Glass scratch removal

Removing scratches on the glass is a problem that worries not only housewives or mothers with children, but also people who have cars. A few years ago, it was almost impossible to overcome them, and nowadays there are many means to solve the problem. So why not use them to restore the aesthetic appearance of a damaged surface? The most elementary are scratches on the glass, but they also often appear on the glass hob, glasses, mirrors, as well as on the glass of the car. You can solve any of these problems using our tips from this article.
to contents ↑How to remove small scratches?
First, inspect the scratch. If you conclude that it is small and shallow, then use the following tools:
It will help to remove only very small and shallow damage.
- Take the toothpaste.
- Squeeze a small amount onto a clean polishing cloth.
Important! Take toothpaste only with a whitening effect and it is desirable if it is transparent.
- Wipe.
- Clean up with a clean, damp cloth.
- Repeat as necessary.
Important! For large and deep damage, this method is not suitable.
Ammonium chloride is also able to smooth the surface and remove the defect, if it is small. To remove the scratches on the glass using this tool, follow the instructions below:
- Mix water with ammonia in this ratio - 3 cups of water and 15 ml of ammonia.
- Put the solution on a napkin.
- Rub in a circular motion.
- Clean up the leftovers.
- Repeat as necessary.
How to remove deep scratches?
Deep scratches will have to be straightened more thoroughly and thoroughly. And the funds in this case will be slightly different.
Special tool
- Get a glass repair agent.
Important! The seller needs to explain what kind of glass will be repaired - its color, thickness. Considering the proposed option, carefully read the instructions on the package.
- Attach the grinding disc to the drill.
- Turn on the lowest speed on the drill.
- Treat the scratch with a special nozzle on the drill and the product purchased.
Paste GOI
The GOI paste is often used by restorers not only to remove scratches on the glass, but also to restore expensive jewelry. If this came to your hand or you are ready to buy it, proceed as follows:
- Crush the paste into dust.
- Take a cotton swab and type so that no cotton wool is visible.
- Polish the damaged area for a while.
- Wipe with clean cotton and repeat if necessary.
How to remove scratches from the hob?
Nowadays, often in the kitchen there are stoves with glass hobs, which need special care. If you violate the rules for the operation of such plates, scratches may appear on the surface. This problem is unpleasant, but solvable. To do this, use the following methods.
Important! Before removing scratches on the glass, look at the plate so that it is turned off and has already managed to cool down to avoid injuries in the form of burns.
Soda and water:
- Mix a small amount of soda and water to make slurry.
Important! If the mixture is dry, then it will lead to additional scratches.
- Put the prepared paste on a soft napkin.
- Wipe in a circular motion.
- Remove the remains.
- Polish dry with a dry cloth.
Cream for polishing metal:
- Buy the product at the store.
- Apply it on a dry soft cloth or cotton pad.
Important! Before using the cream, first apply it to a small area and look at the reaction of the material.
- Wipe the entire surface with small movements.
- Remove residues with a dry cloth.
to contents ↑Important! If the scratches do not go away, use a soft-bristle brush.
When to seek professional help from specialists?
- When some methods do not help or the situation worsens.
- The scratch is too deep and wide initially.
- This is a crack, break, or other serious damage.
- A glass thing is very valuable or very old for you.
- Glass carries the load or is an integral part of a large structure. A scratch can indicate serious damage, so safety must be put in the first place.
- If the proposed remedies suitable for home use do not help.
Helpful hints:
- Do not rub glass with newspapers.
- Do not wipe with a hard, dry cloth.
- Use regular glass cleaner during regular cleaning.
Stock footage
Use the above tips and techniques to remove scratches and any delicate glass product will always be in perfect condition.
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