Light furniture - which wallpaper to choose?

Wallpaper is one of its important components for the interior, as it sets the background basis, under which everything that is in the room is already selected. However, if repairs are planned in the room where the furniture is available, then when choosing them, it will be necessary to take into account its coloring and the existing style. Therefore, for the correct decision, you must first find out how high-quality they are, because different rooms need different textures. For example, for a child’s room you will need more solid models that are resistant to damage, and for the kitchen you can recommend their washable counterparts. In addition, if you have mostly light furniture, which wallpaper is better to choose? This can be found in this article.

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The most popular types of wallpaper

First, let's look at all the most popular types of wallpaper, analyze their known advantages and, if any, the disadvantages.

Classic options:

  • Non-woven wallpaper is considered to be one of the most successful options, which goes well with any room, because it has so many advantages, such as: breathability, wear resistance, moisture resistance, in general, all that immediately indicates the high quality of the material.

Important! The only drawbacks here are not such a large selection of colors and fairly high prices.

  • Paper - this is perhaps the most famous type of wallpaper, which is universally presented in a large assortment and at which usually low prices. Additional advantages include their increased environmental friendliness, and cons - low resistance to damage, humidity. Therefore, they usually do not last long, quickly lose their original color.
  • Vinyl coatings in their popularity immediately follow paper ones, since they are also relatively inexpensive and are offered in an expanded assortment. Their advantages are increased wear resistance, long preservation of the original colors and the ability to wash. The disadvantages include only almost complete air tightness, because of which they are not recommended for sleeping rooms.

Important! In choosing it is better to follow the recommendations of experienced professionals who will help you with the interior design of your room and show how to choose furniture for the wallpaper.


The most modern and expensive types of wallpaper:

  • Liquid wallpaper - presented in the form of packages with powder. Before use, you only need to dilute it with a small amount of water. However, this is their obvious disadvantage, since they can be washed off quite easily using the same water. But this is their big plus, because in case of any damage it will be enough to remove this area and just put in a new one.

Important! If you apply any protective coating on them, in the form of the same varnish, then you can simply forget about them. They will delight your eye for many more years.

  • Fiberglass - very environmentally friendly and excellent dyeing. They are resistant to direct sunlight and moisture. In addition, they pass air well and create additional sound insulation.

Important! Unfortunately, their range is small, but they can be repainted an unlimited number of times.

  • Fabric ones are very expensive, but it should be noted that they are very beautiful.They look like a quality sheet of fabric, creating a stylish and rich look. They are offered in a wide assortment, however, in order to glue them, you will need special knowledge and subsequent thorough care.

Important! This wallpaper does not tolerate moisture and is afraid of dust.

  • Metallized - this is the most modern and not so popular wallpaper. The composition of the material includes colored foil, which creates the effect of a metal. They can be used in not every interior. They can be used in any modernist design or in high-tech.

Important! The colors here are mostly dark, so for small rooms they can be completely eliminated.

As you can see, the choice is quite large and oriented almost to any requests of potential buyers.

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Wallpaper color selection

As you know, the emotional state of a person can be greatly affected by the colors of his environment. Such an influence can also be attributed to the color of the wallpaper in his room. Therefore, choosing new wallpapers for your home, you need to reckon with this feature. So what colors will look better in your apartment?

There are many ready-made answers to this question. Here we give only some, but tested and most successful tips on how the color of the wallpaper should be combined with furniture and other interior items:

  • For the living room, brighter colors are suitable, if only this is a large room, where a lot of light falls. A highly saturated color leads to a visual decrease in the room, because of this, sometimes you have to add more calm tones to very bright colors and combine them together.
  • In most cases, lighter colors and lighter shades are recommended for a bedroom, because this room was originally intended for sleeping and relaxing. Often, to make any kind of variety, many try to make different color inserts, but mostly soft pastel colors usually prevail there, and the design of a bedroom with light furniture and the same color wallpaper is always very popular.
  • For a children's room, it is good to use the so-called combined wallpaper. It can be conditionally divided into zones where in the active part it is better to use brighter options, and where relaxation is planned - wallpapers of calmer and softer shades. Quite often, beautiful and colorful murals are glued there.
  • Light colors are also usually applied to the hall, however, this is more due to the fact that, as a rule, the halls have very little light and there are no windows. Therefore, light wallpapers with light furniture seem to make the entrance hall visually larger, although it is not entirely correct to use them in the entrance room, as they quickly get dirty there. It is better to use various combined wallpaper options.
  • For the kitchen, you can recommend almost any color. It only takes your desire and how you see the interior design of this room. You can use quite bright and colorful colors in the kitchen so that they raise the appetite of those present. And in the case when the kitchen is trite small, it is better to use different combinations of wallpapers, this will create the necessary visual effect or will contribute to the zoning of this room.

A reasonable approach to choosing new wallpapers will affect not only the look and interior design of the house, but also ultimately affect the emotional background of those who will live there.

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Wallpaper under light furniture

Furniture is one of the foundations of every room, so choosing it for the color of the wallpaper is a pretty serious matter. However, most often it happens that you decide to make a large repair in your home, and at the same time change the wallpaper there. It is clear that all the furniture remains in place, but about the wallpaper you still have to smash your head.

Let's try to do this together and choose the best option using these tips:

  • If you do not have new and modern furniture, which, in addition to its light color, does not stand out in anything, then you can successfully play on the walls, namely add something brighter to the wallpaper to distract the main attention from the furniture.
  • When changing wallpaper in the apartment where the previous furniture was left, remember that new wallpapers should not sharply contrast with it, especially if the furniture is light. For example, it is not recommended to use dark tones of wallpaper when your furniture has the colors of light oak or pine. You yourself then see how tasteless it is, but it is better to do this in advance.
  • In that case, if you bought a completely new furniture set, and it is light, then a wallpaper with a classic pattern and a color that is half different from the furniture will do just fine.

Important! It must be remembered that too the same colors of wallpaper and furniture will dissolve your room to the kind that you do not recognize and do not like. Differences in interior design should always be, it just should be in moderation.

  • If you have light furniture in the bedroom, which wallpaper to choose in order to feel more harmony in the room? Use soft, but not too light tones that could fully emphasize the peaceful atmosphere of your bedroom.
  • In the event that your all searches ended in vain, and you still could not make your choice of suitable wallpaper, then do not despair, just take any coloring wallpapers and give them the color you need.

Important! Remember that when choosing wallpaper you need to take into account all the interior items of the room, as well as its lighting and dimensions.

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Wallpaper for brown furniture

Very often there is wooden furniture in the house, so the question often arises: what wallpapers to choose for brown furniture?

  • Here you can recommend a rather popular version of the combination - wallpapers in pastel and slightly muted shades, which include light cream, yellowish and white. Brown furniture in this combination will be able to make enough variety in the interior.
  • In the event that your home is clearly lacking in light and a variety of colors, it is better to take wallpapers of such colors as lime, light turquoise and blue.

Wallpaper for the kitchen with brown furniture

Here's what you will need to pay attention to when choosing a wallpaper:

  • the area of ​​the kitchen;
  • moisture resistance;
  • combination of colors and shades;
  • density and material of wallpaper;
  • lighting in the kitchen.

Important! No need to choose wallpaper for the kitchen with brown furniture, also in brown!

If you have brown furniture in the kitchen, this offers good opportunities for developing a truly unique design there. To do this, it is recommended to use wallpaper in blue and peach shades, but avoid any red tones.

Important! In quality for a kitchen room, vinyl wallpaper is best suited. They have a fairly large assortment.


Wallpaper for a bedroom with brown furniture

Each of us would like to make our bedroom a very comfortable place, because it is there that we spend a lot of time, so everything that is connected with it is very important for us. And what kind of wallpaper in the bedroom will suit most if there almost all the furniture is brown?

For this furniture, wallpapers made in gray, blue, yellow and even orange tones will be recommended. These are just the colors that can bring so much coziness and homely warmth to your bedroom. A few good tips will help you to decide on this even better:

  • It is possible to visually enlarge any bedroom using lighter and more delicate shades.
  • Under brown furniture, it is not recommended to take wallpapers with a bright and catchy print and large color drawings. They will not look good in combination with such furniture. And do not forget that you are in your bedroom, where such a foolishness will simply be inappropriate.
  • Near the headboard, several different colors are allowed.For example, you can combine light yellow with pale green. Under the same colors it is necessary to select and bedspreads.
  • On the floor of the bedroom with brown furniture, a beautiful carpet will look good, preferably a plain and not bright color.
  • If the wallpaper is yellow, they can be in harmony with brown furniture, in which the handles are made of dark wood. Such a combination is always successful.
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When choosing a wallpaper, do not forget to check their quality. Give your preference to durable paper, and even better - non-woven. This will depend more on your personal preferences and how much you are willing to spend on it.

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