DIY knife sharpener - drawings

Every housewife at least once in her life came across the fact that in her kitchen the knives were dull, with which she usually cuts bread, cuts meat or cuts vegetables. Using such knives is not only inconvenient, but also dangerous, because the blade can fall off the product and injure you. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically grind the tool using special devices. In stores, such devices are presented in a huge assortment, but for certain reasons they do not suit consumers. In this situation, a do-it-yourself knife sharpener can be made. In principle, it is not difficult to find drawings and schemes for work, and we will give detailed master classes in this article.

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What conditions must be observed when sharpening knives?

Do you know how to sharpen knives? In fact, there are a number of rules, observing which you can achieve the perfect result.

The necessary conditions are as follows:

  • For a long and efficient operation of the knives during their sharpening, it is necessary to pay maximum attention to the angle between the edges of the blade. During sharpening, it is necessary to restore the originally set angle so that it meets technological standards, allows you to cut products quickly, efficiently, freely.
  • It is necessary to choose the optimal angle for each blade. So, for example, a scalpel or razor should have an angle of 10-15 degrees, devices for cutting fruits, bread and vegetables - 15-20 degrees. Knives for working with solid materials need to be sharpened at an angle of 30-40 degrees.
  • Sharpening a blade is difficult without a special device. Holding the knife only with your hands, it is difficult to provide the desired angle of inclination. So, to facilitate this process, sharpeners exist.

In fact, a do-it-yourself knife is made simple, because all such devices have a simple design and a lot of time for their creation will not take you.

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Varieties and production of grinding stones

On sale there are a large number of stones intended for turning knives, but the following types are the most popular of them:

  • Water tools. Work with them necessarily involves the use of water, due to which the surface of the stones is saved.
  • Oil stone. It resembles water in shape and structure, the only difference is that its surface is a little oily.
  • Natural stones. They are made from natural materials that undergo preliminary industrial processing.
  • Artificial tools. They are made from components of a non-natural type.
  • Rubber devices. They are no less common on sale, but working with them is extremely inconvenient.

Before you make a knife in the form of an abrasive bar, you must purchase several glass plates with a thickness of 4-5 mm rectangular shape.

Then make the sharpener according to the scheme:

  1. Using double-sided tape, glue sandpaper of different grain levels onto the surface of the plates.
  2. Gently tighten the nuts so that the glass does not crack.

Important! During the operation of such a device, water is not used, which is why the abrasive wears out quickly enough.

When sharpening knives with an abrasive bar, too sharp movements should be avoided, otherwise it will overheat and the blade will lose its useful properties.

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Products for sharpening knives from wooden blocks

To make a sharpener from two abrasive and two wooden blocks is quite simple, the main thing is that the source materials have the same size.

You will need to perform the following actions:

  • Thoroughly sand the wooden blocks with sandpaper, remove all burrs.
  • Pre-mark the bars, taking into account the required angle of inclination.
  • Attach a stone to the resulting line, mark its width on both sides of the wooden block.
  • Make cuts according to the markings on a wooden blank.

Important! Make sure that their depth does not exceed 1.5 cm.

  • Insert the abrasive blocks into the grooves so that they align with the grooves.
  • Bolt the grinding stones, attach a piece of rubber from below.
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Do-it-yourself nibbler from mounting angles

Use this master class to make a quality do-it-yourself knife. Drawings can be taken on the Internet.

Tools and materials necessary for work:

  • Metal plates 4 by 11 cm.
  • Aluminum corners of standard size.
  • Metal rods 15 cm long.
  • Vise grinding machine.
  • Needle file.
  • Set of bolts and nuts.
  • File.


Make a sharpener according to this instruction:

  1. Mark according to the drawing for the holes in the plates.
  2. Drill holes, cut the threads.
  3. Round sharp edges and corners with a file.
  4. In accordance with the scheme, make holes in the corner.
  5. Extend the needle support needle file.
  6. Cut the threads in the stud holes.
  7. Insert the rods into the outer holes, fix them with nuts.
  8. Screw the bolt into the widest hole with the nut pre-screwed onto it.
  9. Insert the bolts to hold the knife into the remaining holes.
  10. Screw the nuts on the ends of the rods, lay a corner on top to fix the nuts.
  11. Assemble a thin metal rod, a wing nut and two holders; assemble a device for holding a stone for sharpening.

Important! Such a sharpener can have the widest range of degrees of an angle of a clip, it is incredibly convenient in terms of operation.

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Making an electric knife sharpener at home

A do-it-yourself electric knife is made a little more complicated, because the device itself has a complicated structure.

Prepare such materials and devices:

  • A vacuum cleaner.
  • Plan washer.
  • Electrical engine.
  • Bed.
  • Fencing.

Perform the work clearly following the diagram:

  1. Attach an electric motor directly under the bed. In addition, it must be equipped with buttons for control to start and stop operation.
  2. Install a plan washer on the output shaft, cover it with a square guard with pre-cut grooves.
  3. Make a hole on the bottom plane of the table that matches the size of the sleeve of the vacuum cleaner.

Important! An electric motor does not need to be mounted under the base of the plan washer. You can use a belt drive, which slightly complicates the design itself.

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With the help of the listed devices, you can qualitatively engage in sharpening knives that will serve you for a long time without dulling, breaking, or jumping off products.

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