Care for cast iron cookware - rust, which is the first problem

Cast iron cookware is one of the most ancient and proven types of kitchen utensils. You can use such dishes for a very long time - sometimes it is even passed down from generation to generation. However, of all the modern types of materials for utensils, cast iron should be given, perhaps, the greatest amount of time and attention. When cooking in such utensils, it is very important to prepare them, and then properly care for cast-iron utensils, rust on which can appear very quickly. Following some simple rules will save you from troubles and disappointments.

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What is cast iron cookware?

Products from this material can conditionally be divided into two main groups:

  • Uncoated - this category includes cookware made of ordinary cast iron without additional processing. It is quite difficult to confuse it with another type of dishes, because it is generously lubricated with oil in order to avoid the appearance of rust. It also includes cast iron cookware without coating, but which has undergone preliminary training at the enterprise, which includes calcination with oil at high temperatures.
  • Coated - ordinary enamel (usually cream and white) or special enamel for cast iron can be used for dishes of this group (because of the rough texture and black color, it is often confused with ordinary cast iron). Therefore, you must pay attention to the information on the package.

Important! Sometimes on the market there are cast-iron utensils with non-stick coating. It is also difficult to distinguish from pre-cast iron. Therefore, you must look at the label.

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Preparation and maintenance of uncoated cast iron products

In the event that you have chosen cast iron cookware without any treatment, then before you start using it, you should carry out certain actions. This is necessary in order to clean the utensils of industrial oil, as well as to achieve the formation of a natural non-stick layer. For this:

  • Remove the oil with a dry cloth.
  • Wash the product thoroughly with hot water and detergent.
  • Anneal the pan with salt for 40-60 minutes.

Important! It is better to calcine in an oven at a temperature of 180-200 degrees, but it is also possible on a stove.

  • Lubricate the pan with vegetable oil - it is better to use those that dry well, for example, linseed.
  • Anneal again for 25-30 minutes - as a result of this procedure, a protective layer is created that prevents corrosion and has non-stick properties.

Important! After such a procedure, cast iron cookware will be ready for use.

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Terms of use of dishes

When caring for a cast-iron frying pan, the grill must be remembered that cast iron is a material that is susceptible to corrosion. Therefore, some rules must be observed:

  • Do not store food in cast iron dishes.
  • If possible, it should be washed without the use of aggressive abrasive detergents, since this destroys the non-stick layer - only by hand.
  • After washing, dry the product well. The best way is to put it on the fire for a couple of minutes until it is completely dry.

Important! If before that you stubbornly scrubbed strongly burnt food remnants from the pan, then before drying it is advisable to additionally grease the pan with vegetable oil.

  • Store cast iron dishes in a dry, ventilated place.
  • If for some reason the pan is rusted, then it can be quite easily restored. To do this, remove all rust with an abrasive (in simple cases there will be enough sponge to wash, in more complex cases - you can use sandpaper, a grinding power tool and even a drill with a nozzle), wash the product well, grease it with vegetable oil and calcine for 30 minutes.

Important! When caring for a cast iron skillet without coating, it is also useful to know that such products are not afraid of high temperature and metal kitchen tools - it is quite possible to cut with a knife on a cast iron product. Also, she is not afraid of minor mechanical damage, however, if it is dropped on a hard floor from a high height, it can crack.

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Care for cast iron products with enamel coating

The cream or white enamel coating for cast iron cookware is similar to that used for ordinary steel enamel cookware.

Important! Enamel coating is often applied in several layers, which increases its resistance to mechanical damage.

There is no need to pre-prepare a conventional enameled product - it will be enough just to wash it. Enamelled cast iron cooking utensils can store food, unlike uncoated utensils. As a rule, it can be washed in dishwashers, however, it is better to check the information on the package.

Important! If the product is covered with black enamel, then before use it is advisable to grease it with oil and slightly calcine.

When using cast iron utensils with any kind of enamel, the following rules must be observed:

  • Do not overheat the cast iron or pan - enamel can become unusable due to very high temperatures.
  • Do not allow mechanical damage to the enamel layer, because if chips appear, then cooking in such a container will no longer be possible.
  • Do not use aggressive abrasives for washing.
  • Use plastic and wooden kitchen tools during cooking.

Important! Some manufacturers of cast iron with an internal enamelled black coating allow the use of metal objects, but it is better to be safe again.

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Caring for a cast-iron frying pan should be regular. Only in this way can you be proud for a long time of your beloved assistant - a frying pan, and delight your family members with the most delicious dishes.

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