DIY wedding basket

A decorative basket is an integral part of any wedding. Of course, you can buy it in a special store, but have you ever thought that a wedding basket with your own hands is an idea that is quite affordable for implementation. This task is relevant, because not everyone has a large budget and the opportunity to save once again is always pleasing. We will tell you about how to make wedding baskets with your own hands. The master class is ready. Go!
to contents ↑The basis
First you need to make directly the base of the basket, which we will decorate in the future.
You need:
- A small box is preferably round, but you can also have the usual square shape.
- Wire.
- Rope.
- Matter.
- Scissors.
- Tapes.
- Glue.
Master Class:
- First you need to make a handle for the future basket. To do this, stick the rope to the wire.
- When the glue dries, wrap the tape around the handle, but remember to leave a couple of centimeters at each end intact.
- Make holes on the sides of the box, thread the bare ends of the handle into them and lock.
to contents ↑Important! To make the product more voluminous and beautiful, then before sheathe the basket with cloth, cover its bottom and walls with synthetic winterizer.
How to decorate a basket for a wedding?
Now we turn to the most interesting part - decorating the basics. In fact, there are no restrictions, so you can give free rein to your imagination. Decor can be purchased, or you can arrange decoration of the basket for the wedding with your own hands.
Here is our decoration option:
- Glue the beads to the lace ribbon at an equal distance from each other, then sew it to the edge of the basket.
- Wrap the handle with beads; it is desirable that the beads match in color with those that are sewn to the lace.
- Also tie bows of ribbon to the base of the handle.
to contents ↑Important! Additionally, for decor, you can glue artificial flowers.
Second way
For the second method you will need:
- A small basin made of plastic.
- Atlas.
- Wire.
- Synthetic winterizer.
- Organza.
- Glue gun.
- Tulle "spider web".
- Lace.
- Scissors.
- Satin ribbons.
Your actions:
- First you need to make holes in the basin, through which we fix the handles. An ordinary knife or scissors will not work. It is necessary to heat the awl and, as soon as possible, before it has cooled, make these very holes.
- Now move on to creating the pen. To do this, fold the rope three times and flash. Glue it to the wire, but so that the ends remain intact.
- For the decor of the pen we use the atlas. To do this, cut a thick strip, fold it in half and stitch it. Turn out the resulting strip and put it on the handle.
- Process the ends of the organza with fire from a lighter or candle. This is necessary so that they do not crumble. Be careful not to burn material.
- After doing the same steps with organza as with the atlas - cut the strip, fold it in half and sew. Put it on the middle of the handle.
- Before lining a basket with a cloth, you need to paste over it with a synthetic winterizer. The inside should be taller. It needs to be folded in several layers, until you get a certain side.
- Pass the handle through the holes in the pelvis and tuck the edges of the wire. If they are long, then you can trim the excess with the help of wire cutters.
- The next step is to work with the fabric. Cut three identical circles from the atlas, synthetic winterizer and a spider line. Fold them together and iron them.
- From the atlas, cut a strip that is slightly higher in height than the pelvic wall (allowances for seams). Sew a strip and a circle between each other.Glue the resulting to the outside of the base. Repeat the steps and stick already to the inside.
- Sew a strip of organza around the edges of the basket.
- Lace can also be sewn on top.
Third way
For the third method you will need:
- A sugar bowl in the shape of a heart.
- Fatin.
- Atlas.
- Beads
- Organza flowers - you can buy ready-made, but you can do it yourself.
- Scissors.
- Glue gun.
- Foldable strip of wood or iron.
Master Class:
- When all the necessary items are ready, start creating a basket with a handle. To do this, slant the satin strip prepared for the handle obliquely.
- Attach the pen to the walls of the basket, put a piece of newspaper or plain paper at the bottom.
How to decorate a wedding basket?
- Fatin needs to be sewn along the edges of the outside and inside. Glue beads and flowers at an equal distance from each other.
- Cut two strips from the atlas and tie them with a bow on the handle opposite each other.
Your wedding attribute is ready!
to contents ↑Important! You can also use artificial flowers to decorate. If the handle outweighs the base, put several layers of padding polyester inside.
Stock footage
As you could understand and see for yourself, you can make a basket with your own hands, you do not have to be a specialist, because everything is quite clear and simple. Choose one of our methods and start creating the future decorative basket. The most important advice is not to rush, so as not to damage the materials and do everything carefully!
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