DIY wood table

One of the most sought-after furniture items is definitely a table. And if we talk about the cottage, then there certainly can not do without a table. Without it, not a single country feast, tea drinking, and even more so if there is a need to craft something with your own hands, is absolutely necessary. However, you do not want to spend a lot of money on country furniture and, often, the owners master it with their own hands. At the cottage, just in time, you will have a wooden table with your own hands. It is incredibly simple to manufacture, and many in the summer cottage industry will have improvised materials for its creation. Today you will learn what types of tables you can make yourself and how to make a wooden table with your own hands.

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Wooden tables for a summer residence and their manufacturing standards

Wood is the most versatile material for making furniture. It is environmentally friendly, pliable, allows you to make furniture of any size and shape. If you decide to make a table yourself, then the most affordable option is to make it from wood. This is the material that any thrifty owner can find.

Important! For country furniture, you can use old boards, you can disassemble old unnecessary utensils, any suitable option will be suitable.

In the manufacture of country and outdoor tables there are certain standards, so to speak, the minimum requirements for subsequent comfortable operation. For example:

  • Its recommended height is 75-80 centimeters.
  • The most optimal size of the countertop is considered to be a length of 120 centimeters, and its width is 80 centimeters.

A table with such dimensions can comfortably accommodate from 8 to 10 people.

Important! In the manufacture of countertops, experts recommend using boards with a thickness of 3 to 5 centimeters, but the most optimal option is a 40 mm board. Based on these data, it is just necessary to build a drawing of the table, not forgetting to take into account your own requirements for the future product.

If such furniture is planned to be used in the country, then often old boards are used in its manufacture. They are recommended to be pre-sanded and then processed so that they are more resistant to weather changes. Quite often, furniture panels from old unnecessary furniture are used for country tables.

Important! Tables, as a rule, are distinguished by purpose, tabletop shape and type of support:

  • In shape they are rectangular, round and oval.
  • Transformer tables are also distinguished.
  • Regarding the support on which the table rests, they are on four legs, on X-shaped legs, with benches and on the central support with a base.

In order to make a table of wood with your own hands, you need to decide what kind it should be.

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Making a rectangular table from the remnants of boards

In order to build the simplest table with a rectangular countertop on four legs, you can use any board of the appropriate size. To build it, you must adhere to the following algorithm:

  • The countertop is assembled from the required number of boards, the boards are laid exactly to each other. If they are of different sizes, after assembly they can be trimmed with a hacksaw or jigsaw.The boards are fixed on two wooden planks, which are laid parallel to each other on the reverse side of the countertop, but perpendicular to the boards of the lid. Fixation is made on special black wood screws.
  • After assembling the countertop, it is trimmed at the ends of the boards, if initially they were of different sizes. To do this, use a jigsaw or hacksaw.

Important! You must first draw a cut border for more accurate and even cropping.

  • At this stage, they begin to assemble the legs and frame. If you decide to make a table completely from wooden boards with your own hands, then for the legs you need to prepare 4 wooden beams, and for the frame - 6 boards of the right size. Of the 4 boards, a skeleton is knocked down, which is a rectangle smaller in size than the lid. Legs are fixed to it from the inside in the corners. Experts advise them to be strengthened with metal corners. After attaching the legs to the frame, you need to attach 2 boards that will strengthen the central part of the top of the structure.
  • Now the lid is attached to the frame using wood screws.

Important! After the product is fully assembled, the surface of the countertop can be further processed with a planer so that the product has a more neat appearance. Then sand the entire surface with sandpaper.

  • The final stage will be the treatment of wood with an antiseptic and opening with varnish, paint or wax.
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Making a table with benches

If the cottage table has its own permanent place and is made of durable wood, properly processed, then a practical solution will be the manufacture of a solid structure with benches.

Important! Keep in mind that such a table will be more bulky and heavy, it will be extremely difficult to move it. The optimal location for such a massive product would be a porch or gazebo, as an option - a dining place under a canopy.

It is not so difficult to make such an integral wooden street table for a summer house with your own hands, as it seems at first glance. It is enough to observe the following stages:

  • At the very first stage, according to the drawing, the inclined legs of the table and the support for benches are assembled. The base consists of two side parts. Each part is assembled from two inclined legs, which are fixed on top with a wooden plank. Visually, the sidewall forms a trapezoid with the floor surface. Next, the legs are reinforced with another wooden board - it is located approximately at a height of 40-50 centimeters from the floor and extends beyond the legs by about 40 centimeters. These protrusions will serve as a support for fixing the benches.

Important! All fixations are made using wood screws. For greater strength, the fixation points can be glued.

  • When two side parts are ready, proceed to the assembly and fixing of the cover. Separately knock together a countertop from boards of the same size, fastened transversely by wooden planks on the inside. Next - the finished cover is fixed to the side legs.
  • After that, they begin to manufacture and fix benches. On the protruding parts of the foundations, the boards of the benches are fixed using self-tapping screws.

Important! In order for the gaps between the boards to be the same, when assembling between them, a piece of plywood of the desired thickness can be inserted.

  • When the whole structure is assembled, they proceed to grinding, processing and painting.

As you can see, a table with benches of a single design is not so difficult to manufacture. Any skilled owner will cope with its assembly, and thereby solve the problem not only with the table, but also with a place to sit at it.

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Homemade table made of wooden pallets

It so happens that in the country there is not enough small cozy table for a pleasant tea party or enjoy coffee drinks. In this case, the best solution would be to make a garden table with your own hands from wooden pallets. To do this, it is enough to bring down two wooden pallets, placing them one on the other.

To give a beautiful aesthetic appearance to such a table, it can be painted in any color that suits you and is suitable in style, cover it with a tablecloth before a tea ceremony or a small buffet table.

Important! This table option is great for Provence style.

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Unusual wooden tables from improvised means

Since wood is used as a basis in the manufacture of many household items, if you have imagination, you can make unusual and original tables from items not intended for this. Here are some interesting options that can be implemented without problems:

  • An original solution for making a small table is to make it from knocked down and pre-painted wooden boxes. The side parts will be the side parts of such drawers. Optimal would be the manufacture of products from four wooden boxes.
  • A table made of a large wooden reel for cable will look unusual. It is enough to paint such a coil in the desired color, and exclusive furniture is ready. It will definitely surprise your guests and emphasize your originality.
  • No less original can be considered a table made of stump. If your site has a stump from a large sawn tree, or you have the opportunity to bring such stumps to your site, you can create a wonderful small table. The stump can be used as a support for the lid, as well as an independent small table. To do this, you can interestingly paint and paint a stump, or decorate its top with colored mosaics. Such a table looks like a real work of art.
  • If you are not sure that you can make the table frame yourself, then the table top on the base of the metal frame of an old sewing machine will look very unusual. It is enough to screw the cover to the frame.
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As you can see, the most important is not the question of how to make a table of wood with your own hands, but the question of what to make of it and how to make it as original as possible. To get started, just decide on a concept and an idea, dream up. Having an original idea, you can easily find options for its implementation. On the Internet there are a lot of drawings of both simple tables and complex designs, at your disposal a huge number of video tutorials on the manufacture of any kind of tables. Any idea can be implemented, there would be a desire to implement it.


