Remove odor from clothes from second

Many of you are currently buying second-hand clothes. There among the heaps of clothes you can always find high-quality original things. The only negative of such an acquisition is the smell. He is very persistent, but do not be upset with the help of our article you will learn how to quickly and effectively remove the smell from clothes from second-hand clothes.

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Why is the smell of second-hand clothes so specific and sustainable?

Many of you ask yourself this question: “Why does all the second-hand clothes stink so?” The pungent odor is the result of the sanitization of all clothing with special drugs. The task of sanitation is the destruction of fungi and bacteria, various insects. They are treated with poisons of a group of formaldehydes or methyl bromide.

What is formaldehyde? It is a toxic, volatile, colorless disinfection gas. Even at a low concentration, you sense its presence due to a pungent odor.

Important! Chemical elements cause irritation of the mucous membrane, skin and respiratory tract. Of course, pesticides of this group are dangerous to humans.

We will help protect your clothes. Our methods are simple and effective, they will help you get rid of the smell of second-hand

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How to remove the smell of second from clothes?

The most affordable and effective method is ammonia.

Important! Before starting, you need to calculate the required amount of ammonia. The solution should be 10% concentration. For example:

  • if you have a small blouse or a light dress, then we take 20 ml of ammonia in 5 liters of water;
  • for more overall clothing you will need 100 ml. for 10 liters of water.

Consider the steps in stages:

  1. Pour the calculated amount of water and ammonia into the basin.
  2. Soak the product for 30-360 minutes.

Important! Time depends on the structure of the tissue. Cotton for 30-40 minutes, and synthetics, fur, leather - up to 6 hours.

  1. Slightly wring out and remove to air for 1-2 days.
  2. We wash with air conditioning and dry.

When using this technique, you will not only get rid of the pungent stench, but also preserve the appearance of the product.

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Popular ways to get rid of the smell of second-hand

There are several other options, how to remove the smell from clothes from the second.

Method 1 - with salt and vinegar:

  1. For 5 liters of water you need: 2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt and 100 g of vinegar 9%. Dissolve everything.
  2. Soak thin tissues for 1 hour, thick ones for 3-6 hours.
  3. Squeeze, hang on a dry street for 1-2 days.
  4. Usually wash in a washing machine with powder.kak-ubrat-zapax-sekonda-s-odezhdy_3

Method 2 - with essential oil:

  1. In a bowl of water and powder, add a few drops of any essential oil. You can buy at a pharmacy or any cosmetic store.
  2. Wash the product.
  3. Rinse 3-4 times in cold water
  4. Hang to dry outdoors.

Method 3

This method is suitable for underwear. Wash 2 times usually with powder and hang dry in the open air.

Method 4

For this method, you need to purchase a deodorant for tissues. Sold in the departments of household chemicals:

  1. Wash the item with powder.
  2. Dry and treat with deodorant, put in a plastic bag. Leave on for 4-5 hours.
  3. Bring out to air.

Method 5

This technique works if the smell is not very pungent. For it, you need to take one of the following components:

  • a handful of ground insoluble coffee (put in a fabric bag);
  • scented soap;
  • fragrant sachets.

Instructions for use to remove the smell of second from clothes:

  1. Fold the product, after washing, in a bag along with what you have in stock.
  2. Leave on for 2-3 days.

Method 6

You can use this method if you have an iron with a steam humidifier. He will not only remove the smell, but also remove the germs:

  1. Add a few drops of perfume or other perfume to the water for the steam humidifier.
  2. Iron clothes.

Important! Be careful, study the tag for things, at what permissible temperature you need to iron the product.

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Organic Remedies

Nowadays, new organic products have been developed. The action of these drugs is based on the molecular level, and can not cause harm to humans. Of course, it is multifunctional:

  • able to eliminate odor;
  • disinfect and clean the tissue from germs;
  • protect against allergens and toxins;
  • maintain the appearance of the fabric.

One such tool is Silvester.

Instructions for use to get rid of the smell of second from clothes:

  1. Wash clothes at the maximum permissible temperature for this type of fabric.
  2. Rinse out several times.
  3. Draw water into the basin, depending on the weight of the product.
  4. Add Silvester 1-2 caps per liter of water.
  5. Leave for 1-2 hours.
  6. Squeeze, without rinsing, dry.
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Stock footage

Using any of the above methods, you can be sure that your “new” new thing not only does not stink, but also does not bring you unpleasant surprises in the form of an allergy. Do not neglect the additional processing of things purchased in second-hand, because you can look original and beautiful only if you are healthy.


