DIY decoration basket for Easter

On the eve of the Bright Easter Holiday, all the housewives scurry around to prepare the most beautiful and delicious Easter dishes, and decor and decoration are an integral part of this holiday. Moreover, this trend appeared not so long ago, because before the Easter table and a basket, few people decorated it. At that time, decorating the basket for Easter was minimized: lay down the products (sausage, Easter cake, smoked meat, dye, liver paste, cottage cheese Easter) and cover the basket with a beautiful napkin. Sometimes grandmothers decorated Easter baskets with sprigs of rosemary or periwinkle leaves. Everything was modest and very simple. Today, the design of baskets is more common and it looks definitely beautiful.

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Decoration with ribbons and artificial flowers.

For decoration you will need:

  • Wicker basket.
  • Artificial flowers.
  • An Easter-themed towel.
  • Multi-colored ribbons.

If everything is more or less clear with flowers, ribbons and a towel - just choose what you like best. That to the basket itself there are certain requirements:

  1. Size - you need to immediately determine for whom you are doing the design. If we are talking about an adult, it is better to choose a larger basket, but if about a child, then you should take a small basket.
  2. Another important nuance is weaving. It should not be continuous - there should be allowances, because the decor will need to be somehow fixed, and for this very allowances will come in handy in weaving.



  • Start with a pen. Wrap it with tape, securing it at the ends. If you still have free tips, then you can not cut them off, but lay them on the bottom.
  • The next stage is artificial flowers. Decorate the basket with them, threading the stems through the gaps in the weaving.
  • Pass the tapes through the allowances, leaving the long ends on the sides. You can take two multi-colored ribbons for one and the other side of the basket, but you can use one color.
  • Tie loose ends at the ends with beautiful bows.

Important! Please note that the tape should be skipped so that it can cover the protruding parts of the stems.

  • Lay a towel on the bottom.

Easter basket decoration ready!

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Decoration with chicken

In order to decorate the Easter basket, you will need the following tools and materials:

  1. The basket itself.
  2. Dried flower.
  3. Artificial greens and flowers.
  4. Floristic grid.
  5. Decorative Chicken.
  6. Colored feathers.
  7. Decorative floristic ribbon based on polypropylene.
  8. Thin copper wire.
  9. Floral rattan decoration.
  10. Floristic wire with a diameter of 1.2 mm.
  11. Scissors.


  • The main decoration of the basket for Easter will be located with only one front end. To do this, take an artificial green twig with leaves and put it on the basket.
  • Then, using a thin decorative floristic ribbon based on polypropylene, which is suitable in color to the composition or the color of greenery, firmly tie our base to weaving in several places. Trim or curl the remaining ends of the tape with the sharp edge of the scissors. Such curls will become an additional decoration.
  • Now, like greens, tie flowers to the basket, trying to choose not very large and not very much so that the composition is not overloaded.

Important! If you want to maintain a rustic style, then take three yellow flowers that resemble small sunflowers in shape.

  • After the greens and flowers are attached, proceed to decorative ornaments. To do this, form a small bow from a floral grid to the tone of flowers. Then tightly tie this bow with a ribbon, use it to attach it to the basket on the other side of the floral-plant arrangement.
  • Now, from the decorative red rattan rods, form something similar to a bird’s nest. To add volume, add a little red floral mesh to it. Connect everything together with a floristic wire, which is tightly twisted on one side.
  • Then, using a small piece of the same floristic wire, screw on the legs of a small decorative chicken, which on the eve of Easter can be bought in a store. Set this chicken in a cooked nest and attach it to it with wire.
  • Next, attach the nest on the opposite side of the bow by passing the wire inside the basket and securing it. Try to hide the sharp ends of the wire between the weaves of the vines.
  • Take a few twigs of dried flowers and add them to the composition in several places, fixing it with a thin tape based on polypropylene.
  • Next, wrap the colored feathers on a thin copper wire through 5 cm, thereby forming something like a garland, and place it on our composition.

Beautiful Easter basket is ready! It remains only to fill it with the main delicious attributes of this wonderful holiday - colored Easter eggs and delicious Easter cake.

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As you can see, decorating the Easter basket is not at all difficult, for this you just need a little patience, imagination and a little free time.

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