Carbon filter

Everyone loves to eat tasty food, but few enjoy “smelling” kitchen smells! The aromas of fried fish, baked pie and boiling soup on the stove almost instantly spread throughout the apartment, mixing with each other, as a result - soaking in curtains, clothes and upholstered furniture. From such a cacophony of smells, owners of modern apartments can be saved only by powerful air purification equipment. In this article we will tell you what constitutes a carbon filter for hoods, and also consider its features and purpose.
to contents ↑Cooker hood
To eliminate unpleasant odors that fill the room after cooking, experts recommend installing modern exhaust devices over the stove. Fortunately, unlike those models that were on sale 20 years ago, they are radically different in terms of ease of use and efficiency.
All fixtures differ in performance and design. But if you think about the principles of operation of these devices, then they can be divided into two large categories.
Air vents
Hoods of this category are connected to the ventilation passages of the building. Using the installation electric motor, polluted air is vented into the ventilation. For the high-quality operation of the equipment of the vent type, it is necessary to constantly ensure the flow of air and a working ventilation system.
Important! The easiest way to create an influx of fresh air to a working range hood is to set the window to air mode and not close the kitchen door.
Filter hoods
Designs of this type do not remove air from the room. By taking away hot and dirty fumes above the stove and passing them through a charcoal filter, they help to remove unpleasant odors and various impurities from the kitchen air. At the exit, we get a fresh room without unpleasant smells.
to contents ↑Important! The advantages of the filter hood are obvious: the condition of the ventilation ducts is not important for it, nor does it need a stuffing box to connect. Nevertheless, today there is a very active discussion about what is better - an extractor hood for a kitchen with a carbon filter or air exhaust equipment.
Air outlet or filter?
Choosing between the recirculation and air exhaust design of the air cleaning equipment is a rather complicated task. The classic model of the hood is precisely the air vent design, and technical devices with a carbon filter appeared relatively recently.
However, in favor of filtering equipment there are very significant arguments:
- The efficiency of the hood with a carbon filter for the kitchen is independent of the general state of ventilation of the building. Even if stuffers are clogged in your room, the air will be clean and odorless.
- For the efficient operation of such a hood, an air duct and a large dome are not needed. It may be small in size.
- For the operation of the filter-type hood, additional ventilation is not required, and therefore the room temperature will not decrease due to winter cold.
- The cost of a carbon filter for hoods is quite affordable for people with an average income.
- It is not particularly difficult to replace components for such equipment. Replacing such filters is easily performed at home, does not even require a wizard.
to contents ↑Important! Installation of a coal hood for the kitchen will take you significantly less time and money, because you do not need to lay the duct to the nearest ventilation, fix it and mask it.
Filter constructions
To remove unpleasant odors from the kitchen air and clean it, experts recommend installing a device that contains a carbon filter.
Important! Sometimes such components are called “absorption” or “anti-odor”.
Design features
The universal filter for the absorption type hood has the following design features:
- The basis of such a system is a rectangular cartridge or a round plastic cassette.
- Inside the housing is coal in the form of fine granules or powder.
- To protect against spillage, the charcoal absorbent is covered with a fine mesh.
During the operation of the unit, air under the influence of the engine passes through a charcoal filter, leaving accumulated unpleasant odor and small impurities on it.
Service Features
Over time, this component of the equipment becomes clogged and its density increases significantly, which negatively affects the air purification procedure. Therefore, once every three to four months, carbon filters in the cooker hood must be replaced.
Some models of household appliances are equipped with a special “reminder” - this is a sensor that shows when the filter elements begin to lose their bandwidth.
The systems with the anti-grease and charcoal filters working comprehensively to clean the kitchen air are the most efficient air purifiers.
to contents ↑Important! To extend the effective life of the filter element, after completing all the kitchen work, let the hood run for another 5-10 minutes. Clean air, which will pass through the carbon filter, will take away excess moisture from it, which means that the coal will cake less and retain its filtering ability longer.
Cleaning procedure
A cooker hood with a charcoal filter requires appropriate care, which will ensure maximum efficiency of its use and extend the period of active use. If you notice that the quality of air purification has declined, you need to start preventative maintenance of the equipment.
Caring for a technical device includes only two steps:
- replacement of carbon filters;
- cleaning or replacing the grease filter.
Grease filter cleaning
The grease filter element, unlike the coal filter element, cannot be cleaned. The maximum that can be done at home is to process it with a vacuum cleaner. But if the term of using the filter has come to an end, there is only one way out - you need to purchase and install a new component.
Charcoal filter replacement
The procedure for replacing a carbon absorption filter element is as follows:
- Disconnect the hood, remove the plug from the outlet. These actions are necessary to avoid accidentally turning on the motor, and electric shock.
- Remove the grease filter.
- We take out the cartridge with the used grease filter from the housing, remove the filter component itself, which has become unusable.
- We insert a new carbon filter into the cartridge, close it and mount it in the mountings on the hood. The fact that the cartridge is inserted correctly is evidenced by a characteristic click.
- Return to place the grease filter.
- Turn on the hood, check it for performance.
to contents ↑Important! We pay special attention to the detection of extraneous vibrations and noise - they can occur if the cartridge is installed incorrectly or if it is not properly secured.
Stock footage
In this article, we talked about what constitutes a charcoal filter for a kitchen hood. We hope that you can equip your kitchen with the most suitable air purification systems for the requirements and wishes.
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