Dust cleaner at home

It would seem, why remove dust? Who does she interfere with? The presence of dust is considered a sign of a lazy housewife who cares little about the accuracy in the apartment. In addition, dust contains sand, pieces of skin and hair of humans and animals, if any, live in an apartment, extremities of insects and other particles of organic and inorganic origin. Of course, there are those who will eat this all - microscopic dust mites. For most people, they are harmless, but for some, the body perceives the ticks themselves and the results of their vital activity as something alien with which to fight. From here, a variety of allergic reactions arise - from skin rashes to asthma. A logical question immediately arises: what is the best way to use a dust suppressant at home, what should I do to get rid of it as quickly as possible?

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Traditional way

The easiest way is daily cleaning: wiping horizontal surfaces, mopping. At the same time, you should move from top to bottom so that the dust does not settle on already clean surfaces.

The only drawback of this option is that you need to do this with enviable regularity, spending your precious time and energy. And if they are already lacking for anything, the question arises: is there a remedy for dust that will help get rid of it for more than one day?

Consider what other combat options are.

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What does the modern chemical industry offer?

Modern household chemicals offer a huge selection of tools to get rid of dust.


Excellent anti-dust agent on furniture. Most of these products have antistatic effects:

  • reduces the stickiness of the surface;
  • neutralize materials that can cause allergies.

Important! After processing the furniture with such means, not only dust and allergens will not remain on them, but also dust particles will not settle on the surfaces for some time.

Polishes can have different flavors: neutral or light.

Sprays for technology

Suitable for dusting such surfaces as a computer, TV, keyboard, as well as other home and improvised equipment - telephones, cameras and video cameras.

Fabric Sprays

Such anti-dust products destroy a variety of allergens deposited on soft surfaces of furniture, curtains and toys. Provide protection from dust particles for a while (up to 6 months).

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And if without chemistry?

Most housewives have already seen that modern household chemicals, of course, act quite quickly, but they still need to be used often. Accordingly, money from the family budget literally flows out of the fast river, because you need to regularly update the stock of funds for cleaning stoves, plumbing, windows, etc. Yes, and by and large, the use of all these tools does not bring anything good for health.

Regarding a constant dust coating, the situation is similar. Therefore, questions arise about how to get rid of dust at home with folk remedies, and are there any such options at all.

There are funds - and there are many of them! Therefore, to choose a more convenient for yourself is not difficult. Let's consider in more detail how to get rid of dust in a room:

  1. Napkins and rags.It is best if they are cotton, as this fabric absorbs water better than other materials. In addition, after use on the surfaces there are no stains and scratches.
  2. A mop is great for removing stubborn dirt. For greater convenience, you can purchase a special mop with interchangeable nozzles for various surfaces.
  3. Broom - a necessary device when working with embossed surfaces. But to maintain the efficiency of cleaning it should be periodically cleaned.
  4. A vacuum cleaner is an indispensable tool in the fight against dust. The best option is a washing vacuum cleaner with interchangeable nozzles:
    • Firstly, it is suitable for various surfaces and materials;
    • secondly - passing through the filter, dust particles do not fall back into the air.
  5. Air purifiers trap dust and destroy bacteria in it. Some models, in addition to the purification function, also ionize and aromatize the air.
  6. Humidifiers increase the humidity in the room. Dust particles, wet, stick together and fall on horizontal surfaces. It remains only to periodically wipe the last with wet rags.
  7. Washing soft toys and curtains will clean them of dust and destroy dust mites. It is necessary to wash things at least once a month, since the bulk of the dust settles precisely on soft objects, and with the appearance of air movement, dust particles fly up.
  8. Airing also eliminates dust in rooms. Wet cleaning is best at this time:
    • In the summer it is worth airing for more than half an hour.
    • In winter, so much time is not needed - just a few minutes.
  9. Drying bedspreads, carpets and curtains in the sun helps to get rid of unwanted "neighbors" who die in the ultraviolet rays.dusting-tips-800x500

DIY dust cleaner

You can also independently make a dust cleaner at home:

  1. Add a quarter tablespoon of vinegar, 2 teaspoons of olive oil and a few drops of any essential oil you like to a glass of water.
  2. The solution is poured into a spray bottle and used to clean dust and disinfect solid horizontal surfaces.

Important! The best remedy for dust is considered high-quality general cleaning. It should be done once every two weeks. But since few people can afford such a laborious process so often, a delay of up to 2 months is permissible. More is undesirable.

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Recommendations for reducing dust

Now that it’s clear how to get rid of dust at home, I would like to give some additional tips. They will help reduce the total amount of dust that flies in the air and settles on furniture:

  1. It is best to ventilate after rain, when all the dust on the street gets wet and settles on the ground, which means it cannot get into the room.
  2. Books, figurines and other rarely used items should be stored on glazed shelves - so the dust can not get on them.
  3. All rooms should be vacuumed several times a day, even if everything seems to be clean.
  4. If it is not possible to often wash the curtains, then it is better to completely replace them with blinds, since less dust settles on the latter.
  5. Keep an eye out for soft toys, bedspreads, and bedding. The latter should be changed every week, since a huge amount of dust also accumulates in it.
  6. It is better to comb your hair in the bathroom so that you can quickly collect hair from the tile. Otherwise - they will have to be collected throughout the apartment. The animals also need to be monitored - comb them out and throw out the fallen hair.
  7. Monitor the humidity level and temperature in the apartment. Normal humidity is 40-60%, and the temperature is 18-20 ° C. In most homes, air temperature is higher and humidity, on the contrary, lower.
  8. Try not to use a broom for cleaning - it does not eliminate dust, but only raises it into the air. For cleaning floors, it is better to use vacuum cleaners that filter the air and trap dust particles.
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If you follow these simple rules, you don’t have to constantly think about dust control and spend a lot of money on expensive cleaning products.


