Do-it-yourself drier

A place for drying dishes, today is a mandatory attribute of any kitchen. Often, drying for dishes is mounted in the kitchen, becoming an integral part of the furniture structure. The rapid development of scientific and technological progress that dishwashers have brought into our life has not been able to overshadow the tendency to use dish dryers. Although an automatic dishwasher does all the work for us: washing, drying, but sometimes the dishes only need to be rinsed. This can also be done manually.

But where to dry the dishes, because the daily use of cutlery is limited by the established amount, is it often enough dishes for only two people? A small number of plates that is used every day is convenient to put a personalized name in the dish dryer. This will provide convenient and quick access to it. In this article we will tell you what kind of dish dryers are, as well as how to make a dish dryer for your own hands.

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Types of dish dryers

There are two main subsections of dryers:

  • Built-in kitchen sets;
  • Placed independent of the headset (external drying for dishes).

Types of stands:

  1. Recessed. These include:
    • Those that are built into the top wall tables.
    • Those that fit into the bottom tables.
  2. Independent. These include:
    • Dryers that are placed on the countertop.
    • Wall mounted.
    • Hanging on rails.

In most kitchen sets, the dryer is a built-in element in the cabinet - it is an ergonomic and practical solution. All cutlery are hidden behind the facade of the nightstand, do not occupy the working area and do not attract the attention of guests. Therefore, the need to make a dishwasher with your own hands disappears. But this does not always happen.

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Hangers built in hanging cabinets

This type of dryer is the most common. As a rule, they are placed in cabinets that are located above the dishwashing area. Such a little trick of furniture developers makes it possible to reduce the number of movements that housewives make in the process of washing dishes. By placing such a dryer under the dishes in the washing area, the hostess can simplify the maintenance of furniture and reduce the frequency of washing. So, drops of water from the plates will drain into the sink, and not on the work surface.


  • Drying on the frame or without it.
  • Single and multi-level constructions that are put forward for drying tableware, inclusive with corner dryers.

On frame and without

In order for the cutlery to dry evenly, it is necessary to create favorable conditions in the bedside table in which the dryer is built:

  • As a rule, they are let out without a lower edge, thereby ensuring good ventilation of the cabinet.
  • To make the design more stable, dryers are equipped with a special frame that functions as the bottom of a cabinet.
  • Occasionally they are made with the bottom, where two holes are made, from which a lattice is formed.

Important! Both types of dryers are suitable, with or without frames.


Single level wireframe

Frame drying, which ensures the strength and stability of the structure, is done for a specific model of the bedside table made of high-strength material.Choosing this type of dish drier, you should know the parameters of your product and the thickness of the material used for the manufacture. It will not work to regulate here, so it is simply necessary to know all the parameters. Often do-it-yourself driers for dishes are made of chipboard 18 and 16 mm.

Important! The main environment for using single-level dryers is horizontal hanging cabinets. Their main difference is the equipping of grilles. You can put both plates and glasses on them.


Multilevel dishwashers consist of two parts:

  • Top grill for glasses and cups.
  • Lower grate for plates.

Important! The placement of gratings may vary, depending on the wishes of the customer.

Corner drying can be distinguished as a separate subsection adapted for drying dishes. Thanks to the L-shaped design, the inner space of the corner bedside table can be used more rationally.

Important! A characteristic feature of corner dryers is their design. They are made only two-door, and they are intended only for installation in bedside tables of a standard size of 60 by 60 cm.

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Floor constructions

A pull-out dryer in the floor table will be appropriate in a kitchen equipped with a dishwasher. Due to the fact that ventilation in the lower cabinets is rather difficult to ensure, the dishes that fit in such a cabinet should already be dry.

The dishwasher copes with this task. Consequently, a dish dryer, located in the lower cabinet, is more likely to serve as a place for practical saving of cutlery - everything is at hand and in one place.

Important! Dryers that are built into floor stands can also be either single or multi-level.

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Separate Dish Dryers

The advantage of stationary types of dryers, regardless of the configuration of kitchen furniture, is that they can be installed in any place convenient for you. This can be both a work surface and an apron railing. Such dryers are popular among hostesses of older models, with characteristic furniture parameters that differ from modern standards.

Important! Such drying is characterized by its small size. Certain types can be easily transformed under conditions: they can be installed both in a curbstone and on a countertop. By the way, you can easily make a dish dryer with your own hands.

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Wood Dish Dryer

The assembly of a dryer for kitchen appliances, as well as the design of any other piece of furniture, consists of several stages:

  • Pre-cut prepared pine or spruce blocks with a jigsaw.

Important! On average, their size should be 1 cm for cylindrical rods and 2 cm for rods and 1 cm for cylindrical rods.

  • Sand all surfaces carefully.
  • At the base of the design, drill holes for the side crossbars that will hold the dishes.
  • Assemble the frame by connecting the longitudinal and transverse structural elements.
  • Glue the side partitions at an angle.
  • Give the surface water resistance by priming it, sanded and coated with several layers of varnish.

Using your imagination, you can create an exclusive do-it-yourself dryer for dishes for the interior of your kitchen. Such a product will serve not only as an indispensable thing, but also as a bright addition.

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Pencil drying

A very original souvenir to the kitchen can be made if you use the most unexpected items. For example, an interesting dryer for kitchen utensils can turn out from pencils:

  1. As a basis for the stand, take a wooden chopping kitchen board or just a piece of wood.
  2. Mark the board for holes. The holes should be located where the racks will stand in the dryer to hold the dishes.
  3. As racks pencils are used.
  4. Drill holes with a drill and insert pencils in them, previously greased with glue.

The original do-it-yourself dryer for dishes is ready!

Important! If you use pencils with colored cases, you will get a very fun and positive little thing that can serve as a gift.

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Plastic Bottle Dryer

Another option for creating your own dryer is to use a plastic water bottle. For its manufacture will not require financial costs, because, for example, to give just do not want to spend money on expensive items.

Operating procedure:

  1. Take an empty five-liter water bottle; both round and square will do.
  2. Cut the neck of the bottles not on the cone plane, but where there is already a constant width.
  3. Cut the bottle in half lengthwise to make the structure by inserting several trimmed longitudinal halves (one into the other).
  4. When finished, simply fasten all joints for strength with a stapler.
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To cope with the task of making a dishwasher with your own hands, even a simple housewife can do it. Self-made drying will be a real pride in any kitchen. Especially if you think about its original and bright design.


