DIY Wheel Rack

Many motorists face the same problem and ask the question: where to store summer and winter tires? These spare parts will require a special storage place, not counting those cases when there are several cars in families at once. In this case, you will have to find a large rack or at least a large shelf. It should be understood that rubber is best stored in warm and dry rooms. It is these conditions that help maintain the quality of the product. If you cannot afford to give rubber to someone for storage, it is best to leave it in your garage, and for this you will need a wheel rack with your own hands.

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Where to store rubber?

Racks have long been used by private owners of vehicles, and specialized services and shops. Stationary structures are most widely used, since they are very easy to manufacture and use. This design is a simple frame, which includes longitudinal and transverse racks. On these very racks rubber will be placed and will be.

Important! It should be remembered that such a structure should have high strength, since the tires have a large weight and dimensions. That is why it is best to use metal or thick wood in the manufacture.

In order to make a shelf for wheels in the garage with your own hands, you need to consider in more detail a few points.

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Making a shelf of wood

Do-it-yourself wheel rack for the garage is not so difficult to create. For assembly, you will need only some materials, tools and a little patience. It is best to choose the following sizes for the invention:

  • Height - 2 meters.
  • Width - 1.5 meters.

What can be used?

In order to make a wheel rack with your own hands, you need to use the following tools:

  • Hacksaw.
  • Plane.
  • Roulette.
  • Pencil.
  • Sandpaper.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Bulgarian.
  • Hammer.
  • Furniture corners.
  • Nails and screws.
  • The required number of boards.

Important! The dimensions of the boards are determined by the purpose of the design. For tires, a length of one and a half meters and a width of half a meter are suitable, so that the parts do not fall from the structure.

Consider these tips when designing and selecting materials:

  • For the rack itself, you will need to find somewhere five boards that have a thickness of more than 3 centimeters and a width of 60-70 centimeters, with a length of 1.5 m. These elements are located in a horizontal plane.
  • Also required for work and vertical boards, which will be used as side racks. It is best to choose a length of 1.5 - 2 m, since the height of the structure is determined by the available tools and materials that will be stored there.

Important! Experts do not recommend making the rack very high, because the aforementioned tires for the car will be stored in it.

Operating procedure:

  • In order to erect a shelf, first mark the selected area. If the place of work is a garage, it is best to place the structure near the wall - such measures will help save space.
  • Then make markings on the wall, not forgetting to note the height of the product and its width.

Important! Remember that the “closet” should in no case interfere with the movement of the car inside the garage. In order to avoid difficulties, it is best to place everything near the side of the room.

  • Next, assemble the rack itself.Before undertaking the fastening of the boards between themselves, you should carefully treat the entire area of ​​the tree with a planer and an emery cloth, because the boards should not have any chips and bumps. Masters recommend assembling on the floor.

A tire rack with your own hands should have high strength, and for this you should qualitatively perform the connection of the elements.

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In the beginning, sidewalls are laid, and only then horizontal boards are placed on both sides. Connection will require docking nodes. It is best to perform them with simple nails, furniture corners and screws. All this is done as follows:

  1. We take a drill and make several holes at pre-prepared attachment points.
  2. We fix the corner so that the corner hole coincides with the board. We fix the whole thing with screws.
  3. We fix each of the longitudinal boards to two corners. It’s better to start from the bottom, and finish from the top.

Useful Tips:

  • It is best to choose the distance between the shelves somewhere in 30 centimeters. It is with such a spread that it is most convenient to store rubber. But note that at 30 cm the tires will only be in the prone position.
  • For the stability of the structure, it is best to mount it to the wall. This is done by using a metal frame. It is necessary to fix it to the racks on the bolts. To do this, drill several holes and install dowels with bolts.
  • Since the rack is massive, it should never sag. After finishing work, he should be given a pleasant appearance with varnish or drying oil.
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Stock footage

Absolutely everyone can build such a device. The bottom line is that one set is enough for storing two sets. If you operate the building very carefully, it will last you more than ten years. For those who doubt the wooden materials, a metal base is perfect. It will be distinguished by greater strength and reliability, which will only positively affect the terms of operation.


