Dry skin on the face - what to do?

It will not even turn out to argue with the fact that most of the fair half of humanity have been suffering from increased dryness of their skin for years. For them, the question will always be acute: dry skin on the face - what to do, what masks and treatment to apply?

Frequent peeling of the epidermis creates an unpleasant sensation of tightened and aging skin - in addition to physical discomfort, it is very psychologically disturbing. For such women, the important task is always how to make effective hydration of the skin and eliminate peeling and dryness from it. A huge amount of tools and all kinds of devices help solve this problem. Along with them there are masks for dry skin type at home, made by hand with fresh and natural ingredients. In this article, we will talk about the causes of dry skin, and how to deal with this problem.

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Causes of Dry Skin

There can be many reasons that can cause dry skin. Here are the main ones:

  • Not enough vitamins in the body. Vitamins E, C, A are very important for our skin. Vitamin deficiency can occur in spring or winter.
  • Inadequate, if not improper skin care - the use of soap, washing with chlorinated and hot water.
  • Long stay in the cold in winter and in the sun in summer. Dry skin is often caused by changes in weather conditions.
  • Various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can lead to dry skin.
  • Thyroid hormone deficiency.
  • Dry skin can indicate diabetes. Moreover, with this disease there can be not only dry face, but also dry skin of the head, arms, legs.
  • Age-related changes can also cause dry skin.
  • Frequent peeling often leads to drainage of the skin.
  • Not enough water drunk per day. In the heating season, the use of domestic heaters has an extremely negative effect on the skin.
  • Frequent use of tonal products and powder, especially in the winter.
  • Frequent drinking and smoking will not add beauty and health to the skin. It is better to completely abandon bad habits.
  • Improper nutrition - the frequent use of salty, fatty, spicy, fried, all this is reflected on the skin of the face.

Important! There can be many reasons that cause dry skin on the face. But if this problem is accompanied by itching, peeling and other unpleasant symptoms, then you should visit a doctor and get advice from him about this. This is an endocrinologist and a dermatologist.

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Cosmetics for moisturizing the skin

Today, on the shelves of shops you can find many cosmetics for moisturizing. Here are some of them.

Skin naturals

It is used as a basic care. Thanks to regular use, the skin becomes smoother and problem areas disappear. Nice makeup remedy.

Important! In this series there is another cream - “Fresh”, which can be used in spring and summer. It maskes skin imperfections well and moisturizes it at the same time.


The product is intended for young, young girls and women aged dry skin. It is very easily applied to the skin, quickly absorbed without leaving a greasy shine.


From this category of cosmetics for dry skin types can be distinguished such as:

  • “Vichy Termal”;
  • “Oligo25”;
  • “Novadiol”.

All of them give an excellent effect, have a light structure, tighten pores well, are able to make normal skin out of dry skin in just one week.


Great moisturizer. Apply a thin layer, distributing evenly over the skin. The product is quickly absorbed and does not leave greasy marks.

Important! It is advisable to use in the summer, when the sun's rays dry the skin.



Of the cosmetics of this manufacturer, “Skin Quencher 24” cream for dry skin types is especially distinguished. The cosmetic product has a delicate aroma, the texture is soft and uniform. Apply on the face with a thin layer. The advantage of this cream is the price-quality ratio.


An easy-to-absorb, quick-absorbing facial product with a delicate, pleasant aroma. It perfectly moisturizes the skin without leaving greasy marks.

Black Pearl

A good remedy for dry skin type. It contains only natural ingredients that can not only moisturize the skin, but also eliminate facial and age wrinkles. The cream has a delicate structure, does not cause allergies, lays evenly and is quickly absorbed.


From this cosmetic series, a cream for dry skin type can be distinguished. Made from extracts of medicinal plants and essential oils, with a minimum content of preservatives. Suitable for sensitive skin in spring and winter.

Important! In summer it may leave a greasy sheen.


You can choose a good and, at the same time, affordable cream for dry skin type from this brand. All creams are made from natural ingredients. It has a very pleasant smell.

Important! After the first application, slight tingling may be felt.


A night remedy to moisturize dry skin can eliminate peeling in just one night. Its regular use makes the skin fresh and soft, giving it a healthy shade. Here you can distinguish a night moisturizer, as well as a moisturizer "Timevaz".


“Impactiv” cream, a good cosmetic product for dry skin type, should be distinguished from this brand. Absorbed quite quickly, without leaving greasy spots. To make the results noticeable, just use it for one week. The cream eliminates small wrinkles, dry skin and improves complexion.

Important! The cosmetics of this brand is famous for its quality around the world and is by no means expensive. So beware of fakes if you really want to see the result.

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Rules for dry skin

Many people wonder, dry skin on the face - what to do? Here you need special care that will mitigate the undesirable effects of dryness. The rules for proper care read:

  • Try to wash your face only in the evenings: if in the morning you completely wash off all the fat that has accumulated overnight from your face, then your skin will be completely devoid of a protective barrier, respectively - subject to negative environmental influences.
  • The temperature of the water you use for washing should be at room temperature.
  • It is better to wash with filtered, settled or boiled water.
  • In the evening and in the morning, use moisturizers, lotions and tonics.
  • Do special moisturizing masks a couple of times a week.
  • Choose cosmetics carefully: none of them should contain alcohol, which can even dry out the skin.

Important! If you do not forget to follow these tips, then the skin of the face will receive the hydration it needs, and the problem of peeling and dryness will be minimized.

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How to normalize dry skin?

Modern cosmetology actively solves the problem of excessive dry skin. Today, there are many cosmetic procedures - both salon and at home, which are recommended to eliminate this problem. Let's look at some of them.

Cosmetology procedures:

  • Hot compress is an effective cosmetic procedure that expands pores, blood vessels, warms the skin, improves blood circulation, eliminates dead cells and dust. In addition, excessive evaporation of water from the skin stops, the stratum corneum swells - excessively dry skin becomes more tender, supple and soft.
  • Salt cleaning is an excellent procedure for dry and sensitive skin.
  • Mechanical and chemical peeling - removes dead cells, renewing the skin.
  • Collagen mask - moisturizes, tones and tightens well.
  • Cosmetic massage - removes old cells, improves blood circulation, improves complexion.

Procedures at home:

  • Hot compress. Fold a terry towel in the form of a strip, dip it in hot water and put it on your face for 20 minutes - it is necessary that the temperature of the water is such that it does not burn. The procedure relaxes muscles, enhances blood flow, removes dust from the skin.
  • Steam bath on herbs - put on a table a boiling herbal decoction, for example, chamomiles, tilt your head above it and cover with a towel for 10 minutes, then rinse your face with cold water and wipe your face with lotion.

Only the owner of dry skin will be able to decide what exactly suits her more: home walls or a beauty parlor.

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Homemade dry skin care recipes

If the skin on the face is dried, what should I do? Folk remedies will help to solve the problem, among them there are such:

  • A variety of masks from herbs (calendula, chamomile), vegetables, fruits, dairy products that can be prepared at home.
  • Mode of drinking water: you should drink 30 g of water per 1 kg of your weight per day.
  • Buy a humidifier for your home.
  • Fish oil, as well as vitamins E, A in any form.

However, the most effective tool is still masks cooked at home, which are very easy to use.

The effect of home masks

From natural masks, prepared with your own hands, you can expect:

  • Rejuvenation - the aging process slows down somewhat.
  • Restoring elasticity.
  • Smoothing - the skin becomes even and smooth, wrinkles are smoothed.
  • Moisturizing - masks prepared at home preserve moisture for the skin to the maximum, thereby normalizing the water balance.

Important! The main advantage of natural masks is that you do not have to doubt the naturalness of their components, because you yourself know what it is they are made from. The natural components of these masks are able to restore water balance. If it is normal, then the skin looks smooth, smooth, well-groomed and without peeling. In order for the result of such masks to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to strictly follow the recipes for their preparation.

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Homemade Mask Recipes

If the skin on the face is dried, what should I do? Masks will come to the rescue. There are a lot of recipes for their preparation, and all of them moisturize dry skin well enough. Choose the recipe for yourself that will not be difficult for you in terms of cooking and searching for ingredients.

Mustard mask

Take one teaspoon of dry mustard, mix it with one tablespoon of vegetable oil and dilute with water to a pasty state. This mask should be kept on the face for no more than 5 minutes, and then rinse with warm water. After it, it is advisable to use any cream for the dry type of face that you usually use.

Curd mask

One tablespoon of cottage cheese is mixed with a teaspoon of liquid, preheated honey. Then the mixture is diluted with warm milk and applied to the face for 15 minutes. Wash off the mask with warm water.


Oil mask

Lightly warm the olive oil, soak a piece of gauze or a cotton swab in it and apply on the face. The mask is kept on the face for about 30 minutes, then washed off with a little warm water.

Herbal mask

Mix in equal proportions such herbs:

  • Yarrow.
  • Chamomile.
  • Strawberry leaves.
  • Blackberry leaves
  • Hop cones.

A tablespoon of herbs pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Next, mix the infusion with one tablespoon of apple juice, a teaspoon of honey and egg yolk. Apply the mask for 15 minutes and then rinse it off with warm water.

Mint mask

Two tablespoons of mint leaves, pour a glass of boiling water, put on fire for three minutes, then cool and strain. A warm mask is applied to the face for 15 minutes, then removed with a cotton swab dipped in warm water.

Oat mask

This mask is recommended for those who have very dry skin that is peeling. Pour a tablespoon of oatmeal flakes with four tablespoons of hot milk and let it brew for 10 minutes. Next, apply the mixture for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Mask of lettuce

Grind two large leaves of salad and mix them with a teaspoon of olive oil, a teaspoon of sour cream. Apply the mask on your face for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.


Mask of camomile

Two tablespoons of pharmacy chamomile pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew for about two hours. Mix two tablespoons of the infusion with a tablespoon of butter. Keep the mask on your face for about 20 minutes, then remove it with a cotton swab dipped in water.

Apple mask

Grate one medium-sized apple on a fine grater, having previously removed the skin from it and removed the seeds. Stir with two teaspoons of olive oil, hold on face for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Cucumber mask

Grind a small cucumber by grating it, mix with a teaspoon of cream and four drops of lemon juice. The mask is applied for 20 minutes, then washed off with warm water.

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If nature has not endowed you with perfect skin, then what to do with dry skin is an acute question for you. Here the answer is simple: follow our care tips, use the recipes that we presented in this article. In the very near future you yourself will be very pleased to touch the skin of your face, and looking in the mirror, your mood will rise. Take care of yourself and be beautiful!

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