The child has loose stools - what should I do?

The child has loose stools - what should I do? No panic! The problem of loose stools is faced by many mothers who have small children. In infants, this is a normal phenomenon, because in the first few months the baby’s digestive system adapts to a different diet. Therefore, the feces of a baby who is breastfed depends on what his mother eats. Over time, the intestines of the child begin to function normally and the situation stabilizes. But if the child's stool color changes, then you need to pay attention to this.

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What does the color of feces mean?

By what kind of feces in appearance, one can at least approximately guess the cause of the trouble:

  • Yellow stool with an admixture of mucus indicates intestinal infection.
  • Yellow feces and fever are signs of an infection in the intestines.
  • Liquid frothy bowel movements with a sour smell, accompanied by bloating, can be signs of lactase deficiency.
  • Liquid stool in black indicates internal bleeding.

Important! Black feces can be caused by iron supplements or activated carbon tablets.

  • White stools may be a manifestation of hepatitis or rotavirus infection, problems with the gall bladder or liver.
  • Feces with disseminated blood may be the result of an allergy or inflammation of the colon and other causes.
  • Liquid green stools may be the result of previously taking antibiotics.

Important! Only a doctor can correctly determine the reasons, he will choose the treatment for your baby. Leave this symptom unattended!

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Signs of Diarrhea

The child has loose stools - what should I do? How to understand if this is a sign of diarrhea. There are several signs by which you can accurately calculate this misfortune:

  • With diarrhea, the smell of feces becomes very strong and unpleasant.
  • Feces are watery, with a splash of mucus, blood.
  • The child poops in separate streams.

If these signs are present, you should consult a doctor.

Important! If the child is as active as usual, he has no abdominal pain and fever, then in this case no special treatment method is required. Watery stools can be caused by overeating, eating incompatible products, or allergies to a product. In this case, it is worth remembering what your child ate to exclude these foods from his diet.

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When do I need to see a doctor?

If your child has the following symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor:

  • The temperature rose.
  • If there is a suspicion that the child ate the medicine, household chemical product or a spoiled product.
  • Severe vomiting and pain in the abdomen began.
  • If the stool has become a non-standard color or there are blood clots in it.
  • There were signs of dehydration.
  • If the child has no appetite, he is lethargic and moody.
  • If the baby begins severe diarrhea, then it is also not worth pulling, it is better to show it to a specialist.
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First aid for diarrhea

If the child is 3 years old or 3 months old, he has loose stools and you suspect diarrhea, then what can be done before the specialists arrive:

  • The biggest danger is dehydration.At such a moment, the most important thing is to ensure a sufficient intake of fluid in the body.
  • If it is a baby, you need to constantly apply it to the chest.
  • Older children can make up for fluid loss with special saline solutions, which can be bought at a pharmacy, for example, Regidron.
  • You can make such a solution yourself. For 1 liter of boiled water there are 7 tablespoons of sugar and one tablespoon of salt.
  • Various fruit drinks, compotes or decoctions will not be superfluous.

Important! Plain water, tea or a carbonated drink will not help.

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Causes of Diarrhea in Children

Indigestion can be caused by various reasons:

  • Sometimes the cause of diarrhea can be an intestinal infection, its causative agent may be a virus, bacteria or fungi.
  • Sources of infection can be contacts with sick people, poorly washed hands, poorly prepared food.
  • Stale foods can also cause severe indigestion. They are often accompanied by vomiting, fever, dizziness.
  • Various parasites can lead to sad consequences - such cases require immediate treatment.
  • Severe allergy to any product. This may be accompanied by a rash, runny nose, and inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx.
  • Diarrhea can cause antibiotics or any other medication.
  • Watery stools occur during teething when a child pulls everything in his mouth.
  • There are cases of lactase deficiency. In some children, after the introduction of cow's milk into the diet, there is a lack of enzymes for its breakdown.

Important! For the treatment to be effective, you need to establish the cause. You can not self-medicate and prescribe any drugs on your own without a doctor, especially antibiotics.

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How to feed the baby at this time?

Often parents do not know how to feed a child with diarrhea:

  • Breastfeeding children are fed as usual, but mom will have to go on a diet and not eat too much.
  • For a child by artificial feeding, a hypoallergenic mixture is selected.
  • Older children are fed in small portions so that the inflamed intestines can digest it all. Cooking during this period is best done with steam. The choice of diet will depend on the cause of diarrhea.
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What can not be done?

  • Do not self-medicate, do not give the child the medicines themselves until a diagnosis is made. You can give activated charcoal or “Smecta” - they simply cleanse the baby’s intestines. But enzymes, for example, "Festal", can worsen the situation. Especially if diarrhea is of viral origin.
  • Do not limit the baby to drink, for fear of a new attack of diarrhea or vomiting. In such cases, you need to drink as much as possible.
  • Do not give a solution of potassium permanganate inside, on the advice of a neighbor or anyone else. In some cases, it stops vomiting and diarrhea. But what is suitable for adults is not always suitable for babies, and can be fatal for your crumbs.
  • Do not interrupt the prescribed treatment ahead of time just because it seems to have helped and everything is already in order. It is necessary to complete the course of treatment.
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Preventive measures

Prevention of diarrhea is quite simple:

  • It is necessary to observe the rules of hygiene, be sure to wash your hands before eating.
  • Parents are required to provide proper nutrition for the baby.
  • Teach children not to drink food with water. In this case, the gastric juice is diluted and the food is broken down and absorbed worse.
  • Avoid overeating and do not give your child heavy meals that are poorly digested.
  • Avoid contact with sick people.
  • Do not give your child dishes of dubious quality.
  • Try to use less antibiotics - they can cause dysbiosis.
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So, if a child has loose stools, you now know what to do. Be sure to monitor the condition of your child, consult a doctor so that all the symptoms and the causes of such ailment are eliminated in the shortest possible time.


