Cockroaches and bedbugs

Lovely curtains on the windows, high-quality sanitary ware in the bathroom and in the kitchen, expensive furniture in the living room and bedroom, paintings and other decorative elements create comfortable conditions for living in your own home. But from time to time, various insects try to break this idyll - most often cockroaches and bedbugs. They appear from nowhere, suddenly, disrupting the usual way of life, lifestyle, causing insomnia and persistent hostility. How to get rid of cockroaches, bugs - there are many answers to this question. The methods can be both folk and professional - to one degree or another, they are all effective and are described in other articles on our website. In this review, we will answer the most popular questions related to the destruction of these malicious insects.
to contents ↑Cockroaches against bugs - a reality or a myth?
If at the same time cockroaches and bugs appeared in your house and you are puzzled by whether they can destroy each other, we will disappoint you. Cockroaches do not work against bugs. These insects may well coexist with each other, multiplying quietly and bringing chaos to your life.
The reasons for this are quite simple:
- Cockroaches lead their lives only at the expense of human products - they feed on water, garbage and fresh products.
- Bed bugs - parasitize on the human body, to maintain their life they need nothing more than our blood.
to contents ↑Important! We can only note the general fact that both insects and others manifest themselves more at night, as they cannot withstand bright light. An exception can only be situations with cockroaches, which, in the absence of control measures, can become impudent and even easily walk around you during the day.
SES professionals - the only way to deal with cockroaches, bugs?
This statement has its justification, because special services have in their arsenal not only the most effective pesticides, which are not available on the market for household chemicals, but also special equipment. As a result, they can help get rid of cockroaches, bedbugs, by various methods with varying degrees of effectiveness and safety:
- Freezing the apartment.
- Heat treatment at home.
- Instant Poison Destruction.
to contents ↑Important! Contact the SES service immediately, as soon as you notice the only cockroach passing by it is impractical. These services are quite expensive and more suitable for processing large areas (warehouses, shopping centers), or in the event that you have a whole invasion of insects and personally for you in your own house there is no more free space. In this case, yes, the only sure thing is to get rid of cockroaches, bugs with the help of specialists.
Folk remedies are ineffective - is this so?
Given the fact that literally 15-20 years ago, store shelves were generally almost empty, it was impossible to see on them not only a modern assortment of household chemicals and poisons, but also basic foodstuffs, and insect control was nevertheless conducted, this statement does not have nothing to do with reality.
The effectiveness of folk methods more depends on how well you act and withstand the recipes.A definite plus in favor of just such methods is their relative safety, since almost all the components of cockroaches and bedbugs have no such pronounced toxic effects on humans.
If you decide to give preference to just such methods, the most effective are:
- Boric acid - 30-40 g is enough to mix with 1-2 egg yolks, roll up balls and lay out behind cabinets, plumbing, near the trash;
- Boric acid in the form of a solution - it is washed by sinks and sinks in the kitchen, bathtub, and even toilet bowls in the toilet, so that cockroaches drink poisoned water (they cannot exist without it) and quickly, probably, die right before your eyes;
- Borax - powder is also mixed with eggs or potatoes and rolled into balls for layout throughout the house;
- Borax with a higher effect of bait - so that none of the insects could hide or miss the left “treat”, you can slightly change the recipe. In this case, borax (200 g), starch and powdered sugar (60 g each), vanilla (1 sachet) are mixed. Such a tool is laid out along the most common ways of moving insects.
to contents ↑Important! As for bugs, they do not like to leave their hatched “warm” place. Therefore, most often they can simply hide from folk remedies. Of the safe, but really effective methods of control, only the use of wormwood and heat treatment can be noted. A steam generator, a hairdryer, and washing clothes, all removable textiles from beds, sofas at a temperature of 90 C. are perfect.
Most modern poisons are not effective - myth or truth?
Of course, today you can find not only positive, but also a lot of negative reviews about literally every tool that is on sale. But we must understand that this is due not only to the reliability of the manufacturer, but also to the competitive struggle of companies for superiority, because their profit directly depends on the sales volume.
Subtleties of market activity
In general, we can say that each manufacturer knows the features of various insects and, to one degree or another, is responsible for the production of their products. It is important to consider the following:
- Some include very toxic and aggressive chemicals, which, of course, can literally make cockroaches and bugs literally in a matter of minutes disappear once and for all from your life. But, as a rule, these pesticides are unsafe for yourself, which manufacturers are silent about, because the remedy is effective.
- Other "experimenters" offer seemingly less effective means, the effect of which can be obtained only within 2 weeks, or even a month. But not everyone is ready to wait so long to get rid of cockroaches, bugs.
Based on this, various opinions, various reviews and always topical questions arise - how to get rid of cockroaches, bugs quickly, but safely.
The correctness of the choice of means and its application
The absence of the expected result may occur for other reasons. You simply did not do the following:
- did not understand the types of means by which cockroaches and bedbugs are destroyed;
- did not take into account the timing of the effect specified by the manufacturer;
- did not apply the remedy correctly.
It is important to consider such features of various products.
Designed to get rid of cockroaches and bugs within 1-2 weeks. And in this case, the goal is to destroy not those insects that you see every day scurrying back and forth, but those that never come across your eyes. The poison acts in such a way that several pests, once in the zone of action, carry the poison throughout the colony. As a result, the entire population is extinct.
Important! At the beginning of the persecution process, the first 1-3 days, the number of individuals may supposedly increase markedly. They will “fly” onto the bait in the roster, and then “stupefied” run even where they had never appeared before. All this is a temporary phenomenon.In this case, you can’t increase the dose or re-process due to the “inefficiency” of the original product.
They have a more frightening effect, so they are not so effective in the destruction of cockroaches, bugs. As a rule, you will not find corpses either, because insects simply leave and do not return to your house. But again, this is not an instant solution, but a 1-2 week process.
Such funds as are intended in order to get rid of cockroaches, bugs instantly. Suitable for processing visible insects, that is, to destroy only them. On hiding individuals, such poison usually does not work.
Another popular device that also has a long-term effect. Inside such boxes is both poison and bait. The poison is carried by the insects who used the “cozy houses” to the colony’s main habitat. There, cockroaches die.
Important! The choice of a specific brand of means to get rid of cockroaches, bugs, remains at your choice, as there are more than enough options for today. Such brands as “Combat”, “Raptor”, “Get”, “Clean House”, “Raid”, “Kukarach” proved to be quite good.
Ultrasonic Repellers
On the one hand, these devices seem to be safe, because manufacturers claim that the emitted waves do not affect human health. Nevertheless, this is a relative novelty in the market, respectively - research is still underway. It is impossible to fully state the safety of these devices.
Efficiency - depends on the right model, on the reliability of the manufacturer. But usually cockroaches, bedbugs leave their habitat only after a couple of weeks. But as a prevention, you can try out this miraculous novelty if there are no children at home, and you yourself are skeptical of all warnings and hysterical statements about the harmful effects of ultrasound on the Web.
to contents ↑Stock footage
Now, we hope you can take a more rational approach to controlling insects in your house, slowly choosing a really suitable remedy, not harming yourself and forgetting about cockroaches and bedbugs forever.
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