To sew curtains from two fabrics of different colors with your own hands - schemes

Nowadays, combined curtains are very popular, which allow you to show your own design abilities and turn on your imagination. Back in Soviet times, many housewives independently made curtains. They simply bought a piece of fabric, hemmed it and hung it on the ledge, but this solution was not always successful. Modern dressmakers clearly understand that the home interior should be made in the same stylistic direction, with curtains occupying a central place in it. Today we will tell you how to sew and combine the curtains from 2 fabrics of different colors with your own hands with the right approach. Schemes and recommendations will also be given in the article.

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Features of the use of combined curtains

The craftswomen are combining in a variety of situations, for various reasons:

  • This is a trend in modern fashion, which is why people who keep up with the times always experiment to get fashionable interior details as a result. It can also be a design decision related to the general concept of home decoration.
  • Combining curtains is relevant in cases where in the future a person plans to change them externally without spending a lot of time and money on it. You can make double-sided curtains, where on one side there will be a dense fabric, and on the other - a lighter tulle. Over time, they can be interchanged, supplemented with some accessories or slightly corrected.
  • Combined curtains are preferred if there are several cuts of materials that are ideal for this purpose, but their size is not enough for the window. If you skillfully combine canvases, you can decorate windows in an unusual and original way.

Combining different shades and fabrics, fantasizing, experimenting, you will create interesting interior elements suitable for any room.

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The combination of fabrics and colors with photos

Before you sew double or combined curtains, you need to deal with a competent combination of colors. Professionals recommend choosing shades in one of these options:

  • Contrasting. In such a situation, the primary color is specially diluted with bright elements opposite to it.
  • Harmoniously combined. In this case, it is necessary to focus on the main color, which would be harmoniously combined with other shades.

Important! When choosing the color of the material should take into account the overall design of the room, upholstery. The ideal option is the manufacture of curtains and furniture upholstery from the same fabrics or the matching patterns on the curtains with the upholstery pattern. If you decide to sew the curtains at the stage of repair work, be sure to pay attention to the texture, color of wallpaper.


In modern design, two-color curtains have become the most popular combination option. They can be combined in different ways:

  • The combination of plain fabric and pattern.
  • Contrast, harmonious color performance.

Important! People with a measured pace of life are better to give preference to the classic combination of white and black. Active people are more likely to find bright elements that combine with a neutral color base.

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Recommendations for independent sewing of combined curtains

How to sew two curtains together? If you decide to sew the curtains from two fabrics of different colors with your own hands, then be sure to read the useful recommendations:

  • The first step is to decide on the material and color. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the general interior of the apartment, because only in this case the products will turn out successful, made in the same style with all other details. In addition, you need to determine the height of the curtains - they can be slightly higher than the windowsill, to the floor, just below the windowsill.
  • Before sewing, you need to study the features and type of fabric that you buy, be sure to instructions to understand how to work with it. When choosing a material, maximum attention should be paid to its strength.

Important! It is recommended to give preference to a strong and dense fabric so that it can maintain its appearance for as long as possible. It is also necessary to calculate the amount of fabric, given the width of the cornice. Heavy and dense materials with a pattern are measured with the calculation of the length of the cornice, which is multiplied by one and a half times.

  • Light fabrics look more attractive, richer. Curtains from them can be collected using a special tape, creating thick and beautiful shuttlecocks. Combine products in accordance with the characteristics of the room.
  • Pay attention to lighting. Heavy and dense fabrics are suitable for the sunny side. For rooms located on the shady side, tulle curtain variations. The curtains look very good in combination with tulle fabric.
  • Before starting work, you should decide on the design of the curtains, prepare drawings and patterns. Before cutting, the material should be washed and ironed to avoid shrinkage of the finished product.

Important! It is better to iron the fabrics slightly moist so that their structure does not collapse after drying.

Any craftswoman will be able to figure out how to sew combined curtains with her own hands, the main thing is to be able to use a sewing machine. It is enough to familiarize yourself with some features and principles of combining fabrics and shades to really beautifully decorate the interior.

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Self-tailoring of combined curtains

If you want to decorate the window with two-color textile, but do not yet know how to correctly sew complex products, then it is better to make curtains from striped fabric or classic curtains from fabrics of two colors. We will consider the second option, how to sew combined curtains of a simple style.

To work, you will need:

  • Pieces of material.
  • Threads matching color.
  • Safety pins.
  • Sewing needles.
  • Tailor's scissors.
  • Curtain tape.


> To determine how much material you need, determine the height and width of the finished product:

  • In width, they should be 1.5-3 times longer than the length of the cornice.
  • The height is calculated taking into account the distance from the floor to the hooks, while the length of the upper and lower hem, as well as the hem for the horizontal seam, is necessarily added.

Perform the manufacture of two-color combined curtains according to the instructions:

  1. Cut the materials into two identical parts, sweep the front side inward along the seam. It will be required in order to iron the product or treat it with an overlock.
  2. Fold in 4 cm along the free edges of the curtains, only fold the allowance 2 cm first, iron it with an iron and then repeat the manipulation. Make a neat stitch at this point with a sewing machine. Turn the product in the same way from the bottom, then hem.
  3. Bend the canvas at the top to the width of the tape, then iron it. With safety pins, pin a curtain tape to it, then sew it in two lines with a machine.
  4. Iron the finished product and hang on the ledge.
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These simple recommendations and tips will help you choose the perfect decor for your interior. The purchase of finished products is suitable only for people who have absolutely no time for cutting and making curtains.Creative natures, on the contrary, are attracted by independent sewing of decorations for windows, and this is very correct, because you are designing your own house in which you have to live.


