Pregnant Lice Treatment

What remedy for lice for pregnant women is more suitable is a question that confuses many women. Everyone has long known that at a time when a woman is pregnant, it is necessary to be careful with the use of drugs. Many of the chemical and even natural means of medical care are strictly forbidden to use. This also applies to many ready-made medicines for pediculosis.

Toxins contained in ointments and shampoos for lice can interfere with the normal development of the fetus and indirectly affect the healthy state of the unborn child. Fortunately, during the period of carrying the baby, such situations are quite rare. But no matter how sad it may sound, it happens that a pregnant woman gets lice. In this case, pediculosis should be treated especially carefully. Therefore, for starters - forget about most of the popular methods and be patient using the acceptable means of lice for pregnant women.

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What you need to know about head lice?

watermarked - 2904_elumenInfection with lice occurs due to creeping from the hair of one person to the hair of another. This can happen with close communication, contact of children in kindergarten, schools, at home.

Important! Lice can be infected only if they are alive.

The difference between nits and lice is that they are not transmitted from person to person, because they are firmly attached to the hair one centimeter from the root of the hair. Sleeping on the same bed can also put you at risk for lice, just like using one set of bedding.

There is an opinion that lice can also be transmitted through combs, headphones, hats, but this is not true. Yes, they can be transmitted this way, but very rarely, only with extremely massive pediculosis in an adult or child.

Important! Girls are most often affected by pediculosis. The reason for this is that girls have much longer hairs than boys. Based on this, parents should accustom their young daughters to neatly styled and braided hair.

Life expectancy of lice, carriers, habitat:

  • Outside the scalp, adult parasites can live only one day.
  • 21 days and no more - the life span of parasites on a person’s head.
  • 7 days - the time for which the seams hatch from eggs, nits.
  • The carriers of human lice can not be cats, dogs, other pets.
  • The limbs of lice are not adapted to move on smooth surfaces, such as polished, plastic, metal, so they can only move on the surface of a person’s head.

Important! Lice do not tolerate disease, and even with a prolonged absence of medical procedures, they do not significantly harm health. But still there are diseases that they can provoke - these are pustular diseases and furunculosis of the scalp. To avoid such troubles, as well as to no longer experience discomfort from constant itching, you must urgently look for a way to get rid of lice during pregnancy, if such a situation has already happened to you.

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The mechanical way to combat parasites

It is not easy to get rid of lice for a pregnant woman, because grandmother's methods, which are very popular, are prohibited.

Among these tools:

  • kerosene;
  • dust soap;
  • Cherry water.

The treatment of lice during lactation and pregnancy involves exclusively non-drug methods of treatment.

The simplest steps to get rid of lice during pregnancy are as follows:

  1. First you should try to comb your hair as often as possible with a comb with frequently repeated teeth or with a medical comb.
  2. You will also have to manually select their heritage - nits. It will be much more convenient if someone close helps a pregnant woman.
  3. In order for lice to not have the slightest chance of escaping, the procedure should be carried out in a bathtub or over a white cloth, paper.
  4. If we talk about a safe fight with nits, you can use an iron to straighten your hair. Heat it to the required temperature, iron it along each of the strands, moving from the very roots.
  5. At the end of the procedure, all the parasites that you caught must be destroyed.
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Pharmacy drugs and alternative methods are the best allies in the fight against pediculosis

watermarked - basliksiz-41In pharmacies there is a huge selection of special remedies for lice for pregnant women. They can be produced in various forms:

  • shampoos;
  • ointments;
  • aerosols.

Important! You can view the entire range of available funds directly at the pharmacy located in your area. The instructions usually provide information on the use during pregnancy, and a pharmacist can independently tell you which is better to take a remedy for lice for pregnant women.

Popular pharmacy products

If special shampoos and ointments have failed to help you, then getting rid of lice during pregnancy and relieving your condition will help:

  1. Medifox is a potent substance that is applied to areas affected by lice with a cotton swab. After the time specified in the instructions has expired, rinse with a regular shampoo.
  2. “Nittifor” is another popular remedy for lice, which can be used by pregnant women. It should be applied for forty minutes, then rinse with ordinary soap. Wear a tight scarf throughout the procedure so as not to give pests a chance to escape. After removing the headscarf, comb the hair with a special comb to not only eliminate lice, but also remove their eggs - nits.

Important! Since the reaction of the human body to drugs is different, then not all lice remedies are suitable for him. Before using any option, be sure to consult your doctor first, because now you are responsible not only for your health, but also for a miracle developing inside you.

Safe folk remedies for lice

Often, pregnant women try to exterminate lice with the help of vinegar. This procedure requires the help of an outsider, patience and utmost care:

  1. 9% vinegar should be diluted with water in equal proportions and applied to the fabric.
  2. Make a hat out of this fabric, over which you tie a warm scarf or towel.
  3. After two hours, the bandage should be removed, then rinse thoroughly and comb the hair.
  4. Repeat the procedure after a week.

Important! Such a remedy for lice for pregnant women is suitable because of its relative safety. The main condition is not to use pure acid and not to prepare a solution of too high a concentration, but to observe the above proportions and the duration of the procedure.

Other options for the prevention and treatment of lice during pregnancy:

  • To minimize the risk of lice infestation, spread the smell of tea tree oil or the scent of lavender oil throughout the apartment. Both oils are fatal to these parasites.
  • If it comes to head lice, there is another method that is most convenient for women to deal with them. Hydrogen peroxide, which is part of regular hair dye, is a perfect remedy for lice.
  • Cranberry juice is an excellent and effective tool that helps in the fight against parasites.Its naturally acidic structure very well removes all manifestations of the vital activity of pests on the head.
  • If you still have painful wounds after the procedure for removing lice and nits from the hair, use olive oil, and also use geranium oil as a treatment for wounds.

Important! All these products also accompany hair softening during combing. Depending on the length of the hair, the effect can last for several weeks.

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An effective treatment can be done by carefully following the instructions, recommendations that are written on the packaging of shampoo, drug, spray. Only adhering to this principle, you will be able to achieve the successful extermination of parasites. Unfortunately, nits are not completely eliminated by chemicals, so be sure to carefully comb them thoroughly with a comb. We hope that you have managed to find a suitable effective and safe remedy for lice for pregnant women and now you shine with happiness, and your head with purity.

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