Crack on the windshield - what to do?

Many drivers are faced with a problem such as a crack on the windshield. The relevance of the information is confirmed by accurate statistics. So, on average over five years of operating a car, every fourth driver experiences damage to the most prominent place - the windshield, and even the most experienced motorists do not know how to get rid of such damage. Of course, you can change the glass, but to put it mildly, an expensive pleasure. Replacing the most common windshield without the function of heating the protective layer and rain sensors will be appreciated by you on the maximum repair scale, taking into account its insertion. Crack on the windshield - what to do? You will receive the answer to this question in our article.

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Causes of damage

As you already understood, the crack repair on the front glass must be done immediately. If you transfer this event to the “long box”, then you will only aggravate the situation and the cost of repairing a large chip will cost you much more.

Causes of damage to the car glass:

  • Collision with another car.
  • The influence of weather conditions and precipitation (fall of a tree, hail, lightning and so on).
  • Collision with a stone, which most likely forms a cleavage or funnel with numerous cracks.
  • The influence of bad roads with numerous bumps and pits. If you fly into a large hole at high speed, the suspension may not soften the blow, which will then go to the body, and then to the windshield of your car.
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Options for solving the problem

Do not rush to go to a car service to get rid of an annoying problem. Try to restore the chip with your own hands, so as not to overpay the specialists for their services. To do this, you need a little free time, patience and a set of everything necessary to repair your windshield.

Crack repair options:

  • Pour and then seal it with special glue.
  • Drill a chip so that it cannot go any further.
  • Replace front glass.

Important! The third option, alas, is inevitable. No matter how you try, but in any case, after a certain period of time, you still have to turn to specialists for replacing the windshield. That is why, if finances allow you, we recommend that you fix the problem that has permanently appeared, using the third method from the above list.

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Crack on the windshield - what to do? Step-by-step instruction

How to make an independent repair of a crack on the most important front glass of your four-wheeled pet? We will learn about this with further detailed instructions:

  • We turn off the engine and stop the car.
  • We seal the crack with wide tape. If one is not available at the moment, then we immediately purchase it.

Important! The adhesive tape will prevent dust, debris and dirt from entering the crack. If this is not done on time, then it will be rather difficult to eliminate such nuances.

  • We find out the nature of the damage. We carefully examine the crack, evaluating it according to the following criteria: length and depth of the cleavage, whether it passes through the entire front glass or occupies only a small part of it. Now we take in our hands the usual thin needle, with which we check for the presence of through damage.

Important! If the glass cracked from the edge or a crack almost reached it, then there is no point in self-repair. In this case, it will be advisable to contact a specialist, pay money, than to spend money on inconclusive repairs.

  • We drill a hole in the glass. It should stop the growth of damage on the windshield. Do not forget that glass is a very fragile material, which, at the slightest improper movement, can nullify the efforts made.

Important! You should understand one more important point - an ordinary drill is not suitable for such work, since you need an ultrathin drill with a special soldering on the tip. As an alternative, you can take a drill with a diamond coating on the cutting edge. You can not meet him often, but still, if you try very hard, you can find everything. A hardened conventional drill with a tip in oil is also suitable for such a job.

  • We periodically lubricate the drill with oil (you can take a soap solution). We do not drill a through crack to half the glass (one layer). In the case of a crack passing through the entire thickness of the material, we drill a through hole.
  • We fill the hole with special polymer glue. We give time for it to dry and solidify.
  • We dry the fill area with a UV lamp, and then grind and polish the scratch with a special paste on the glass. We polish the glass surface until it becomes completely transparent and looks perfect. The most important thing here is to be as patient as possible, because only then can a positive result be achieved.

Important! It sometimes happens that a chip on the glass has several short or long rays. In this case, you will need to drill each beam so that there is a specific hole at the end of each of them. In order not to drill the glass too deep, put a stop on the tool. When drilling, try to be as careful as possible: avoid bumps and sudden movements. One sloppy move can cost you a lot.

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As it turned out, removing a crack on the windshield is quite possible if you immediately take certain measures, and then carry out a certain series of actions. In any case, it is best to replace the glass in order to protect yourself and your favorite car from unforeseen surprises.

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