Do-it-yourself stepladder chair - drawings

In the country (however, in a city apartment too), there is constantly a need to climb somewhere on the mezzanine. To do this, most often a complex and extremely unstable structure is created from a table and a stool, because the stepladders may not be in the right place at the right time. In such a situation, a transformer can help out, on which it is convenient to sit, and if necessary, climb up it, as if on stairs. If you are thinking about how to make a step-ladder chair with your own hands, - drawings, most likely, you also have to do it yourself.

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What is a good stool with a stepladder?

A chair or stool with a stepladder is convenient not only because you can climb onto it when you need to screw in a light bulb or get a book from the top shelf. This design:

  • compact
  • original;
  • durable
  • it is steady;
  • beautiful.

What can be a do-it-yourself stepladder stool? You can easily find the drawings on the Internet, fortunately, almost every home master now considers it his duty to share the most interesting secrets. But there is nothing wrong with coming up with your own design.

Such products are divided into three main types:

  • stationary;
  • transformers;
  • folding.

The simplest option is a stationary model. To existing furniture just a few details are added that are firmly fixed. The most important thing is to choose the most durable chair.

A transformer can be either a chair or a stepladder. It just folds out. With a flick of the wrist, the chair turns into a ladder. Beautiful, practical - and takes up no more space than a regular chair.

A folding stepladder is actually just a ladder that can also be used as a seat. For small apartments, this option is not particularly suitable, because there is much more room for it than for a transformer.

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Cooking Tools

Even for such a small product, some tools are needed. In fact, it’s better to always have them at hand. A wooden transformer step-ladder chair does not work if you do not have:

  • drills;
  • a hammer;
  • saws or jigsaws;
  • chisels;
  • glue on wood.

And what will you make a stepladder from? You need:

  • plywood;
  • fasteners;
  • metal parts;
  • boards;
  • timber;
  • finishing materials.
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Stool stepladder

This is the easiest option. It takes the least time to make such a step-chair, and in addition, a stool with four legs is a pretty solid and stable thing:

  1. Decide how tall your stepladder will be.
  2. Cut 2 pieces of timber by adding the height of the next step to the height of the stool.
  3. From the end, cut the beam half the thickness and the height of the stool.
  4. Clean up excess wood.
  5. Do the same with the legs of the stool to which the ladder will be attached - they should be narrowed in half.
  6. Glue the bar and legs of the stool.
  7. Additionally fasten them with self-tapping screws.


The stepladder is almost ready, it remains to attach a step to it. But first you need to make a foundation for it - from the same bar:

  1. Cut 4 pieces of timber: 2 across the width of the stool and 2 across the width of the step.
  2. Attach them to the seat of the stool so that they are firmly held - on self-tapping screws and, possibly, on glue - you get a rectangular base frame.
  3. In the corners of the frame, which are in the middle of the seat, put 2 racks from the same beam to the height of the steps, firmly fix them.
  4. Fasten a rectangular piece of plywood on them, which will close the distance between the steps.
  5. Fix the second piece of plywood or board horizontally from above, cutting off the excess timber.
  6. Make the finish - it’s not worth painting, but you need to polish it, soak it with stain.

Important! This version of a step-chair is suitable for a large house. In a small apartment, it will occupy almost the entire space, so it is very useful to think about more compact models - for example, a folding ladder-stool. It will take a little longer, but as a result you will get a compact and, at the same time, stable item.

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DIY folding ladder stool

At first glance, it seems that making such a thing at home is beyond the power. This is not entirely true. In construction stores, you can now find almost any component parts, and in its design, the stool-ladder is not much different from the usual stepladder. It consists of several elements:

  • seats
  • supporting rear pillar;
  • stairs of 2-3 steps.

To make the stool-ladder do-it-yourself beautiful and reliable, it is best to look for drawings. But you need to know the elementary manufacturing principles.


The seat is cut entirely from plywood or made up of slats. It should be smooth, without nicks and splinter, reliable. That is, the materials need quality and having a sufficient thickness.


Make basic measurements and prepare a simple drawing. You need to know:

  • length of support legs;
  • back height;
  • number of steps;
  • sizes of steps;
  • width and length of the seat.

An important node is the back wall. It is made in the form of the letter H and bears supporting functions, so it should not break at the slightest pressure. The most reliable option is to assemble it on self-tapping screws and metal corners. But sometimes dowels are used as fasteners, also a worthy option is obtained. The procedure will be as follows:

  1. Make a back post out of a solid beam - its height is equal to the height of the stool, the total thickness of the steps and the total distance between them.
  2. Make side racks for the stairs.
  3. Mark the space for the steps on them - they should be parallel when the chair turns into a stepladder.
  4. Cut the steps out of thick plywood - the bottom should be larger than the others so that you can sit on it.
  5. Glue them to the posts and secure with screws.
  6. Fasten the ladder with the support column with bolts.
  7. Attach the top pad.
  8. Attach folding legs to the bottom step - they are made in the form of the letter H, when the ladder is folded, the legs are bent, this whole structure is placed on the springs.
  9. Do the finishing.
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Do-it-yourself ladder chair - make a transformer

This is also a kind of stepladder. It is sometimes called a folding chair. This is the most compact form of a step-ladder, and the most comfortable one too. It is assembled from two parts, which are interconnected by loops. It takes longer than a do-it-yourself stool, but the result can be extremely interesting in terms of both practicality and style.

Important! Thinking about how to make a chair a stepladder with your own hands, be sure to pay attention to this option. The chair turns into a short flight of stairs instantly, for this all you need is to turn the second part 180 °. At the same time, the legs turn into steps. Strength and reliability is ensured by the fact that the halves of the chair are in contact with each other.

You need:

  • boards;
  • piano loops;
  • bolts.

ladderchairOperating procedure:

  1. Mark and cut the sidewalls, steps and other structural elements - drawings are made in the same way as for any other furniture.
  2. Assemble a narrow stool - the width of the seat is equal to half the usual stool, but the design stands on four legs.
  3. Assemble a chair of the same width - the only difference is that it has a back, and it is made together with the rear legs from solid pieces of timber.
  4. Fasten the parts together.

Important! The back should be so high that at the time when the chair turns into a stepladder, it should stand exactly with its legs.

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Material requirements

The material for such a product must be very durable, because it has to withstand quite large loads. Are used:

  • beech;
  • oak;
  • Pine;
  • Birch.

Oak and beech wood products are good, but planks are expensive, so home craftsmen use something cheaper. Most often used pine boards. True, it is necessary to take into account some features of this material:

  • pine boards are drying up;
  • this material is rotten;
  • over time, the wood breaks and loses strength.

So you have to choose between price and quality. If you want your work to last a long time, choose high-quality boards made of good wood, even if they cost more. Metal rods can be placed on the sides to make the structure more durable.

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Stock footage

In a word, there is nothing wrong with trying to make even such an unconventional product as a stepladder with your own hands. You will find everything you need in hardware stores, as well as where furniture fittings are sold. It is not worth painting such products, but it is very necessary to soak with stain - this will protect the product from decay and give it a spectacular look.


