Remove limescale with home remedies

Water from a tap of poor quality inevitably gives its result. In addition to scale, there is also a lime coating on household appliances, plumbing, and even utensils. In order to understand how to remove limescale by home remedies, you first need to find out what it is. And in this article we will deal with this, as well as how to get rid of these layers on various materials. We will mainly analyze home-made tools suitable for this purpose, since they are cheaper, but we will also make a selection of suitable chemical compositions.

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What is limescale?

Hard water contains a huge amount of calcium and magnesium salts, settling on a variety of surfaces, thus limescale occurs. In turn, it completely disappears solely through the use of acid-containing agents.

It is a mistake to think that a raid of this kind will be easily liquidated. If plaque can be removed quickly enough from the surface of a glass shelf, then it is not so simple from the surface of a bathtub or toilet.

Consider the most effective methods of cleaning a variety of materials from impending limescale, which are used in bathrooms.

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What is better not to use to clean the bath?

Previously, there were no special baths - they were all made of cast iron with enamel coating. Such bathtubs are still in great demand today. But despite this, the modern world of plumbing is much more diverse: there are acrylic, steel and you can even find bathtubs that are made of durable natural or artificial stone or wood.

You should not only know how to remove limescale, but also with what it is best done, because absolutely every bath requires special care.

Important! An improperly selected product will damage the coating and make your bath look unsightly with just a few cleanings.

Before giving tips on how to remove limescale with home remedies, let's figure out what tools and procedures are best avoided:

  • Do not clean the bath with metal scrapers and brushes, because they will scratch any coating, which will lead to the formation of microcracks. In the future, these cracks will be regularly clogged with dirt, and it will be impossible to remove it.
  • Do not use acid-based cleaning products, especially those that we use to remove limescale on the surface of the toilet. They corrode the enameled surface, not to mention acrylic.

Important! Enamelled and cast-iron baths must be cleaned once a week, while acrylic bathtubs are somewhat less common - once every 2 weeks.

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What to choose - liquid or powder?

It’s easy to understand here - any powder in its composition contains abrasive substances:

  • Powders for cleaning can be used to remove limescale from the surface of cast iron as well as enamel baths.
  • But for metal and acrylic surfaces, it is best to choose a liquid agent in the form of a gel - a similar consistency will evenly distribute the substance over the entire surface and will not create an aggressive effect.

Important! There is no need to rub liquid means to eliminate limescale - they just need to be applied to the surface, left for a certain time and then washed off with plain water.

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How to eliminate plaque from a cast-iron and enamel bath?

Removing limescale from an enameled and cast-iron bath is not difficult, provided that your favorite font has not been restored and the coating is still factory. When choosing a substance for cleaning enameled and cast-iron bathtubs, as well as for bathtubs and showers made of metal materials, study:

  • Inexpensive products that contain anticorrosive substances in their composition. They do not allow damage to the surface, especially if you are cleaning metal taps. When cleaning the bathtub and plumbing in the bathroom with a cheap product, you will be completely satisfied with the visible result. These substances act solely on plaque and do not damage the surface. Therefore, when choosing a remedy for cleansing limescale in the bathroom, try to look for such a line in the composition - anti-corrosion inhibitors.
  • If you notice nitric or sulfuric acid in the composition, leave this product aside, because it is heavy artillery for bathtubs and taps. Means with these acids are best used for running versions of bathtubs and taps or for cleaning toilets.
  • For frequent cleaning, a surfactant-based product is sufficient, which, when it enters the water, is split, and then acts on problem areas.

Important! If you want to remove limescale with home remedies, ammonia or soda is best suited for this purpose. But they must be diluted with water. When applying the first remedy, also air the room for a long time.

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Features for the care of acrylic bathtubs

Acrylic bathtubs appeared relatively recently and are very popular among most people. The surface of the fonts of this type is quite smooth and can be washed very simply. Therefore, in order to clean the limescale from the surface of an acrylic bath, it is enough to use a universal liquid remedy in which there are no aggressive elements. These include: ammonia, chlorine, acetone.

Important! Excellent reviews have substances “Sanfor”, “Gel WC 5+”, “Sanitary” and others.

8ae0017cIf you start to regularly make sure that the bath is clean - rinse after use with slightly hot water and wipe with a microfiber cloth, then during thorough cleaning you will only need to wash the bath with an ordinary cloth, after pouring the selected detergent on it.

If you want to remove limescale with home remedies:

  1. Fill the bathtub with cool water.
  2. Pour 0.5 liters of 7% vinegar into the water or pour a few bags of citric acid.
  3. Leave it all for 1 night or for a day.
  4. Drain and rinse the bath with clean water, then wipe dry.

Such completely simple recommendations will help you carefully remove plaque from the surface of acrylic.

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Plastic and glass

To cope with a plaque on all kinds of glass surfaces of the bathroom, some means can easily help:

  • a soapy solution without any difficulty removes frivolous deposits;
  • in more severe cases, you can use vinegar or citric acid.

Important! Lime deposits from glass surfaces, such as mirrors, shelves, shower partitions, are much easier to clean than plaque from other materials, and regular cleaning at least once every 2 days will completely deprive you of this problem.

Today, on the shelves of supermarkets, as well as ordinary hardware stores, you can find all the necessary detergents for the bathroom and any other surfaces. But you must remember that it is better to give preference to cream and pasty, because they are the most sparing and effective during the fight against deposits in the form of limescale.

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Ceramics and Tiles

If tiled coatings in the bathroom have not been taken care of for a sufficiently long time, they will soon cease to shine due to deposits of limescale. With all this, black mold is likely to appear at the seams. Then you will have to seriously think about how to thoroughly clean the surface.

Important! For the systematic care of the tiles, use creamy substances, which, unlike powder products, will not be able to damage the surface with abrasive particles. Equally effective may be funds that contain chlorine in their composition, which also has a disinfecting effect.

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Vinegar - a universal home remedy

If you set a goal to get rid of a deep raid, you can apply for a long time proven folk remedies. The easiest option is to use 3-9% table vinegar:

  1. Pour vinegar into a small spray bottle.
  2. Then spray over the entire tiled surface.
  3. Walk on it with an ordinary brush.
  4. Wait a few minutes for the acid to act on deposits.
  5. Thoroughly rinse the surface with running clean water and wipe dry with a household cloth made of microfiber.

Important! If you could not find the vinegar, and at your fingertips exclusively vinegar essence with a concentration of 80%, be sure to dilute it with plain water before applying to the tile. Take 12 parts water to 1 part vinegar essence.

Table vinegar can be replaced with apple cider vinegar:

  1. Take 1 cup of vinegar, pour it into a convenient container.
  2. Then heat to 40-45 degrees.
  3. After this, pour on the walls, leave for 1 night without rinsing, you can add soda to it.
  4. By morning, the pollution must disappear - just rinse the solution.
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In this article, we examined how to remove limescale deposits with home remedies and popular household cleaning products. Do it in a timely manner and take preventive measures to care for plumbing, then you will have to carry out a general cleaning of the bathtub and toilet much less often.

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