Red spots on the body itch 🥝 peeling rough plaques on dry skin

Nowadays, dry spots appearing on the skin are considered to be quite common. Moreover, this does not depend on the person’s age at all, and both young children and elderly people suffer from them. Immediately understand why dry spots appeared on the skin is impossible, because there are many reasons. To determine the nature of their origin, it is necessary to undergo a special examination and pass a large number of tests. Only under these conditions can a competent and effective treatment be prescribed. Now let's look at why this defect appears on the skin and how to deal with it.

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When should dry spots be considered hazardous to health?

In their structure, such spots, as a rule, differ from normal skin areas, but at the same time, they can appear in an absolutely healthy person.

Important! Most often, they appear completely spontaneously, and many people simply do not notice them. Someone is waiting until the stain passes by itself, while other people, on the contrary, start to panic too much and drive themselves into depression. But you don’t need to behave like that, since such behavior causes the body even more harm.

You should beware and urgently seek help from a specialist if you notice that:

  • The spots began to increase in size and grow.
  • A dry spot is present for a long time on the skin.
  • The defect that bothers you disappeared on its own, and then reappeared.
  • The spot is very itchy and causes discomfort.
  • A papule or ulcer formed right on it.
  • The same spots began to appear in your loved ones.

Even the most unpredictable, at first glance, factors can cause dry spots to appear on the skin. What is it and how to cope with this phenomenon - only a qualified dermatologist can say. We will consider all the probable causes of this defect.

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Causes of dry spots on the skin

There are a huge number of factors that influence the appearance of such spots. They can be both external and internal. But the most common reasons are:

  1. Allergic reaction. This is the most common cause of tumors and rashes of this kind. When the skin is in contact with the allergen, such spots appear, but they immediately pass as soon as the source of the problem can be neutralized.
  2. Fungus. Such phenomena are more difficult to treat, in particular, because they are able to become chronic.
  3. Stressful conditions. Great experiences and psycho-emotional shocks often lead to dry spots on the skin.
  4. Sudden changes in humidity and temperature. And a strong wind, and frost, and heating appliances negatively affect the condition of the skin. And in the summer, many suffer from seizure and overheating.
  5. Dermatological manifestations.
  6. Problems with the endocrine system.
  7. Violation of the gastrointestinal tract.
  8. Avitaminosis. If a person eats incorrectly or inadequately, does not receive enough trace elements and vitamins, then sooner or later such problems will arise.
  9. Allergy to cosmetics and detergents. This is the so-called individual intolerance of some components used in the most commonly used products.
  10. UV exposure.
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Varieties of dry spots on the skin

In order to properly prescribe treatment, the specialist, as a rule, determines not only the cause of the spots, but also draws attention to their appearance, since the color of the rashes and neoplasms is also very important.

Dry spots of white color

White dry spots on the skin. What is this - even a doctor cannot immediately say, because they can appear both in the most harmless and in really dangerous cases:

  • More often, their appearance indicates a violation of the production of melanin in specific areas of the skin, and this happens mainly immediately after a prolonged exposure to the sun. Just ultraviolet rays greatly dry the skin and it begins to partially peel off.
  • Another option is vitiligo. It happens when some areas completely lose melanin, and in such a situation, treatment should be started immediately.

Important! Less commonly, it is a lichen. Then the spots have clear boundaries, and they themselves greatly peel and itch.

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Dry red spots

No less common phenomenon can be called the appearance of red dry patches on the skin:

  • More often they are the result of banal irritation, and provoke its allergens. In this case, not only rashes, but also severe itching will be characteristic signs of an allergy.
  • Sometimes herpes zoster manifests itself in this way, and it can occur due to severe stress or a nervous breakdown.
  • Psoriasis is also manifested by red pigmentation, but it is difficult to treat this ailment, and it is almost impossible to completely get rid of it. But the sooner a person turns to a dermatologist, the more chances he will have for a good treatment result.

Important! Sometimes viruses also cause the appearance of such spots.

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Dark spots on the skin

Dark dry spots on the skin can be both completely harmless manifestations and indicate cancer.

Important! Treatment does not require only dark areas that appear on the skin of a pregnant woman, because they arise due to banal hormonal changes. As soon as the girl gives birth, the body itself will return to normal, and this unpleasant symptom will immediately disappear.

Possible minor ailments:

  • The natural aging process is also accompanied by the appearance of brown spots.
  • Severely itchy dry patches that appear on the skin exclusively in winter, more often indicate the presence of a fungal infection in the body.

But as mentioned above, only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis, after conducting the necessary studies.

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Dry Skin Treatment

Since dry flaky spots can indicate many diseases, naturally, the first thing we do is consult a doctor who accurately determines the cause of the disease.

At the first stage, a visual inspection takes place, the collection of scrapings, analyzes for further laboratory research. But despite what specific neoplasms appeared on the skin - dark, red or white, the methods of their treatment are divided into the following groups:

  1. Allergic manifestations are treated primarily with antihistamines, anti-itch creams and moisturizers.
  2. If the sun became the cause of the spot, then first the skin is provided with reliable protection against ultraviolet radiation, and then means are prescribed for the healing of burns.
  3. If the skin is very dry from frost, then you need to establish nutrition, start taking vitamins.
  4. Dark areas need closer attention and treatment. You need to reconsider nutrition, start using nutritious creams and vitamin serums.
  5. Fungal whitish rashes are treated with pharmacy drugs.
  6. Autoimmune, dermatological problems are treated with physiotherapy.
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And remember that dry spots on the skin of any nature need the right treatment. Only an integrated approach, in particular sufficient air humidification and nutrition, can quickly forget about the problem.


