To sew a cloak on a corner sofa with your own hands

Handmade home decorations have been very popular for many years. We offer you to sew a cloak on a corner sofa with your own hands. Such an attribute will create a cozy and warm atmosphere in the room. If you are not a professional seamstress, this will not be a big problem, because using our methods you can create products that require a minimum of skills.

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How to sew a cloak on a sofa? The first idea is to create a bedspread for your sofa in the living room. Even if there are no other decor items in the room, this product will significantly transform the interior.


In fact, creating a wrap for a chair is no different from creating the same wrap for a sofa, however, if you are frightened by the dimensions of the product, it is best to take up the chair first.

In any case, you still have to start with the preparatory phase.

Prepare the following materials:

  • Main fabric (selectable for your choice).
  • Finishing fabric.
  • Lining material.
  • Synthetic winterizer.
  • Threads - it is best to choose those that will contrast with the main material.

The next step is to measure the following parameters:

  • Width and length of furniture.
  • The height of the back.
  • The distance from the floor to your sofa.

Next, you need to make patterns on them and sew materials on a sewing machine.

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Tips and ideas:

  • As an option - you can sew a cover for upholstered furniture from several materials. Very popular among designers is the solution when the center is sewn from bright fabric, and the sides - from plain.
  • As a basis, you can use the material that is used when sewing jackets. The advantage of this material is that it already has a sintepon lining, and minus - the composition contains too much synthetics.
  • When sewing bedspreads, some people do not use a lining, and such an idea is allowed. But you have to adjust the synthetic winterizer all the time, as it will cling to furniture or stray into lumps.

Important! If you don’t want to spend a lot of money, we advise you to purchase cotton fabric - it is inexpensive and ideal as a lining.

  • Decor for wraps is selected depending on your personal tastes and skills. Most often, organza, embroidered satin ribbons and lace are used.
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DIY chair cover

The next way, how to make a cloak on a chair. We offer you an option for which you do not even need a pattern.

Items you will need:

  • Matter.
  • Scissors.
  • Threads.
  • Needle.
  • Pins
  • Sewing machine.


Your actions:

  • First you need to decide on the main material. It is best if it is a dense fabric.

Important! If you decide to use cotton, soak it in warm water in advance so that it immediately shrinks, which can become an unpleasant surprise for you in the future.

  • Next, lay the material on the chair, divide it into parts and cut, then connect them with pins.
  • Cut the allowances and sweep the product with contrasting threads, and then sew on the sewing machine.
  • Turn out a product.

Your blanket on the chair with your own hands is ready!

Important! If desired, you can sew lace around the edge.

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Corner sofa

How to sew a cloak on a corner sofa with your own hands?

  • As with any other furniture, making bedspreads for a corner sofa begins with a measurement.Measure the parameters of your furniture and cut out the details on them. Remember to leave five to seven centimeters at the seams.
  • Then sweep all parts with contrasting threads. It’s best to start with the most difficult parts. In the end, you should get an already sour cover.
  • All that remains for you is to sew the product on a sewing machine.
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Recommendations for sewing covers:

  • Before choosing material for sewing a wrap, carefully inspect the room in which it will be located. For example: a product made of expensive leather will not look appropriate in a simple interior, taking all the attention. Inorganic case from simple fabric will look with a classic and expensive design.
  • If you do not have professional skills in cutting and sewing, then it is better not to choose fabric with a large ornament - you are unlikely to get the right pattern.
  • It is also very important that the fabric is not wrinkled - someone will always be sitting on it with a guarantee, but you will not be able to walk over such an armchair or sofa with an iron all day.
  • If you have little experience in sewing, it is best to conduct a “training” first - make a cover out of unnecessary matter. Yes, it will take a considerable amount of time, but during the process you will understand many difficulties in work.
  • If the pattern of the material is small, then there is a high probability that the upper fabric will decrease in size. That is why it is important to make allowances in the amount of five to seven centimeters at the edges.
  • If matter has an ornament in the form of rhombuses and squares, then it is best to draw a diagram of their location on a sheet of paper.
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As you were convinced, the cloak on the sofa with your own hands is done quite simply, you just need to follow the step by step instructions.

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