Toilet in the country without smell

The problem of eliminating the smell in the country toilet is very relevant, especially in the summer. If an unpleasant “amber” appears in the toilet, it is necessary to check the condition of the ventilation pipe and clean it if necessary. If ventilation was not provided during the construction of the toilet, it must be equipped. The effect will be good enough, and it will take very little time. The toilet in the country is odorless - it's real! How exactly to achieve such a result, we will analyze in this article.

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Natural ventilation

The principle of natural ventilation is the movement of air due to temperature differences. Such ventilation can be provided if you make a small window above the door of the country “birdhouse”.

Important! It is advisable not to glass the window, otherwise it will not function. To protect the toilet from insects, you can put a grid in the window.

Side vent holes are located on the side of the toilet. You can use the same net to protect against insects. Decorative grilles are also used.

Important! Holes at different levels provide efficient air movement.

All unpleasant odors are minimized.

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Forced ventilation

In addition, exhaust ventilation is necessary to get rid of the smell in the toilet in a private house.


Basic arrangement tips:

  • The basis of the system is a pipe stretched from a cesspool or from a box where a waste collection tank is installed.
  • Most preferably a plastic pipe with a diameter of 100 mm.
  • Its height should exceed the height of the toilet by 0.5-0.7 m.
  • To install the pipe, you also need a 90 degree angle.

Important! An “umbrella” is also desirable so that the pipe does not become clogged with falling leaves.

Do it yourself odorless toilet:

  1. In the wall you need to make a hole that corresponds to the diameter of the pipe.
  2. First, a piece of pipe with a shorter length is inserted, then a corner and a long piece of pipe are mounted to it.
  3. To give the structure stability, the pipe is attached to the wall with clamps.
  4. Forced ventilation is obtained if a fan is mounted on the pipe. This increases the efficiency of the system - unpleasant odors disappear faster.
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How to get rid of the smell in the country toilet?

Unfortunately, good ventilation in the country toilet is by no means a guarantee that there will be no unpleasant ambra. Even minor flaws made during the construction will make themselves felt very quickly. Therefore, you will have to resort to other methods.

Shop Drugs Overview

Preparations for eliminating unpleasant odors are available in loose, liquid or tablet form.

Important! They contain bacteria that process the fecal matter into water and a sludge reminiscent of sludge. The resulting mass has almost no smell. In addition, it can be used as an organic fertilizer.

There are 3 varieties of industrial preparations:

  • With anaerobic bacteria. These microorganisms are not sensitive to the lack of oxygen in the environment. Used if the container is hermetically closed.

Important! Disadvantage - during the processing of waste, hydrogen sulfide is released - a poisonous gas with an extremely unpleasant odor. Microbes process about 7% of the total mass of waste.

  • With aerobic bacteria. Aerobic bacteria need oxygen to function normally. They are used for processing waste in a cesspool.After processing, the waste turns into semi-liquid sludge, and water can be used for technical purposes.
  • Bioactivators. The drug contains both types of bacteria, as well as enzymes that accelerate the processing process. Of all the cleaners, this is the most effective. You will have no questions how to get rid of the smell in the street toilet when using it.

Below are the most effective cleaners that can be used in the country.tualet

Dr. Robik

The composition of the mixture contains 6 varieties of microorganisms that can cope with biowaste and household chemicals. It is enough to dilute the product with water and pour it into a septic tank or cesspool.

Important! The level of filling the hole decreases, and the smell disappears after a while.


The tool is dissolved in water per 1 liter of water 60 g of the product. Then they irrigate the surface from an ordinary garden watering can. The drug is available in powder form.

Important! In the summer, you need to increase the dosage.


Available for different types of toilets: cesspools, dry closets and toilet-bucket systems. The Domovo line is used for sewage wells and septic tanks.


The drug is a bioactive type. It can be used in any toilets. However, there is one condition: water is needed for the efficient processing of feces. Therefore, the processing process must be monitored, if necessary, add water.


For a cesspool of 10 cubic meters, 2-5 kg ​​of funds is enough to get rid of the smell in the country toilet for several years.

Mode of application:

  1. The first treatment involves the use of 0.2-0.25 kg of the drug for each cubic meter of waste.
  2. Processing should be repeated after 2 months. Depending on the air temperature, 0.1-0.5 kg of product will be needed.

This list can be continued quite long. With proper use of the drug, you really get a toilet in the country without a smell. Certain preparations contain flavorings.

Important! The method has its drawbacks:

  • The high price of drugs.
  • Bacteria are active only at high air temperatures.

Flavourless country toilet: folk remedies

You can neutralize odors in a country toilet using folk remedies. Here they are:

  • Periodically add tomato tops to the pit (stepchildren are quite suitable).
  • About once a week, throw a large bundle of nettles into the sewage.

tomato repels flies. Insect larvae also perish. So the effect is threefold: the problem of recycling stepsons from tomatoes has been solved, and there is no smell in the toilet, and flies do not annoy.

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Dry toilet

The arrangement of a cesspool is not the best solution, which, moreover, is morally obsolete. A more rational solution is a dry (peat, compost) toilet, which, when properly operated, is completely devoid of unpleasant odors. Dry toilets in a summer house without smell are known as powder-closets.

The essence of this closet is that after each visit, the waste is covered with sawdust, peat or a mixture of peat with sawdust. The waste does not come in contact with air, the smell is almost absent.

Important! If you have a cesspool, adding peat to it regularly also gives a good effect.

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You can achieve even greater effect with an integrated approach. Proper ventilation, as well as the competent use of folk and store products will help to forget about the unpleasant smell in the toilet forever.

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