queen's chambers."
- Stop the fight in time. In order not to disturb the ecological balance, you should not harass absolutely all ants, because then you will have to fight with more terrible enemies.
How to destroy ants on their land?
Ants do not like to be disturbed, therefore they arrange their own housing in places where the soil is rarely cultivated. The best preventive procedure against ants populating their plot is to frequently dig up the land, preferably not only on the surface.
How to get rid of ants on trees?
Treatment of the trunk with a strong mortar of lime will help get rid of ants in the trees in the country. Do not spare the lime, but in addition to the trunk, also process the earth around it.
How to get rid of ants in the beds?
If you have already found an anthill in your garden, you should adopt quick and effective methods. Dig up the whole anthill, try to get as deep as possible and dig it all up.
to contents ↑Important! Their nest should be completely destroyed so that they leave your site. If you want to surely achieve a good result, after digging, add lime, ash or ashes to the ground - these are effective remedies for ants in the country.
Remedies for ants in the garden
The main remedies against most insects that gnaw leaves are diazinon-based preparations. This substance from the class of highly active organophosphorus chemical compounds affects the nervous system of sucking and leaf-eating insects, causing paralysis in them.
Important! Diazinon kills adult ants and their larvae during the first two days after treatment. The expense of funds is minimal. One bottle of 10 ml is enough to process 50 square meters. m, that's about 200 anthills. Ants do not settle on cultivated garden plots.
Fighting ants in the garden with folk remedies
- Among the folk remedies for ants in the country house and in the garden, the leaves and stalks of parsley, tansy, laurel, mustard, tops of tomatoes, anise are effective. The smell of these plants repels insects. Therefore, if you notice ants on the beds, you can get rid of them by scattering these plants between the rows of planting.
- To prevent the appearance of ants between the ridges sow valerian and mint.
- A fairly effective remedy for ants in the country is drinking baking soda, which is sprinkled with anthills.
- A solution of a glass of boric acid and 4 tablespoons of granulated sugar can also rid your area of annoying insects. It is enough to water them with an anthill.
- You can try to pour a cluster of goosebumps with a solution of 10 tablespoons of kerosene and 10 liters of water.
- Water mixed with vegetable oil is also considered an effective remedy for ants in the garden.
Fighting ants in the house
It often happens that ants not only harm plants, but also prevent normal living in their own home. It is extremely difficult to fight them, but it is quite possible to defeat them. The algorithm of actions should be similar to the persecution of insects outside the house.
The first thing to do is find the nest itself. After all, it is there that the core of life of the entire colony is located - the female.
Important! Usually a nest in a house is hidden in a wall or in the floor. In most cases, it will be difficult to get there, so we will strive to bring the poison to the female with the help of her faithful laborer servants.
Fighting ants in a house with folk remedies
- Prepare a solution from a glass of water, ¼ teaspoon of boric acid, 1-2 teaspoon of honey and 3 teaspoons of sugar. Such a bait should be placed in places that, according to your observations, are often visited by ants. You should be patient and not expect an instant result. Baiting in this way lasts at least a month.
Important! Make sure that the poisoned liquid in the container does not become a treat for children and pets.
- The meat bait is prepared according to this recipe: ½ teaspoon of ground borax mix with 2 tablespoons of minced meat. Spread the mixture in places where insects have accumulated.
- Just as with bullying ants in the garden and in the beds, you can use the leaves and stems of the plants mentioned above. Arrange the fragrant herbs in the places where you saw the ants, and they will not visit them anymore.
Important! One of the proven ways to deal with ants in a house is to bring forest ants into the house. They must take all their inhabitants similar to live in nature.
Ant extermination chemicals
Of the chemicals, Dichlorvos, Front Line, and Regent can help.
to contents ↑Important! Observe all precautions when using these chemicals, because they can harm not only insects, but also people.
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Do not turn the fight against ants into anything more than an elementary defense of your home and plants, because they are part of the nature in which we live.
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