Artificial Stone Care

Recently, interior items made of artificial stone have become especially popular and popular in the domestic market, but not all housewives know how to properly care for artificial stone in order to preserve its beauty. For all its merits, this material also has some inconveniences. From this article you will learn how to wash an artificial stone, and how much time it will take from you.

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Pros of Artificial Stone

Artificial stone is made on the basis of natural mineral components with the addition of dyes and resins.

Its advantages are that this material:

  • It has a dense homogeneous structure.
  • It has high strength.
  • Moisture resistant.
  • It has good hygiene indicators.
  • It is resistant to:
    • High temperatures.
    • Chemical reagents.
    • UV light.
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Artificial Stone Care Rules

Artificial Stone CareIf you follow the rules and tips for caring for the interior of artificial stone, you can save the original appearance of the material for many years, without unnecessary trouble.

Rule number 1. Do not expose the stone to aggressive chemicals.

Composite sinks are quite resistant to chemicals, but they should not be allowed to come into contact with aggressive liquids for long periods.

Before choosing what to wash a sink made of artificial stone, remember the following restrictions. Do not expose such a stone to the following reagents:

  • Acetone-containing substances.
  • Solvents.
  • Acids
  • Caustic alkalis.
  • Reagents for cleaning metal and furnaces.
  • Substances containing methylene chloride.

Important! If a small amount of chemicals accidentally appears on the stone, immediately remove them by rinsing with plenty of water, then wipe the sink with soapy water and rinse thoroughly with clean water.

Rule number 2. Do not expose the material to contrasting temperatures.

Artificial stone is not combustible and sufficiently heat-resistant material, but under the influence of too high temperature, its structure may be violated. Therefore, follow these guidelines to avoid damage:

  1. Do not place hot cookware on a sink or stone countertop.
  2. Do not expose stone plumbing to sudden temperature changes (too hot, and then too cold water).
  3. Do not place connected or hot electric heaters on artificial stone products.
  4. Be sure to use protective pot stands.

Only with these recommendations, care for the artificial stone will be correct and uncomplicated.

Rule number 3. Prevent composite damage

Composite stone, although it is characterized by high strength, but a strong blow with a sharp cutting tool, as well as a heavy object falling on the product, can damage even such a hard material and cause chips and cracks. Therefore, adhere to the following rules in the process of choosing how to clean a sink made of artificial stone and how to properly care for countertops made of this material:

  1. Clean composite stone surfaces with non-abrasive cleaners.
  2. Do not use a worktop or sink made of artificial stone as a cutting board.
  3. Do not forget about the weak point of washing during operation - this is the wing of the sink in the central part and the bottom is closer to the center. Avoid dropping heavy objects into this part of the sink to avoid cracks.
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Artificial Stone Cleaning Tips

Having an idea of ​​the features and properties of the material you have chosen, it is not difficult to provide quality care for an artificial stone sink and preserve the pristine beautiful appearance of the product for many years.

Caring for composite is easy. Follow these guidelines only.

Regular cleaning

Wash your sink daily with grease removers. Artificial stone in its structure is a fairly dense material and does not even have microscopic pores, therefore it is not able to absorb foreign particles. Dirt, grease, as well as food debris are easily removed from the surface with soapy water and a normal cleaning agent (no abrasive).

Important! For daily use, an ordinary mild soap based on natural ingredients is suitable. It will clean the stone well, and since there is no wax in the composition, it will not form a film on the surface.

Artificial Stone CareDo not leave in a light washer peeling of vegetables, as well as tea brewing, as stains left by products can spoil the color of the product.

We remove spots on time:

  1. Remove fresh stains from wine, oil, tea, coffee and food debris with soapy water, and persistent stains (appearing with irregular care) - with the help of preparations produced in liquid form, or in the form of gels.
  2. To remove stubborn stains, you can use abrasive powder for washing dishes, but without fanaticism. Before applying the detergent to the surface, lightly moisten it to a paste.

Prevention of bad water plaque

Since hard water in the faucet leads to the formation of limescale, approximately 1 time per month, apply a descaling agent to the sink and leave it for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Important! The concentration of a special limescale purifier is selected depending on the level of contamination. Apply the product on a wet surface.

There are other options than cleaning an artificial stone sink:

  1. You can quickly and completely remove limescale using a solution of vinegar (2.5%). One or two minutes is enough to deposit away under the influence of a substance. After cleaning, wipe the surface with a soft sponge and rinse with plenty of clean water.

Important! Do not leave the vinegar solution on the surface for a long time to avoid damage.

  1. Once every few months, clean the sink using dishwashing tablets in the dishwasher. Dilute the product in water, apply to the entire surface of the sink and leave for 1 hour. After processing, use a soft sponge to completely remove the product.
  2. For disinfection, use liquids and powders containing chlorine, as they do not damage the surface and are removed without a trace. It is recommended to use a chlorine solution once a week as follows:
    • Fill the sink with solution.
    • Leave the sink for 20 minutes.
    • Rinse with warm water.
    • Dry the product.

Important! Sinks made of artificial stone, as a rule, do not require disinfection, but if possible, purchase and use special disinfectant solutions available for the care of composite sanitary ware. These products do not contain strong acids, chlorine and, at the same time, perfectly cope with the removal of any contaminants.

Correctly wash my artificial stone:

  1. Use only soft sponges or special rags to finish the surface of the stone sink.
  2. After washing, be sure to wipe the sink dry, as evaporating drops of water leave noticeable marks, especially on a dark monophonic surface.
  3. Treat the glossy, shiny surface of the sink with polishing agents for stone.After this treatment, the sink will look presentable.
  4. Clean a stone sink with chrome-plated parts with products that will not harm either material.

Cleaning products

In a hardware store or department of household chemicals in a supermarket, choose:

  1. Cleaning products for artificial stone, composite materials or acrylic.
  2. Melamine sponges - also easily clean any dirt on the sink.
  3. For a light sink, a bleaching agent containing chlorine. It will not damage the surface of the stone, and darkening and yellowness will be removed. The most effective “Dosya” and “Domestos”.

From folk remedies for cleaning sinks made of artificial stone, you can use:

  • Mustard Powder. This tool is suitable for daily cleaning - it not only removes most of the dirt well, but also degreases the surface.
  • Lemon juice or acid. The tool copes with rust and limescale, and also cleans the sink of tea, coffee, wine traces.
  • A solution of vinegar (2.5%).
  • Carbonated drinks (sprite, fanta, Coca-Cola) remove rust and limescale.
  • Baking soda. Prepare the pulp from soda and warm water and wipe the contaminated surface, then rinse the sink with clean water.
  • Gel toothpaste removes contaminants of various origins well.
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If you purchased a stone sink in the kitchen, then take care of it regularly. Subject to the above tips and recommendations, plumbing made of stone can be used for decades. But remember that if cracks and chips still appear, then do not glue them with different sealants, but contact the specialists who install the headsets. Using special technologies, they will eliminate any defect in a minimum period of time, and after processing, a crack or chip will not be noticeable at all. Artificial stone has an excellent internal texture, so even numerous polishing is not afraid of him.

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