Dry cleaning clothes at home

Practical and comfortable clothes that can be washed in an automatic machine, and along with other things - the basis in any wardrobe. This is the easiest way to always look without spending too much time on it. However, many modern things are labeled “Dry Clean Only”. Often they are not intended for daily wear, but for some special occasions. How to properly care for such things so that they last as long as possible? What is the best way to use this? Is it possible to dry-dry clothes at home? You will learn the answers to these questions in this article.
to contents ↑What is dry cleaning?
Dry or dry cleaning is called a method of cleaning clothes from contaminants using agents that eliminate stains without dissolving in water. That is, the liquid is not used with this cleaning method.
Important! A significant advantage of this cleaning method is that the fabric is not deformed. This is a big plus compared to the usual washing things in water.
Typically, manufacturers indicate clothing recommendations for washing clothes. However, these tips may not always be useful to us or even completely impracticable. With many things, you yourself can dry clean your clothes at home. It is important to be careful and ensure that the thing does not lose its attractive appearance.
to contents ↑What kind of clothes should I dry dry?
Capricious and delicate fabrics include:
- Natural wool (cashmere, angora).
- Natural silk.
- Some types of rayon (triacetate).
- Linen and thin cotton.
- Velvet.
- Thin knitwear.
- Genuine and artificial leather and suede.
Important! If the clothes contain complex decorative elements, such as rhinestones, sequins, beads or hand embroidery, they can be damaged during washing. A dry dry cleaning of clothes at home will help maintain the original appearance of the thing.
It is advisable to use this type of washing also in those cases when the thing is your favorite, and you would like to extend its service life as long as possible. This treatment has a significant advantage: there is no need to remove shoulder pads, belts, buttons and other elements in clothing.
to contents ↑Dry Cleaners
As mentioned above, delicate fabrics such as suede, wool, silk and even some cotton items are especially needed for such cleaning. Many fabrics can be machine washed, but only in the “delicate” wash mode. It is a triacetate, a polyolefin, viscose, linen. As with conventional washing using large amounts of water, in dry dry cleaning clothes at home, there are two types of cleaners - natural and chemical.
Popular chemicals
Dry cleaning implies the use of chemicals and substances, which is why it is called “dry cleaning”. In order to implement it at home, manufacturers have released many different tools.
According to reviews of many consumers, the most effective and convenient are:
- “Spot Remover” - this stain remover was released specifically for effective and quick dry cleaning of clothes.It copes with greasy stains, dirt from coffee. This stain remover is indispensable on the road, office and catering establishments.
- “K2r” stain remover spray is considered the first stain remover aerosol in the world. Spraying on pollution, it dissolves its structure from the inside. This spray is suitable for all fabrics.
- “Hagerty.Dry Cleaner Kit” - a set of products for dry cleaning clothes. It contains active substances that can remove dirt of any origin, as well as fabric fresheners. Tools from this kit are used in a drum dryer. The kit does not include harsh solvents, because they are adapted for mild and refreshing procedures.
Important! After processing, the fabric does not stretch, retains color and does not sit. It is also suitable for the manual processing of woolen, silk, linen, synthetic and cotton fabrics.
- “Dryel” - was made specifically for dry dry cleaning clothes at home. This kit is a development of the world famous company “P&G”. He received many positive reviews from consumers for their efficiency, ease of use, and for the price-quality ratio. After applying this tool, things smell very nice.
- “Woolite” - released in the form of a gel. Effectively eliminates and protects knitted, woolen and knitted items from dirt. It does not contain aggressive rigid components. Suitable for both color and white things, while maintaining the color saturation of the former.
- “Minute” - like the previous tool, is available in gel form in tubes. It does not require special additional actions - just apply the product on the fabric and wait for it to dry. Then you need to remove the dried powder, and the thing becomes clean again.
Important! Its advantage is its low price.
Alternative or natural remedies
There are things made from such fabrics that cannot be processed with chemicals, but they require dry cleaning. Also, if you are a big opponent of using home chemistry, then you can safely use harmless home remedies:
- Adhesive tape - used on leather things. It is able to eliminate both fresh and old pollution.
- Brush - removes dirt and suede and similar materials. Great for dry cleaning.
- Hydrogen peroxide is a natural solvent. It is advisable to use it for light and white things.
- Ammonia - able to neutralize a large number of various contaminants. It is rarely used undiluted, mainly when cleaning solutions of ammonia are used.
- Vinegar is a well-known food product that is also used as a clothing cleaner. Visibly refreshing the appearance of things. In a solution with acid or essence, rinse the clothes well.
- Refined gasoline is a wonderful stain remover. It can eliminate even the most serious contaminants, however, due to the specificity of the smell and properties, it is recommended to use in exceptional cases.
- Soda - famous for its absorbent properties. Good for its price and availability.
- Sand - used for processing fur products. It is heated and sprinkled with a thing. Then just shake off along with the dirt.
- Starch - able to absorb dirt. If starch is used correctly, it is able to absorb a large number of spots.
How to clean things at home?
If cleaning clothes is not possible in dry cleaning (in some settlements this service is not available), dry dry cleaning of clothes at home will be the salvation. So you will need:
- Automatic machine with a drying function (in the apparatus, things are processed using dry air).
- Dry cleaning kit. It includes: a cover, stain remover, a set of scented and moistened wipes. If your set does not have a cover, then you can take a special cover for washing. This will make it possible to maintain the original form of things.
Important! In this way, it is recommended to clean your favorite things, the term of which you would like to increase.
Proceed to dry cleaning
Dry cleaning of clothes needs preparation:
- First you need to sort things. The sorting rules are exactly the same as for the usual washing: colored items are separate from white, silk is from knitwear.
- It is recommended to place garments of approximately the same size and weight inside the bag or cover for washing.
- The dirtiest areas on clothing should be treated with a clothing cleaner.
Important! If the stain is too large, it is better not to carry it with a stain remover, so that it does not ruin the fabric. Not all paints are as stable as we would like, therefore it is necessary to test the product first in a small and inconspicuous area. In addition, before starting cleaning, be sure to read the instructions for the tool.
Cleaning Algorithm:
- Put dry-prepared items in a case or bag. Do not hammer it completely - things in it should lie freely, which is better processing with dry air.
Important! Clothing made from delicate types of fabrics must first be turned inside out.
- Place scented and wet wipes inside the bag. The moisture contained in them will be sufficient for a successful cleaning. A humid environment will not allow clothes to wrinkle, and will also prevent the formation of creases.
- Turn on the drying machine in the automatic machine. Set the timer for half an hour. The temperature should be chosen minimum - the most sparing.
- After cleaning, hang things on your shoulders so that they do not lose shape.
to contents ↑Important! In some cases, it is not possible to remove stains the first time. In this case, you will have to contact the specialists to have them dry cleaned with the help of cleaning products.
When can hand wash be used?
If the item is made of silk, wool or cotton, and its label is marked “dry clean only”, such a product can be washed manually. But this must be done with extreme caution, using detergents for delicate types of fabrics.
Important! In the process of hand-washing products marked “dry wash only”, you can use only cold water. This will make it possible to avoid shrinkage.
Action plan:
- In the process of washing the thing must be immersed several times in soapy water.
- It should be rubbed very carefully, without any brushes.
- Then you need to wash the soap solution in clean cold water.
- You can remove water from the item with a terry towel. Wrap the clothes in a towel first, and then forcefully press the resulting roll several times.
- It is necessary to repeat until water no longer drips from the product.
- Dry such things on a towel in a horizontal position.
to contents ↑Important! If you are absolutely sure that the product will not lose shape, then you can dry it on a coat hanger.
Wet dry as a hand wash option
For “wet” cleaning of clothes, good quality soap is used, which can easily dissolve in water. Detergents for wool products also give a good result.
From the funds that are easily found in any home, you can prepare your own version of a cleaning product:
- For 12 liters of water with a temperature of approximately 30 degrees - 60 g of borax (can be replaced with the same amount of ammonia) and 30 g of washing soda ash.
- For 12 liters of water with a temperature of approximately 30 degrees - 15 g of soda, borax or ammonia and 60 g of soap.
How to apply these formulations:
- To begin, soak a thing in the first composition for two hours.
- Then shift to the second and gently stretch.
- After that, squeeze out soapy water, transfer clothes to the first solution again, and then rinse twice in water at room temperature.
- After washing, dip the product in a vinegar solution (10 teaspoons of water, one teaspoon of vinegar).
- After wet washing, dry clothes only on the shoulders.
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The main thing when dry cleaning clothes at home is the right choice of products, as well as their use. If you choose chemicals, then carefully read the instructions.
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