Remedy for cockroaches and bedbugs

Obsession, a decrease in hygienic cleanliness in the house, the spread of disease - this is not all the reasons why you need to look for an effective and convenient remedy for cockroaches and bugs. The presence of such insects in the house can even cause mental disorders in people, if the population is very large and small insects provoke a constant lack of sleep from the owner of the house or apartment.

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Ways to fight cockroaches

The extermination of cockroaches is not just an event that may seem simple at first glance. The bottom line is that these pests adapt perfectly, and also have excellent adaptive mechanisms that developed during their evolution.

Important! If you are engaged in extermination yourself, then do not use the same remedy for cockroaches for too long, because they can get used to it and the drug becomes completely ineffective.

Fighting cockroaches in a residential building

Of course, many homeowners are aware that cockroaches are incredibly tenacious parasites, and substances that can effectively fight them are incredibly strong chemistry. Engaged in the extermination of insects in your apartment, it is better to buy combined products from cockroaches, bugs, fleas, flies and other pests.

Important! If you have only one type of pest breeding at the moment, you will simply do prophylaxis against other insects at the same time.

The best remedies in the fight against cockroaches

There are a large number of different remedies against cockroaches. They can be bought at stores specializing in such products. To avoid buying low-quality fakes, which will also be useless, buy them in special stores. This is an incredibly important point, because in essence it is a poison that acts only on a specific biological species and subspecies.

When choosing a remedy for cockroaches, bugs, fleas, you can:

  • consult with relatives, friends and neighbors who were able to quite successfully get rid of the invasion of cockroaches;
  • consult with a sales consultant - he will recommend a drug that is more suitable for you, based on the situation you described;
  • contact a specialist of one of the SES services for professional advice;

Important! No need to trust unfamiliar people. Selling you a product that may turn out to be of poor quality, they do not bear responsibility, and the funds may suffer from this: your children, pets or yourself.

The most effective for controlling insects are aerosols, traps, gels against cockroaches:

  • “Raptor”;
  • "Clean house";
  • "Raid";
  • “Combat”.

In addition, you can also purchase funds from cockroaches, bugs, fleas in the form of a powder or a solution or powder:

  • Dohlox;
  • “Brownie”;
  • “LS 500”.
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Bedbug Remedy

The subspecies of bugs comes from the family of Hemoptera. This group of insects includes more than 700 species, half of which are garden ones. They live mainly in forest areas, in ravines, as well as in meadows. Such insects are completely safe for the inhabitants of the forest and for humans, since they feed on berry and vegetable juice.

The rest of other families are water and mountain bugs, among which there is a notorious species - water striders. There are also bed bugs, that is, parasites that live solely at the expense of a person, which causes him significant harm.It is in this case that one must look for an effective remedy for bedbugs.

How to destroy bed bugs?

Household bugs, they are bed bugs, have a habit of hiding in cracks in walls, in crevices of beds, sofas, behind wallpapers, inaccessible to light, warm places with clean air. With the onset of complete darkness, they begin to act, that is, to bite sleeping, unsuspecting people, dogs, cats, even rats and mice.

Important! A female bug, which is very voracious, can drink blood, the amount of which is twice the weight of her own body.

Well-known bugs live from about 1 to 2 years. These insects bite and bites are not only painful, but can cause allergic reactions. But this is not all: bedbugs are also carriers of pathogens of dangerous diseases, such as plague, smallpox, tuberculosis, leprosy and even anthrax.

To make transitions even in the light of the sun through telephone wires, along the outer walls of buildings, ventilation ducts, stairwells, bedbugs cause hunger bugs. Unlike cockroaches, these parasites perfectly tolerate cold.

A lot of things were invented in order to destroy these insects and with the right approach, this or that remedy for bedbugs is really effective:

  • Kerosene, turpentine have been used to destroy this type of bloodsuckers for more than half a century. The only caveat is the very specific smell in the house after processing and all items then require thorough cleaning.
  • The safest and easiest way to protect against the invasion of these parasites is vinegar essence. She needs to process the back of the carpets, rear panels of furniture, interior joints, skirting boards.
  • If the bugs settled in the bedroom furniture, then immediately wipe it with a solution of laundry soap - the bugs cannot stand this smell.
  • Also an effective remedy for bedbugs is considered - an aerosol or a 10% emulsion of chlorophos. In order to apply the emulsion of this substance in practice, first of all dilute it with water in a ratio of 1: 4 and treat the nest of bugs with a brush with the resulting mixture.
  • To prevent the bugs from appearing in the wallpaper, during repair, add 25-45 grams of chlorophos to the glue in a full bucket of glue, thereby completely discouraging the bloodsuckers from coming to your renovated apartment.
  • Bedbug remedies such as “pencils” are very convenient - they are made of an alloy of paraffin and chlorophos or karbofos. They are applied in stripes along the paths of the possible travel of insects and in places of their possible habitat. But the use of such pencils must be extremely careful, especially in residential buildings and rooms. Even the smallest amount of organophosphorus pesticides can cause a severe allergic reaction.
  • Pyrethrum powder is absolutely safe for humans, but extremely toxic for bedbugs. Sprinkle the parasite's habitat with this powder and blow it with a rubber bulb into the cracks, cracks in the walls, behind lagging wallpapers, at the joints of furniture parts, and also into other hard-to-reach spots.
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Flea Remedy

Another infection that can appear in absolutely any city apartment or in the summer at the cottage is fleas.

Creepy_crawlies02Of all the species known to scientists, only 500 species of them feed on fresh blood.

Important! Fleas are more vampires than bed bugs. Each insect of this type can drink up to 500 ml of blood. This phenomenal gluttony is explained by the fact that a flea simultaneously receives food and excrets it. Each such insect lives no more than 2 years.

Fleas, like bugs, are carriers of the most terrible diseases: tularemia, plague and others. Their bites, like bedbugs, are very, very painful and also cause uncontrollable itching.

Important! Fortunately, they can not stand the purity, bright sunshine, great dryness and humidity.

But despite this, exterminating these jumping parasites is relatively simple. To do this, apply such flea remedies and methods:

  • Adult fleas, as well as their eggs, are destroyed during floor cleaning if kerosene, phenol and soap are used. In order to make such a solution, take 100 g of soap, 50-75 ml of kerosene and 1-2 g of phenol per half bucket of water. In this emulsion, fleas die within minutes.
  • To exterminate fleas from your apartment, at home, wash the floor with a decoction of wormwood. You need to cook it as follows: boil 20 g of fresh or 10 g of dried leaves of wormwood for 10 minutes in 1 glass of water. After - decant the broth and add 15 g of planed soap to it.

Important! Do not forget to monitor the cleanliness of your pets, which usually bring fleas to the house. If your dog or cat is walking in the yard, it must be washed regularly using a special shampoo for animals.

  • Fir oil - its jumping bloodsuckers also do not like, so you can use such a flea remedy, it is not dangerous for cats and dogs. Rub this oil into your pet's coat and be calm.

Important! While bathing the animal, you can rinse it with a decoction of tobacco.

  • In the room where pets live, in the water that you wash the floors, add a mixture that consists of 10 g of pyrethrum powder, 10 g of tobacco dust, 1 g of naphthalene and 1 g of potassium dichromate.
  • In some places they get rid of insects by fumigating with burning sulfur. Such a flea remedy is applicable for chicken coops, cowsheds, dog kennels. Subsequently, sulfur dioxide formed, biting insects die.
  • Laying down your favorite pets on a chip of fresh needles, you will destroy all the fleas on them. To maintain a strong odor that repels and kills parasites, change the chips more often.
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Now you have information about what remedy for cockroaches, bugs, fleas can come in handy. Do not compromise with insects - destroy them quickly and purposefully.

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