Do-it-yourself kapron lamps - master class

Comfort in the house create details. What else can radically revitalize a room and create a special atmosphere like light? With the help of lighting, you can achieve zoning of space, help a person concentrate as much as possible on business at the desk, and relax in the bedroom. Light, like nothing else, creates the atmosphere. No wonder everyone loves to decorate their premises for the holiday with garlands and all kinds of lights, create romance by lighting candles.
Particular attention should be paid to nightlights - they are able to create an atmosphere of comfort, romance and peace, regardless of the calendar day, delighting you daily. What can we say about night lamps created by yourself, taking into account the style of your room, your tastes and color preferences, it is not so easy to find a night lamp on the shelves of stores that fully meets your requirements. In this article you will learn how to make lamps from kapron with your own hands. A master class in its manufacture will help you with this.
to contents ↑What are homemade kapron nightlights?
If you like to do needlework, love to create and create things with your own hands, then, of course, you can do the manufacturing of a night lamp from kapron. A little skill and vivid imagination will help create a masterpiece in your performance.
What is a night light from kapron? This is a pretty simple design, assembled from wire, nylon and LED lamps or garlands. A frame of petals is created from the wire, which is covered with pieces of nylon. Subsequently, such petals are combined into flowers into which LED lamps from garlands are inserted, wrapped with a special ribbon or thread. Also, petals and stems are created from wire. Thus, a nightlight is created in the form of a conceived plant.
Important! Most often, do-it-yourself napkin lamps are made in the form of all kinds of flower arrangements, plants in vases, baskets, and pots. In a word, flower theme is popular.
Such lamps are used in bedrooms, as a night lamp in children's rooms. They are convenient to move and use in any room to create a romantic atmosphere. At the same time, there is no need to burn candles, which subsequently give a not quite pleasant smell, especially after you put them out.
to contents ↑Materials needed to create a nightlight
To create a night lamp from kapron, not so many materials are required - as a rule, all of them are in stock at any housewife. The process of creating a lamp does not take much time - in just a few hours you can create a unique night light with your own hands.
Before you begin, you should prepare the following materials.
For the manufacture of such a lamp, you can use unnecessary nylon tights of any color. If you want to create a bright floral arrangement, then all kinds of material colors that are found in the plants you need will be relevant. However, this option may suit fashionistas who have an incredible amount of unnecessary stockings in all kinds of colors and shades.
You can also create a composition of kapron neutral shades using beige and white tights.In this case, your lamp will be more versatile, and the play of light can be achieved using light bulbs of different colors.
Important! Some craftswomen, using white or light beige nylon, create color compositions using conventional paints. This option makes it possible to create a product of any color from a material limited in color.
Remember that the capron must be in good condition - with a large number of puffs on it, it will be incredibly difficult to find pieces of material that can fit the entire surface of the wire frame. Such products may look untidy. It is best to use unnecessary tights with minimal damage.
Copper wire
To create petals, leaves and all the small elements of the composition, a thin copper wire is suitable. It lends itself well to molding, easily repeats the desired shape, especially if the petal has openwork uneven edges.
Important! To create stronger and more direct elements, such as stems, branches and trunks, it is necessary to use thick copper wire. It will keep its shape perfectly, make the whole structure stronger and more stable.
Thread and tape
In order to fix the capron to the wire, you will need ordinary threads of various colors. It is best that the threads match the color of the product. At the stage when it will be necessary to fix the elements to the branch, hide the transitions, you will need to use the tape.
Important! The teip tape is actively used in floristry, it is a special paper on an adhesive basis, which firmly glues all the necessary details of the composition that need to be joined together from the heat of the hands.
Using this tape, you can attach flowers and leaves to the stem, small branches to the main stem. At the same time, the fixation points will look as natural as possible. Most often they use teip tape of green shades, because they are as close as possible to the color of the stems in natural nature.
Forms for the rapid manufacture of the frame
For the fastest possible production of leaves and petals, you should find the most suitable form, on the basis of which you will form the necessary elements. As a form, all kinds of small jars, glasses, pieces of plastic pipes are perfect.
When you make lamps from kapron flowers with your own hands, you will not need to spend a lot of time on the manufacture of each petal. It will be enough to wire the shape that fits the size of the future petal as much as possible, and then form the shape of this petal with your hands. This is much easier than measuring the length of wire each time.
The same goes for making the leaves of the flower arrangement. Undoubtedly, among all the kitchen and household equipment, you can easily find the necessary shape for the template.
LED bulbs
The entire composition created is transformed when LED lamps are added to it. To do this, it is best to use a battery-powered LED garland. So you can easily transfer your nightlight from place to place. Unlike the use of separate LED lamps, you will not need to wield a soldering iron and understand the construction of circuits.
Important! Depending on the colors that make up the basis of the composition, choose the most suitable color for the garland. Most often they are white and black. At the moment, incredibly elegant and weightless garlands have appeared on the market, the diode bulbs of which are connected by silver or golden wire. Such garlands perfectly fit into such a composition.
Regarding the color of the lamps, it is best to use lamps that glow with the same lights when creating lamps from kapron with their own hands. Both cold and warm lamps are suitable. However, keep in mind that for nightlights most often use lamps with warm light.
Important! Multicolor garlands are suitable for compositions in which there are flowers and buds of different colors, exotic plants.
Basis of composition
All kinds of pots, baskets, flowerpots, vases and coasters are most often used as the basis for the craftswoman. If you want not only the flower arrangement to shine, but also the base itself, then it is best to use a transparent pot or a small glass vase. In it you place the garland unit so that you can easily remove it to change the batteries and just as easily turn it on and off.
The block can be easily hidden in an unused section of the garland simply by wrapping it. Thus, the basis of the composition will emit additional pleasant light. If desired, opaque substrates can be used.
Important! Do not forget to take care of the stability of the composition. To do this, use a heavy, stable foundation. If it is too light, then it should be heavier. To do this, you can use ordinary stones, decorative colored pebbles or any heavy objects that can easily be placed in a vase or pot.
Decorative elements
If you want your flower arrangement to be as natural or unusual as possible, fill it with details. For example:
- In the manufacture of flowers, you can use floral stamens. Just put them inside the flower petals and your flower will immediately transform.
- All kinds of glitters brighten up the composition if, of course, they fit into the style of a night lamp. They will beat the light and play beautifully in the dark.
- Small crystals in the form of drops also beautifully beat the light.
- You can simulate dew drops with silicone glue sprinkled with finely divided silver sequins.
- On top of the pot or vase, you can pour small colored pebbles that will give incredible color overflows.
Such lamps made of nylon with their own hands create a unique atmosphere.
to contents ↑Stages of creating a nylon lamp
You have familiarized yourself with what Kapron lamps are, you have learned what materials are used in their manufacture.
If you decide to create such a nightlight yourself, then you should familiarize yourself with the phased work:
- Using the mold to create the petals, make the right amount. Using your hands, form the petals of the shape that matches the shape of the flower petal being created. Tighten the frame with the capron of the desired color. Fix it at the base with the thread of the desired shade. If you need to create an openwork petal or leaf, you can use a knitting needle by simply wrapping a wire around it. You will get a spring, which you can stretch with your hands, if necessary, form a petal from it.
- If you plan to color the composition with paints, then at this stage it is worth coloring all the necessary elements and drying them.
- Next, you need to collect each flower from the petals, placing a light bulb from the garland inside. You will need to create a composition from top to bottom, starting to work with the edge of the garland. In the same way we collect leaves on the branches.
- Next - create a frame of the main branches and stems of thick wire, tighten it with a capron.
- Fix the flowers and leaves to the stems using tape tape. With it, we close all the necessary joints and transitions.
- Prepare the basis of the composition, if necessary, make it heavier.
- Place our plant in a vase or pot, do not forget to put the batteries in the garland and place the on and off unit in a convenient place.
- Complete the composition with finishing decorative elements.
The nightlight is ready to use!
to contents ↑Stock footage
As you can see, the technology for making a lamp from nylon flowers with your own hands is quite simple. Such a composition is possible even for children. Having spent a little of your time, you will create a unique lamp that will surpass any storefront in its originality. It can be a great gift to a loved one, teacher, colleague.Remember that everything created with your own hands is of high value.